
Spirit of Vengeance in One Piece

Our protagonist, Tom, an orphan but a successful person in life died while sky diving because our favourite truck-kun hit him in the sky while wearing sky diving suit. ..... ..... WHAT!? ohh, you think it's ridiculous BUT let me tell no ONE can save themselves from the greatest assassin ever known........ Want to know what happened after that??? Well, he met MORTEM the one and only Omniversal Administrator and got some...... you know, Why don't you read some chapters to know that atleast 10 pls and don't forget to review and give me advice Byee. -------------------- I don't own Marvel or One Piece or any other fiction world if I want to add something don't worry it won't go to the point of back to back multiverse travel might be one or two times at end or if needed a training arc. The cover is AI generated* This is my first time writing something that's why suggestions, advice and criticism are appreciated. Disclaimer:- This story is totally fiction there is nothing real in it and the Beings, characters, Buildings, organisations and groups are fiction and has no connection to any real person, group, or organisation. if it coincides with some real life event or person then it's a total coincidence and I am totally new to writing as you can see in the synopsis so pls forgive me if you find mistakes or grammatical errors. Thank you, YOUR favourite Squirrel -------------Squirrel Out

FastSquirrel622 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Sold And Training

A/N:-My Brother is still in the hospital but he's better than before the Doctor has written some tests and if it comes out good the he can be discharged pls wish him good health Thank you all.and as I said as I was unable to upload a chapter tomorrow there will one more today at around 9pm or 10pm (GMT +5:30)as compensation again Thank you all for your support.

'...' for thoughts

"..." for talking

{...} for System


"Wake up you little sh*t!!! It's not your Grandma's house for you doze off as much" yelled P7

"Uhhh... where am I ?" Tom pretended to just waking up.

"You're in your ass! Now go out the captain wants to see you for your Bravery of trying run away from us!"P7 again yelled at Tom and kicked him out of the cabin where he was tied.

Tom rolling in pain flew right to feet of the Captain because of the kick after his eyes met with the infamous Blue Hat Butcher of the Blue Hat Pirates and he trembled because of his bloodthirsty eyes and menacing smile.

"So you're the little sh*t who tried to run away from us? But it looks like luck isn't on your side" said the Blue Hat Butcher smirking

Tom looked at him with eyes full of fear and praying for his system to activate or somehow get access to the vengeance vengeance fruit as even though he can heal himself he still feels the pain he even starting contemplating that if it was right to transmigrate to One Piece world.

"Well since you look healthy so why not sell for some extra berries, but till we reach the auction house you'll be the chore boy of this and if you try to run away then you'd wish why you aren't dead" declared the butcher and kicked Tom in the stomach.

After a next few days Tom's state was less than that of battered sack on the verge of breaking. But after that he was given some food to recover his health as they were nearing the island where the Auction house was situated. And as expected after 10 days of travel they reached the Medusa Auction house on Medusa Island and yes the island and auction houseis named after the owner of the Medusa Auction house, Miss Medusa as she has the power to make everyone who for her stone statue yeah it's Hancock's Love love fruit.

So where was I ah yes because of this power no one wants to get in her naughty list.

The Blue Hat Pirates put Tom for auction as a slave and he was sold for 20k berries.

Tom's New owner was a local gang leader and a jerk who would beat him for every petty reason as One day Tom was cleaning the floor every thing was going ok but some one deliberately kicked Tom's Bucket of water that he was using to clean the floor still it was good.

'until' some blind fu*ker slipped in the water and started beating Tom and he then too out his gun to kill Tom and pointed it towards him Tom hardly dodged the bullet but it still managed to scratch his shoulder.

"Arghhhhhh" Tom screamed and anger took over him without caring for anything Tom ran towards the fu*ker and the man rapidly shot towards him while backing little by little in his desperate attempt to escape but as the man was shooting he saw something that made his eyes widen because Tom was healing faster and faster as every bullet touched him.

"Devil fruit user!!!!" The man exclaimed and in the opposite direction to Tom. But Tom caught up to him and punched him multiple times in the face untill the man fainted then took his gun shot him in the head and ran out of there as the gang members were coming to check the commotion but Tom already left the place.

Tom ran outside the town and towards the jungle to hide there until it calm downs into the jungle Tom tried to find a place to hide and he found a long cave and got in it and interestingly none of the gang members tried chase him in it and after months of constant running and torture he was able to rest a little bit.

But in a moment he knew why no one tried to chase him in the cave as he saw a giant corpse of a snake it looked like it died recently and but it looks like no one has found anything about it as he saw it he was frightened by the size and the ferocity it was releasing even after it's death that was keeping other beasts away.

So Tom decided to stay in this cave for the time being and train until his system finally decides to came and give him his Vengeance Vengeance Fruit it's a good thing that Deadpool's Regeneration was directly in his body as he asked it as a mutant ability not as Fruit like The Spirit of Vengeance.

After resting and brainstorming Tom devised a training schedule for himself that is 100 squats, 100 push ups , 100 sir ups and after that a 10 km run yeah! the legendary Saitama work out.



(One month later)



After training for One month Tom had to admit that having a regenerative ability can do wonders In training yourself as every time you overtrain and injured yourself it will heal you and make you better than before.

During this time Tom even tried to hunt some animals as he just doesn't want to eat only snake meat as food but was disappointed as he failed to catch anything. But he didn't give up and after persisting for this long he today was able to catch a little rabbit. While Tom was eating he heard something that he wanted to hear from the moment he stepped foot in this world.

{Support System loading....}

"Thank God finally!!! Finally! You're here" Tom frantically jumped from his seat and thanked every God he knew of.

{System loaded... Starting to teleport to the suitable training area }

"WHAT?!!! Where?!!" Tom exclaimed with a doubtful look and tone.

{The suitable training area is located... Teleporting to Little Garden, Paradise Sea. Please put on your seat belts as the ride there could be bumpy.....}

"What the- Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Tom tried to question but was cut off by teleportation.


A/N:- Ok it's my first time writing so please have mercy on me if there are grammatical mistakes and advice and suggestions are appreciated and for now I'll try to upload 1 chapter per day and again advice and suggestions are appreciated.

Bye and Thanks for reading

Have a Nice day

pls read till atleast chapter 10

The cover is AI generated*

Around 1.1k words in this chapter

Pls Donate some Power stones to this homeless squirrel pls 😭

-------------Squirrel Out .