
Chapter 12: I'm Moving Over

Gwenda went downstairs with her head full of questions.

In the car, Otto nearly had a heart attack.

Having found out that his boss wanted to move in with Miss Evans, he asked, "Boss, are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"But— "

"Remember to bring up my luggage and tell grandma that she doesn't need to look for me these days."

With that, Olivier got out of the car.

Otto was dumbstruck.

At this moment, Gwenda was making her way downstairs. As soon as she walked out of the stairwell, she saw the fine figure of Olivier leaning lazily on the car.

His arm was still wrapped in gauze.

Blinking, she hurried forward. "Mr. Petit, why are you here? Your injury..."

"The doctor said that as long as I'm in a good mood, I will recover quickly despite the severity of my wound. I thought about it and realised that you're the only one who can keep me happy."

"Huh?" Gwenda was confused.

"So, are you willing to take me in?"

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