
Soul Attribute

Time quickly passed the students were all acting nervously, it's their fist time to take a test that needs their full concentration,Star chart can identify the attributes of one's soul but it comes with a great risk, Unlike testing the soul physic that if you inject your soul physic, it doesn't harm one's soul meanwhile in the Star chart it consumes a lot of concentrations, it means if your mental energy were weak, the greater the risk.

With a wave of his hand a black chart covered with runes and imbued by black crystal gems flown out, it's aura weren't strong, it can be compared to a 1st artifact " This is the star chart, it was discovered by our principal Li yufeng while exploring an ancient ruins, it takes a hundred of years for our scholars to study it and know its uses" Jiang chen explained.

"An artifact were divided based on its grade, 1st;2nd;3rd;4th and 5th grade artifact that only exist on myths, no one knew if it was real but there are some records of the 5th grade artifact, an artifact can decide the battle between two practitioner's; example if an Archon realm practitioner fought an Dragon realm practitioner without an artifact, The Archon realm can fight toe to toe with the Dragon realm practitioner".

" Basically, a practitioner with an artifact can fight an opponent with higher realm without being in disadvantage, There were many types of artifact; Strength amplification artifact; it multiplied the strength of the user to ten folds;Defense amplification artifact;it multiplied the defense of the user to ten folds, the other artifact have different uses. Star chart is a 3rd grade artifact it is crafted using different first grade materials and profound magic arrays ".

" The star chart came from Ancient civilization, but it's uses were limited it can only be used to measure soul attributes, Star chart is one of the three 3rd grade artifact in the whole obeon, the first is a sword;Deluded nightbane, it is said to be the sharpest sword in the world that can cut through dimensions,Second is staff;Frozen annihilation that can freeze the world in just a few hours, The third is the star chart;which is use to measure soul attributes".

The Deluded nightbane and the frozen annihilation were lost hundred of years ago, Many practitioner's set out to find it, but none of them were fortunate.

"Now let's start the test, who wants to take it first?"

"I'll go" A youth wearing a blue robe with fluttering sleeves, with a black haired tied with a ribbon,his eyes were dark like a galaxy,his face was milky in color, to be precise he had a face like a girl.

"Okay,Jing hai remember to concentrate and remain calm, focused your soul physic in your hand then inject it at the star chart".

Jing hai walked to the front, his gaze were calm as water, he kept walking with tranquil emotion on his face. He reached the star chart, and walk in front of it,he closed his eyes, after a moment a blue light erupted at his hands, he carefully injected his soul physic on the chart.

A blinding light surged within the star chart, it shows different images who knows what', finally it stopped in one image, it looks like an eagle with white fur and sharp white talons with a gentle blue eyes.

" Snow attributed soul physic, not bad"Jiang chen nodded at Jing hai " At such a young age his control over his soul physic is outstanding, in the future he will be dragons among men's".

Jing hai walked leisurely onto his seat,all of the students were confused 'What the fuck is snow attributed soul physic?.