
Star Students

"Small glass beads…garbage. Bubble fruit…trash. Green berries? How did those even get here, they are poisonous?" Clark was analyzing everything. He had started to mumble to himself after seeing so many useless materials that were really just basic forging materials for household items.

What was stranger was the fact that it seemed that the merchants were buying from these freelance tamers in bulk. They bought everything. However, the more that Clark thought about it the more he realized this was what people did in his past life.

A business would buy a large property for an average price because they could make a deal to get everything within it too. That meant they were shouldered with the clean up. Yet that was what they wanted. There were always valuables to be salvaged. Always things left behind that could be broken down and sold to others. This method had the chance to gain profit even if the rare items were not there.