
Spitfire: My Untold Story

"Spitfire" is a fictional story, it's based on a character named Spitfire who, indeed messes his life up at a very early age of 20! But his best friend and Future partner save his life in an ever so exhausting survival against the world as we know it, Adam lambert is his father who becomes very abusive (For the record, Adam lambert is my idol, I love that man and of course, all this is very fake, nothing personal!!!!!) But other than that, it's a tear-jerker, heart warmer, hold on to your seats!!!!!!

Billy_Bob_781 · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Careless Whispers

Brooke watched from a chair in the back with a loving smile,

As everyone in the room chatted about the name suggestion.

After the Meeting

"Night everyone," Adam says and started to his room,

The house was five stories and had stairs that you wouldn't believe Luckily, Adams's room was on the third floor

and so was the meeting room.

It was getting closer to 10:30 PM.

Adam was putting Spitfire To sleep in a Crib by the side of his bed when suddenly, He heard several knocks on the door.

"Come in," Adam whispered.

"Oh, hope I'm not interrupting," Brooke says, sneaking through the door and over to the crib " What a sweet little angel, he's so peaceful, he loves you!" Brooke says and glances up to Adam as she knelt by the crib.

"Yeah," Adam says with a heavy sigh. " poor thing, he's just little."

"Luckily though, Spitfire has you," Brooke says kindly and relaxes on the foot of Adams's king-size bed.

Adam sighs heavily again,

He was under a lot of stress, and a tour was coming up,

Adam was hurt, assuming he would have to temporarily split with Spitfire to go on tour.

Spitfire was only two months old.

Brooke grins, as Spitfire squirmed around in the crib,

"Your a great Dad, Adam,

Spitfire is very lucky to have such a great person in their life."

Adam smiles towards Brooke "Thank you, Brooke, you can help out with Spitfire whenever you want, and as soon as you want, I can always use the help."

Brooke nods

"I'll help in the morning, of course," She beams,

"I must go now though... goodnight, Adam," she says

"I'll see you and Spitfire in the morning," she says softly, making her way to the door.

"Night Brookie," Adam says softly with a half-smile watching the door shut slowly.

10 months later...

Crowds cheering, Adam was back to the stage,

he was dressed to impress and the venue was full,

hundred of people watched Adam perform.

Later that night, between a small break,

Adam got away from the producing crew,

in a small back room,

a single telephone hung on the wall,

it was a storage room,

and since Adam wasn't allowed

to make calls in the middle of a concert,

he made it quick.

Several rings later.

"Dundee housing, who is this?" A woman answered the phone.

"FANCY!" Adam says excitingly.

"Oh, Adam... aren't you in a concert?... what's wrong?" Fancy asked concerned.

"Nothing... Nothing is wrong,

I just wanted to make a call to the house,

How is Spitfire?" Adam Asked

Fancy laughs from beyond the phone "He's fine, he's playing with a few neighbor kids, few moms are over, and I thought spitfire would enjoy playing with other children his age" she described

Adam took a deep breath, glancing at his watch, he was on the phone for only 5 minutes, but it felt like seconds.

"Ok," He says

"I'll let you go, tell Spitfire I love him, and that I can't wait to see him tomorrow" Adam finishes.

"Sure can, cousin Adam" Fancy smiles.

"I'll tell him daddy says Hi"

Adam signs "Bye," he says slowly,

Adam was exhausted,

he was on tour for six months and tonight was the last show,

Fancy said goodbye and hung up.

Adam continued the concert-show,

Brooke was there, and so was Taylor as they were his

performing dancers,

they too,

couldn't wait to get home.

24 hours later...

On the way home,

The loud engines from the jet planes make the tires screech once they tapped the pavement...

it was a blur, Adam was too tired, but he found Cousin grey in the parking lot.

"Ready to get home guys?" Cousin grey asks

"Oh heck yeah," Adam says getting in the passenger seat,

Brooke and Taylor, and a friend named Terrance,

got in the back after putting their bags in the very back of the pickup truck.

3:00 PM

Cousin grey pulled into the two-car garage, helped grab some luggage, and headed inside with Adam, Brooke Taylor, and Terrence.

Fancy greeted them at the door,

A little Dark headed, tan-skinned toddler, sprinted to the door,

Adam immediately reached for Spitfire and gave him a tight hug.

"Ohhh, I missed you. " Adam laughs, inhaling the sweet baby smell from spitfires little head, then moved him to his hip.

"he's been fine, little Spitfire has been playing with Chocolate and Cindy" Fancy smiles.

Cindy was a neighbors daughter, and Chocolate was Spitfires, first cousin Buddy the 2nd, and Gina's daughter,

which lived with the family at the Dundee house.

"I'm glad " Adam smiles and looks towards Spitfire,

Spitfire grabbed ahold of Adams's nose and laughed.

"Ha, you little demon." Adam laughed

"Your a little fireball aren't you," He says teasingly.

Spitfire was beginning to talk decently and whispered a few mumbly words to Adam, "I love you, little guy, run and play now" Adam says putting Spitfire down,

Spitfire crawled off into the front room, Where Cousin grey and a few other people sat on the couch.

"Ahhh, it's good to be home." Adam smiles, looking at fancy.

"I'm glad you returned home safely," Fancy states.

"I am too,

I'm happy to hold Spitfire again,

man, he's grown," Adam says with a giggle

"It's only been six months, but it

feels like years" He frowns

Fancy nods "However, now it's over,

You're right, it's hardly been six months,

you have years and years now to spend with Spitfire,

and he's just fine when you do have to go, Adam, he has friends, Cindy and Gina's daughter Chocolate,

all seem to love to play together."

Adam agreed, but still, it was hard to leave someone you loved so dearly for that long.


"Where is Turtle?" Taylor asked,

He was unthawing a tv dinner on top of the microwave.

"Expecting," Fancy says bluntly.

At first, Taylor didn't even realize what Fancy said and continued getting dinner but suddenly dropped his meal on the floor,

Taylor became suspicious right away

When Turtle didn't come and see him when he got home earlier .

"E-expecting?" Taylor says breathlessly, looking right over to Fancy, who was wiping the table off from Lunch.

"You heard right, Taylor,

Turtle is pregnant," Fancy says, stopping what she was doing to talk.

"Well, it can't be my kid?" Taylor says in a panic,

although in the back of his head,

his mind raced for answers.

Fancy smirks "Well, it's not Bills baby,

other than Bill, everyone is related to her,

Taylor, Willingly you want to admit it or not, you are going to be a dad."

Taylor shook his head "ugh, this is not good" He takes his head in his hands panicking "This could put a damper on my dancing career, and what about Turtles?"

Fancy shrugs "Life is crazy, isn't it?"