
Spirits of Tarot - Stories from Tarot

Spirits of Tarot - Stories from Tarot is about storyline given by none other than Tarot themselves. How a normal girl get to know about her inner and deeper self and how her life changed overnight after a strange dream. But what will happen when she will discover her new powers are overwhelming and so are the enemies of these powers. How will she handle them and move on in her life? To know this read "Spirits of Tarot." and stay tuned.

MichelleLauren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Birthday Eve

After that major revelation, I am unable to enjoy my holidays anymore.

The only thing that is going on in my mind is what will happen on my 23rd Birthday.


It's the last day of our trip and I am in my worst situation because I didn't slept for a week.

Every night whenever I closed my eyes to sleep, I always had nightmares which couldn't let me sleep properly.

Though my family and friends are excited for my birthday party but here I am overthinking everything.

I have tried healing myself with reiki sessions but even they are not helping me right now.

I keep sensing a pulsating feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I feel the prediction is right. The energies are pulsating inside of me and eager to come out.

Finally we are at home, I want to sleep now after an exhausting trip but I am afraid to do so.

As I enter my room, everything is dark. Curtains are not letting any light inside the room.

I causally enters the room and put my bag on the bed. Suddenly I hear a creeky noise.

"Who is there?" I yell.

My heartbeat is increasing and panic is rising in me. I yell again but this time I notice a gleaming light coming out of my hands.

It's like a small light ball but as my panic is rising so is the size of light ball.

Suddenly my room lit up with the light and my friends are standing in front of me.

"SURPRISE!!!" they shout in chorus.

I put my hands on my heart and take deep breaths to calm myself.

"You guys scared me to the death girls!" I sigh.

My friends are so excited for my birthday. They want to know how my trip went. Only if I could tell them the truth.

I am just smiling and noding to them.

But they are disappointed with the pictures because I wasn't in the pictures and in few pictures I was lost in my thoughts.

They asked me if there is something wrong with me but I don't know how to explain it to them.

I just got free with unpacking my stuff. Well my friend's visit was not useless at all.

They have gone to their house after cleaning up and I am sitting alone in my room even more exhausted.

My birthday is coming closer very fast. Usually I have to wait for this special day but this time when I am not looking forward to this at all, days are feeling like seconds to me.

Day before my birthday

I am looking back to what I was some time back and what I am today.

Even though I have accepted the fate but this new revelation is still hard to digest for me.

While thinking all these things I didn't realize that I slept.

I open my eyes and see that I am sleeping on the floor and there is silence in my home.

I check my phone it's 11:59pm.

I gasp because it's the time. Time for the block to get vanish and powers to come out.

I stand up and look for my parents but to my surprise they are sleeping.

That's strange they would never do that on my birthday eve. They never go to sleep before wishing me birthday but this year everything is happening differently.

I am a bit disappointed. Suddenly my phone rings in my room.

The atmosphere is electric and even a mobile ringtone is scaring me right now.

I come back to the room and see who is calling me. I thought the call is from my friend but it's an unknown strange number.

I pick up the call while shivering.

"Hello?" I say, my voice is cracking and I don't know why.

But there is no answer from the other side. I am waiting for some reply but nothing.

I hear a voice in my head asking me to close my eyes right now.

I do as I asked because I think that it's a dream and actually everyone is ready to celebrate my birthday.

As I close my eyes, I feel like I am looking inside my body but it's not the physical body but my energetic body.

I am able to see clearly every Power Chakras which are blocked right now. There are total 7 chakras starting from my spine and going to the crown of my head.

As I look down to my base chakra at the end of my spine, there is a huge black block.

Ohh!! I guess this is the block which was preventing the energy from resurfacing.

But a bright red light is trying to remove the block. This is fascinating as I am witnessing this great change.

The red shimmer is getting stronger and the black block is turning into ashes slowly.

Suddenly the pulsating red light stops moving but why is it preparing for a bigger attack to remove the blockage?

The red light puts the pressure on the block with all it's strength. I was right about it.

The block is no more. It has turned into ashes.

Now the red light is converting into a golden light and start moving in the upward direction with a snake like movement.

This snake like energy is moving upward very slowly and pierce my first energy Chakra at the base of my spine.

The moment this light pierce through my base Chakra, a red light pops up from it and that chakra is moving now in clockwise direction.

This is mesmerizing. It is not feeling like a vision or a dream but it's the reality. It's happening inside of my energetic body and I am here seeing this with my own eyes.

I see a lot of dust is coming out of my base chakra as it is moving. I feel it has collected too much blockages and negativities which are now removing.

Suddenly I hear the familiar voice in my head, "It will take time to clear and open all 7Chakras. By every chakra clean up you will experience the changes."

I open my eyes after hearing this. I see myself standing in my room and a red shine coming out of my lower body.

Wow! This is a confirmation that I witnessed a great change just now.

I look around myself and feel more connected to myself and to the earth.

This is an amazing feeling. my anxiety is getting lost somewhere and now I am being more excited to experience other chakras opening result.

What will happen when all my chakras will get open and the power comes out?

Keep reading to know this

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