
Are We Expecting Someone Today?

"That will be all for the class today. We'll meet on Monday now, don't forget to do your research work on the assignment allotted to you. You all have to submit your assignments by next week and I won't entertain late submissions. You get an F on your assignment if you don't submit it on time. So, start working on it right away." Mr Hall said before dismissing the class.

"Phew, what a long week!" Kate said monotonously while walking towards the parking lot.

Yes, it indeed was a very long week. Seeing him every day is very irritating, he gets under my skin. Sometimes I feel like he is doing all this on purpose. What is he even trying to prove? That he is the Mr Cool guy and every girl falls on his feet? But why? It's nothing I haven't seen before. Why does he have his eyes on me everytime he pulls a new stunt with that bimbo whether it's in cafeteria or class or the parking lot? It's like he is trying to prove a point or he just simply wants to get a reaction out of me. What's the deal with him?

As if his actions were not enough already he started sitting adjacent to me in HRM with that girl on his left and act all lovey-dovey with her as if that's the most normal thing to do while the teacher is teaching. Furthermore, he will smirk whenever I will give him an angry look but I roll my eyes instead knowing it's like beating my head against a brick wall. He's been doing this for the whole week, and my actions speak enough to let him know that he should stop all this but I guess he has started to enjoy my expressions so I just ignore him now, wasting my time on him makes no sense whatsoever. Thank god we don't have college on Saturdays or I would have to see his ugly face even on Saturday.

After reaching home I changed into my pj shorts and slouched down on the couch and watched the reruns of pretty little liars on Freeform Network. I needed Mom and dad were out for a business party and would return late at night. I was alone at home so I ordered pizza for dinner and ate my favourite tub of ice cream for dessert all the while watching PLL on tv.

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my deep slumber. It was Sarah. Sarah shares HRM with me. She is a nice and sweet girl, she is the only one I talk to in college apart from Kate and Jim. "Hello," I was half asleep. "Hey, Reb. I wanted to ask... err... I guess you were sleeping, I am so sorry for disturbing you. I'll call you later." Sarah said nervously ready to disconnect the call. "It's okay Sarah, I was about to get up anyway. Tell me, what is it?" I got up and sat straight on the bed while Sarah replied. " I just needed your help on the assignment but I think I should call you later. We'll discuss it in the afternoon. Bye." "Bye Sarah" I disconnected the call. I checked the time on my phone it was quarter to nine. I turned off the alarm which was set for 9 am and went to take a bath in the bathroom.

After getting ready I went downstairs and found the dining table and kitchen empty. Where is mom and dad? Aren't they home yet? I went to look for them in their room and they both were fast asleep. They must have returned late at night. How about I make them breakfast today?

Mom and dad woke up by the time I was almost done with the breakfast. I made scrambled eggs and pancakes with fresh fruit juice for breakfast. Mom and dad was surprised to see me in the kitchen in the morning making breakfast.

"Reb, you could have called Maria or any other made for making breakfast, why did you cook breakfast?" Dad asked as they both settled down and I set their plate. " I just wanted to make breakfast for my parents, am I not allowed to do that?" "Of course princess, you can do whatever you feel like. Now sit down and have your breakfast."

"Mmmm, I didn't know my daughter can cook so well." Mom said with her mouth full and while dad was enjoying his food. "It is too good Reb. Thank you, princess, for this lovely breakfast. " Dad said after finishing his breakfast and kissed my forehead. "Where did you learn that?" Mom took our plates to the kitchen. "Aunt Debbie taught me." Aunt Debbie taught me cooking and baking while I was living with her in Miami. At the mention of her name, I realised I have to call her, I didn't call her this week as I was busy with my college. I miss her so much, I wish she could come to New York but she has a cafe to run in Miami so couldn't stay with us here. I'll call her today for sure, I want to tell her about my first week at college. She will be so happy to hear it.

Dad went to work after breakfast and mom was busy assisting the maids when I came back downstairs after talking to aunt Debbie.

"What's the occasion mom? Are we expecting someone today?" I asked her curiously while she was busy instructing the maids to clean the house and telling the cooks what to make for dinner today. "Nothing special just a small get together." Mom said while opening the fridge. "Margaret you need to go grocery shopping now, get all the things in the list for dinner." Mom asked Margaret, our maid. " Who is coming at dinner today, mom?" I asked while pouring my self a glass of water.

"Kerchers are coming for dinner tonight. We met Rosh and Rachel at the party last night. They were asking about you and they wanted to meet you so your dad invited them over for dinner tonight." Mom said nonchalantly as if it was no big deal. " Reb, how about you make a dish for them. Rachel and Rosh will be so happy to see this." Mom went to check all the maids.

'Holy cow' was the first word that came out of the mouth after hearing what mom told me.

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