

Year 4xxx on Earth, all people have lived in a city-shield for two thousand years.

After a third world war where a crazy dictator used a nuclear warhead, the radiation in combination with the pollution contributed to the near extinction of humanity.

The seas are now lifeless, the forest all destroyed and after two thousand years only 600 million humans are still alive.

Living in their city-shield they pray for their pure water sources don't run empty, if that happens the few trees and vegetables whom where saved will die which will lead to people dying do to starvation or lack of oxygen.

Another phenomenon appeared two hundred years before the third world war, a strange purple light illuminate the sky.

Suddenly a second phenomenon happened, golden pillars of light fell from the sky like a beam from the heavens, the people under this golden pillar disappeared.

The golden pillar of light lasted an entire 10 minutes the purple sky that and gold pillars of light were gone like a ghost and so were the people beneath the golden light.

Upon investigation one million people had been "kidnapped", the scientific community told the world to prepare for an alien invasion the scientist believed they were preparing for war or annihilation through studying human biology, however the religious sects preached the coming of Armageddon.

People speculated but no one really knew where they are or where they went.

This phenomenon was called "The Collect", after one hundred years another Collect begin and another million humans disappeared forever.

Since the 1st collection twenty more has been done each following the same time intervals once every 100 years.

In a small city-shield a man can be see reading a heavy book the man can be described as effeminate yet handsome.

1,70 meters tall, long rusty looking black hair and brown eyes, a well built body but not too muscular. At 28 years of age he is a common man who can be found anywhere, this studious man is Kite.

"What are you reading today dad?"ask a small child. The child had long black hair and deep blue eyes that seem full of intelligence far beyond her young age of 10, her name, Lyna.

Kite: "A flower-medicinal property book, very interesting a pity our ancestors have ruined this planet.

We have lost So much knowledge and resources. All the trees, flowers, and beast who have been extinct Will never resurrect Even If the Earth heals from its heavy wounds."

Lyna: "Don't be sad dad we can do nothing about that, let's go see mom tomorrow after that we have to go help to harvest the apple trees."

Kite:"Oh that's tomorrow the time goes too fast, alright go to sleep, tomorrow will be tiresome"

The next day:

After the breakfeast composed with bread and wheat soup, Kite and Lyna go to the edge of the city in a desolate place where a cross can be seen.

Kite; "Dear wife I miss you our child has grown up, each time I see her I am reminded of you, she has your eyes"

Lyna: "Hi mom long time no see, am I doing well and i study a lots, you can be proud of me okay"taking a rag she starts clean up the grave when...

"Dad what are these?"showing a white flower between two graves.

After a glance his eyes starting pop out theirs orbit.

Kite:"WTH, for god sake, this is an orchid the last report of an orchid alive was a hundred years ago"Kite go close to the flower when a sudden light emitting from the flower hit his hand.


A bell sound can be heard from the sky, purple light start covering the sky."

Quickly come here taking Lyna's hand before holding her against him.

"What's happening dad?what is this purple light?"Lyna ask, intense panic in her eyes.

Kite:"If my memories are correct, that's the collect phenomenon"

Golden pillars fall from the sky in countless directions, before they can react a pillar falls unto them.

Next chapter