

Ray Dedrex fell flat on his face on a hard wooden floor. His arm hit him in the nose as he fell, Ray let out a scoff before he stared at his hands for a minute noticing the black bandages that were wrapped around it.

"The hell?!" he ripped off some of the badges before he jumped a bit. The skin under was completely black and seemed to be moving, it was as if it was being irritated or transformed by the air. The way it squirmed as if it was truly another alive and moving at its own will.

"AHAAAAA!" he stumbled to his feet while holding the opening that exposed his skin. He ran over to the closet and opened it, there were clothes and boxes all over the floor. He opened some of the boxes frantic trying to find more bandages.

Ray was unsuccessful at finding the bandages in the closet, but he was able to find clothes that haven't been hung along with room decorations that haven't been unpacked. he ran quickly towards the bedside dresser and opened it. In the first drawer he opened there was a razor blade with small bandages along with white bandage wraps.

"Ok ok! I found some!" he grabbed the bandage wrap and wrapped it over the small opening. The bandage wrap turned a greyish-black color on contact with his skin. Ray stared at his arms for a moment, he had a giant smile going across his face but it was from happiness but it was rather his body's natural reaction to complicated, confusing, awkward, and tough situations.






Ray had burst out of the room he was in and dashed down the hall, he saw multiple doors down the hall as he ran before he made a left turn towards one of the doors and opened it.

After Opening the door and walking into the room he noticed it leads to a dining room, kitchen, and a living room.

In the living room were two people a man and a woman. Ray looked at them with a smile on his face from the confusion before he walked completely into the room.

"Honey you woke up!" the woman said as she sprung up from the couch the man smiled before putting his fist up in triumph.

"Only one day and your backup?! When I first got mine I was out for two days! That's my boy! Look at those teeth!!!" the man was super excited and it didn't take Ray long to realize who these two people were to him in this world.

"Uh, Mom and Dad? How long have you been waiting here" Ray spoke as sweat ran down his face, he was hoping he didn't jump to any quick conclusions.


The lady had let out a deep gasp that made Ray throw up his hands" I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he stopped once his father had cut him off

"You finally started calling your stepmom by mother huh? I'm glad" the man said before sliding a white paper toward Ray

"They dropped it off today, don't get too mad but me and your mom got curious so we took a slight peek but just a small one. Also, it seems those restrainer bandages worked well." the father said as Ray walked toward the table and grabbed the piece of paper lightly.

"Restrainers?" he before taking a good look at the paper he tilted his head as he looked at his father. The man grabbed a giant human-sized mirror from the side of the couch and pointed it at Ray.

He had a plain back shirt on with some black pants on. All up his arms were bandages, also going across his eyes were the same bandages that covered his arms. But it confused him because he was still able to see perfectly fine as if his eyes weren't covered.

"Wha?" he slowly pushed up a part of the bandage that covered his eye immediately he noticed that his vision was heightened it looked like everything was slowed down and he locked onto different things. There was a fly that was being attacked by a spider outside of the window he was able to spot all the damages the fly had taken during their brawl in the spider's web.

Ray turned towards the mirror and noticed his eye was completely red the colors flashed two other colors before turning back to red, it flashed yellow and silver before returning to red. He had no whites of his eyes and there were rings within his eyes and his pupil looked like an X with circles on the end of each point.

"Ah my head" he pulled the bandage back over both his eyes. He held his head for a bit as he felt like his brain was gonna slide out of his head through his nose.

"Yeah they said since you had four powers there's gonna be a few drawbacks but you do look pretty badass and sense you're joining the Akira, we went ahead and submitted your Akuma paper. They stamped it and everything.!" the father said as the lady nodded at Ray. Ray slowly lifted his head.

"The akira? Akuma what the hell? Could you please inform me what that was again?" Ray asked as he scratched the back of his head as waved the paper around in his hand.

"Hmm, the eyes and body transformation along with a few of your other powers must have messed with your mind slightly" The father put his hands on his chin, swimmingly confused on the matter.

"Well anyways ill give you the rundown kid. Akira is basically if you want it in simple terms their heroes or adventures or whatever your little fairy tale shows portray the good guys as but they're are evil people within." the father stopped his lecture to put away the mirror that he had been holding for a while.

"While akuma's are your abilities or powers so to speak, usually your lucky if you're born with two or just one good one maybe even two good ones. Even then there are ways to fight Akuma users without abilities these people are also strong within this world. You my son were lucky enough to have four abilities that seem to be quite good" The father pointed at the sheet of paper that Ray was holding in his hand, Ray held up the piece of paper towards his face.

"Copy, raiken? What is raiken? Hold on there's two more. Storm eyes, hell body. Huh?" Ray made a confused face, his teeth flashed as he talked with confusion. He shook his head and looked at the descriptions.

"Alright let's start with copy."


This ability can make a copy or clone of anything but it seems organic matter might be harder to copy. once you can copy it and clone it, it will be completely under your control.

"Seems pretty simple to understand. What's up with this stamp in the corner of looks like a stamp of a shark." Ray looked back towards his father that had somehow got some snacks in the time period of his reading.

"So we got your ability paper yesterday and we turned it in to Akira earlier. They just delivered it back! So that stamp is basically their approval for you to go to the rookie trials tomorrow. If you pass it you will get into Akira. They are getting you a suit/ costume made based on your abilities! But they also gave us this pamphlet to give to you, it tells you what you need to expect." the mother reached inside her purse and handed Ray the pamphlet.

"What didn't you say something about there was a possibility of me waking up like tomorrow?!?" Ray turned his head towards his father as took the pamphlet from his stepmother. His father started to sweat immediately.

"Yeah, we kinda got excited and registered you early just in case. Because the next one wasn't gonna be until next month." the father started to scratch the back of his head in shame.

"Hopefully I don't have to fight anyone in this thing-" a pain started shooting through his head as memories from this person's body started to return. He had done multiple different types of combat training on his own but quit his own training very soon after starting it.

"I guess I can throw a punch at least. Anyways next ability.. raiken."


This ability is similar to telekinesis only difference is that is a lot stronger and has a lot more force, along with being able to almost control targets once the raiken has fully enveloped it. The only downside is, Raiken is extremely visible to the naked eye.

"Ah it seems pretty op but the fact that it can be seen makes it dodge able. Still good, next we have "storm eyes.""

Storm eyes-

Eyes that can switch through three abilities and have a noticeable color change. The backlash from using these eyes could be a slight headache, major headache, or bleeding from the eyes. The eyes give the user the ability to (analyze, incapacitate- depending on willpower- and switch places with another object or person).

"This is really useful. How do they even know my power already when I just awakened them last night anyways?" Ray looked up from the paper and towards these two parents once again.

"Well sweet heart they take some of your blood and they slide it on a special piece of paper, such as the one you holding and it writes it out itself. Anyways how about you go in your room we will drop dinner off soon by your room and also have your bags packed. You have a big day tomorrow!" the mom smiled and threw her hands up. Ray did a slight nod to the both of them before walking back to the room he had come from and turning the lights on.

"Ok, there's one more. Hell body.."

"Hell body

This ability is complex- it affects the user's whole body keeping it in the form of a human but making it far different from that of humans, the ability to sharpen your fingertips and harden your skin..ect along with your blood being slightly acidic and your saliva being a deadly poison along with your teeth being razor sharp with a heightened healing factor. All muscles are also far stronger within the body along with the body being more durable. The user is able to come back from almost any attack if given the chance to heal within the fight, user is also equipped with a slightly longer tongue than normal. (at any time the user wants he can stop the poison from killing others that's in his saliva) with this your blood and saliva are black

"Hmm sounds pretty badass but that also explains the little incident that happened when I woke up.... What's this" he looked at the bottom of the paper where there was some writing in the same ink that the stamp had. He brought the paper up to his face slightly as it kinda piqued his interest as he knows it was from the Akira association that his father was talking about.

-Akira's cover name for the individual-

---Splice ----

-Cover name valid-

"So many questions"



The stepmom opened the door and handed Ray the food and walked out right before waving goodbye to him. As he was eating he couldn't help but stare at the word before mumbling with a spoon in his mouth. He scratched his head which was full of messy hair that didn't get in front of his face at all rather it stood up more than anything.

"Splice huh, it sounds good to me"

Next chapter