
Black Spirit

While curiously looking at his spirit, Long Chen unknowingly focused his intent at the Black flickering spirit.

Badum! Badum!

Long Chen heard a loud heart beating.

Badum! Badum!

The beating gets louder and louder.

"Huh? What is that?"

Long Chen woke up from his dazed mind and saw the Black flickering Spirit started beating as if it was alive.


Glaring white eyes opened inside the flickering Black Spirit and directly stared at Long Chen.

Long Chen shivered at the sudden eyes of the Black Spirit as the eyes brought him in the middle of endless black space with numerous blinking stars.

"Where the heck am I now?"

Long Chen looked around his surroundings while still floating. However, all he can see is a black space with no end.

Without any idea of what to do, Long Chen come to a decision. He decided to go to those blinking stars that seem so close to him.

'But how?.'

He didn't how to fly, but he is currently floating. So, without a choice, Long Chen waved his arms and feet like a swimming frog.

"This is awkward; thankfully no one could witness this"


Long Chen heaved a sigh in relieved as he continued frog swimming.

However, already a couple of hours had passed since Long Chen start moving, but it felt like he's still moving at the same place.

"What's wrong with his place, it seems I'm not moving at all"

"How could I leave this place?"

Long Chen was starting to be anxious. He didn't know where he is and how to leave this ridiculous endless space.


Long Chen screamed out, hoping that someone or something heard him.

However, nothing happened. He tried to call multiple times, but the result was the same.

Nothing happened. It's the black flickering spirit of him that brought Long Chen here. However, he couldn't find where that insane black spirit is.

Eventually, Long Chen felt tired and fell asleep while still floating.

After a few hours of sleep, Long Chen yawned and was about to open his eyes, hoping to wake up out of the damn endless space. Unfortunately, it didn't happen like what he hoped.


Long Chen swore in angry. He didn't know how long he's going to be locked up here. He never has any idea what to do.

"All of this is doing of that crazy black spirit!"

Long Chen gnashed his teeth when he remembered about the Black Spirit that locked him in this endless space.


He once again tried to call out. And as always, nothing happen.

He tried it numerous times until he fell asleep, and every time he wakes up, he keeps shouting until he gets tired.

One week has passed. Long Chen was still locked. Without anything to do, Long Chen decided just to cultivate.

At that line of thinking, Long Chen suddenly realized the thickness of Heaven's Spirit in this endless space.

He could felt Heaven's Spirit strongly than at the outside. Before, he didn't realize it because he's anxious. However, now that he's more relaxed he could focus himself without worrying about anything.

Then, Long Chen began to sit cross-legged and start meditating.

As he inhale, a light jade color also enters his nostrils, it was the Heaven's Spirit.

Heaven's Spirit also has different colors same as the Cultivation Color ranks.

Those who doesn't have Spirit Core yet, they have to cultivate and inhale the grey-colored Heaven's spirit until they build their Spirit Core and reached Grey rank.

And, since Long Chen was already a Gray 1-star, he only focused himself to inhale those jade-color Heaven's Spirit.

Because, if they absorbed a high-rank Heaven's Spirit their Spirit Core might explode and be forever crippled. Also, if the worst happened the person could die.

The Heaven's Spirit continued to flows into his every vein on his body straight to his Spirit Core, filling up his Gray Spirit Core by pale jade energy that has a similar size of a baseball.

Long Chen continuously cultivates, he just took asleep after a week and once he wakes up, he will resume cultivating.

After a year, his before empty Gray Spirit Core was already full jade-color Heaven's Spirit and was about to have a breakthrough.

After a year of cultivating, Long Chen was already preparing to breakthrough to Grey rank 2-star.

Long Chen's natural talent in cultivating was really bad compared to other young Spirit Master's that already reached Jade rank at the young age of 15.

He is no genius after all.

Seriously focusing while on cross-legged position, Long Chen inhaled a mouthful of Heaven's Spirit, which flow throughout his body and stopped lastly at his already filled Spirit Core, that on the verge of breaking.


Long Chen heard a booming sound after he inhaled the mouthful of Heaven's Spirit. However, it wasn't enough to breakthrough from his current level.

He took another mouthful of Heaven's Spirit that 'Bang' his Spirit Core once more.


This time Long Chen felt a pain at his Spirit Core that shook his soul. He failed once again, it's still not enough.

Gritting his teeth, Long Chen strongly inhaled a lot of Heaven's Spirit this time. And with just a one go, it's straightly flowed at his Spirit Core.


His Spirit Core started to cracked. Feeling it, Long Chen continuously inhales Heaven's Spirit and with a 'BOOOM'.

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LuckGodcreators' thoughts