
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 10 - Day out

Several weeks passed by. It felt like it went in a blink of an eye since we were so busy with training. It was obligatory to study economics and politics with Arielle as well. I couldn't see Arielle signing a bunch of documents, not by a long shot. She struggled so much in class that I had to explain to her what everything means.

'Seriously, isn't she older than me?'

I had a degree in college before dropping out so I'm knowledgeable about a lot of things. I could do complicated mathematical and scientific formulas better than most noble children. It wasn't that this world's formulas were the same as earth, it was just that I was able to learn them right after receiving the lessons. Arthur also seemed to be good at his work, unlike Arielle.

Her brother may be the eldest but he's still not the successor. Things aren't like the medieval stories I read in my past life where the firstborn gets the house even if he's incompetent.

In this world only power and ability matter. Even a bastard son can inherit his father's legacy. All this started because of the current King. Philip Ilion Colchis. He was the fourth prince who rose to the top, achieving the throne before his siblings could.   

The amazing thing is that he did it with ability alone. He didn't shed blood at all to get to where he is. The man may be the current Colchis' king but he already has his name written in history. I read about his history when I was 4 years old.

I adjusted to my life at the Luxembourg Manor. Arthur could even compete against the knights of the manor in speed even at his age. He showed tremendous growth throughout his training with Captain Kennedy. The latter is a knight who works under The Order. Duke Luxembourg used his influence to hire such a great man to train Arielle and Arthur. With the Kingdom at peace, he agreed without hesitation.

I also participated sometimes and managed to improve myself with the sword too. Although I have to enhance my physical strength with mana to make up for my weak body. I can fight equally with the two of them with this. But I'd lose if they used aura against me. 

Training with the sword was only if I ran out of mana, so I can protect myself. I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to run out of mana though.

I asked Arielle to duel with me the other day and got pummeled. She's not so bitchy anymore, thank god since she even helped me to the medical room.

Anyway, it was a little past 9 am when we were called to the duke's office. Arielle, Arthur, and I stood in front of his door.

Lithia, Arielle's maid knocked on the door.

"I have brought the children."

–Let them come in and leave us.

"Understood. Please behave yourself, young lady."

"Why are you only telling me that?"

Arielle grumbled and went into the office first.

Arthur and I walked in afterward.

Cliff Luxembourg was overlooking his territory with an observing gaze. It was like he was looking at a trophy of his.

"The three of you may sit."

We did as he said. He turned towards us and sat down on his office chair as well.

"Clyde ."

He turned towards me first.

"Yes, sir."

"While we are family, I feel like you're being too modest. As a commoner, I thought you'd be spending the money I give the three of you. That amount is something not many people see in their life."

The duke always gives us pocket money. It amounts to ten gold for us each per week. Indeed, I never spend my money that much.

"Well, I was saving it up for when I need it. I don't have a lot of things I want."

"Hahaha. It's okay to be a little greedy with the money you have. Think about investing in the land when you're older. Anyway, that wasn't why I called the three of you here. This matter concerns your future forward."

All three of us nodded our heads.

"I'd like to know what you want to do when you join the academy. I've already heard it from Kimberly and Eleanor. But I'd like to know what the children in question want to do. I will still support your future as the duke of the kingdom no matter what you choose to pursue but as a father and a sponsor, I am concerned."

He looked at Arielle.

"What do you want to be?"


Arielle lowered her head.

'She's not certain yet?'

"I see. Kenia has been influencing your life so now you are uncertain."

Arielle held her dress tightly.

"What about Arthur?"

"I want to join the Knight Order and work to protect the kingdom, sir."

"Ohoho! A future knight. Hmm, I see!"

The old man looked excited as he read Arthur's rating stats which were measured by Lord Kennedy.

"Except for your attack power, all other stats are assessed to grow to S rank one day. Most impressive. But as a knight, speed is not the most important. I hope you know that."

He placed Arthur's testing papers down and looked at me.

"The person who outranks many of the mages in our kingdom in mana pool alone. What do you want to become? Jacob has been screaming in my ear that it will be best to send you to the mage tower. But is that truly what you want?"

I shook my head.

"That's one of my choices at the moment."

"I see. I guess there is still some time left before you decide. Anyhow…" The duke opened his desk drawer and pulled out three envelopes. "This was sent here for the three of you."

'Isn't that the royal crest?'

The candle wax was in the form of the Royal family crest.

"The king has invited the three of you to attend her highness, Charlotte's birthday party."


Arielle's voice sounded somewhat displeased.

"As the four of you are close in age, the king suggested the four of you become friends. He heard the two who recently came to my residence were quite the talented duo. Her 10th birthday party is happening this weekend."

As with many noble children, they are given a special birthday party on their fifth and tenth birthdays. It's a sort of custom before the child's age of coming ceremony. I never had anything of the sort since we didn't have the luxury to throw birthday parties left and right.

Now that I think about it, I never had a birthday party on earth either. I was alone each year.

"You cannot refuse otherwise that will make me look bad for not accepting the king's kindness."

I opened the letter and read the contents. It was only a bunch of greetings followed by "I sincerely hope the aforementioned person attends."

"You may leave now. I have important duties to take care of." The duke opened his desk drawer again.

It was a big bag of silver coins with a few gold pieces.

My eyes sparkled.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, children."


"So, how should we spend the money?"

Arielle asked as we walked towards the carriage. Lithia was following us from behind.

It's great that Arielle and Arthur were getting along. The two always compete when it comes to sword practice.

"I heard they are holding an open day for the academy. Should we go there?"

"An open day for the academy?"

"It means anyone can enter the academy for the next few days. They want children to see how experienced the students of the academy are."

The dark elf, Lithia answered my question.

"Entry isn't expensive but the most exciting events fees are. I heard there were open classes for the mages as well. Maybe young master Clyde will be interested?"

"Oh! They allow that! I wonder what it feels like to sit in a magic lecture."

"What enthusiasm."

Lithia laughed softly.

Attending a magic lecture will benefit me earlier on. I always wondered what kind of questions they ask or the spells they teach.

"Come now, we must hurry before long lines form. I must still sign young master Clyde's name for the magical lecture. Lady Arielle and young master Arthur will be attending the duelling arena for knights."

"Let's go!!"

Arielle ran toward the carriage with an excited expression on her face.

After climbing the carriage, we left the property of duke Luxembourg and headed for the capital city of Pira.