12 Four Years A Slave (Part 2)


The truck's door open and the girls finally see light after hours.

One of the ninjas tried to grab Marcia but she avoided it, he got frusted and grabed her sister instead

Marcia: Let her go!

Marcia grabbed her arm and pulled towards her.

Artemis: Marrcia dont let them take me!

A second ninja hit marcia with his elbow making her let go of her sister and also making her faint, she caried her on her shoulder.

Marcia was slowly coming back to her senses and kept hearing her sister "Marcia wake up". everything was still blary to her.

Marcia: Where are we?

She took a look around and saw so many kind of beasts chained and also covered with steel face masks. Her and her sister were chained to a big metal ball so they wouldn't jump away.

Artemis: What are we gonna do? I want mom and dad.

Marcia hugged her, she didnt know what to do or what to say, she would do everything she could to protect her little sister but she is also a kid her self

The next morning a spell caster came to the room that looked like a dungeon. He had a fire casted from its hand since it was underground and very dark.

He yelled "wake up".

Everyone started to wake up but very slowly.

He shouts even louder the second time as the fire that he holds growes ten time bigger that it was scaring every beast in there.

its time to work and cobtibued to minimise them and insult everyobe in there

Everyone got up and started heading out. There was quite the panic.

Artemis: Where are we going?

Marcia: Don't worry, we are going to be okay just hold my hand tight.

The girls kept being pushed constantly till the got out of the room because they were so small compared to the other beasts in there

Everyone got out of that dungeon and started to spread out to there usual work that would be commanded to do but the girls were new and didnt know what to do so they were just standing in the middle of the crowed.

A caster who was also the general of the camp saw that the girls that they werent doing anything so he flew by them and told a ninja to take the girls and walked them to their job that their suposed to do.

Artemis got close to marcia amd hugged her whole. He started pulling the girl's chains and started to walk them to their assign job.

They were walking through a rock tunnel.

Marcia: Where are you taking us?

The ninja lift Marcia by her ripped shirt and said "you speak when your spoken to" and drop her down.

The got outside the walls of the camp they were in. The were big fields of crops and told them to start working

The field was surrounded and guarded by ninjas, casters.

The ninja gave the girls to a beast who worked there and commanded her to get the girls to start to work.

The beast's named was Ruby who was a dog beasts took them under her control to sh named ruby. She had the characteristics of a goldertriver blond hair and was very tall

Ruby: I'll take care of them.

She said to the ninja and he finally left.

They introduce them self to each other and told each other where their from. Ruby had a similar story to the girl only she had lost her only child during the village attack.

Artemis: How long have you been here?

It was the only question she didn't seem to want to answer

A ninja steped up and kicked the back of Ruby's foot and made her kneel and told them to stop talking.

At lunch break they were given nothing but rice.

Artemis looked down her bowl and said "that's all" with a very frown face.

A beast next to her heard her and said you ate lucky the served today.

Marcia kept looking around for a way out but it was gurded everywhere

Marcia: Have you ever temped to leave from here ?

Ruby: Hush Marcia we don't talk about this here, there is no way out of here.

When they day was over both of sister couldn't sleep all night they were whispering to each other how the miss their family and their village.

Next morning they woke up and got back to work with Ruby. At lunch break a ninja passed near Marcia and hit her bowl scattering the rice all over the place. Ruby offered hers and Marcia thanked her. When they got back to work in the fields Artemis fell in the mad and everyone started laughing.

Ruby seemed to get very closed with the girls as time past and adopted a very motherly figure towards them.

Two years has past and on a very sunny day Ruby and the girls were out working when the witnessed a bull beast get whiped by ninjas with using their shadow sorcery turning the beast's shadow against him, when the beast finally fainted and tight him in the middle of campus so everyone could see what awaits them if they dont follow the rules

Ruby told the girls to go back to work.

Couple of days have passed and the bull beast that they chained was suffering since it was so hot and didn't eat or drink. The scorching sun kept hitting him, he was drulling and he was out of breath.

One day Artemis while Ruby and Marcia were talking with other beast on lunch break artemis really felt out of the conversation and saw the bull beast and decided to walk close to him.

Artemis: Here you can have my rice.

Ruby turned around and noticed that Artemis was not around she started yelling with Marcia for her and saw her with the bull beast.

ruby: oh no!

She knew what awaits her after she did that

Marcia screamed "look out!"

A ninja has apeared out of artemis shadow and striked her with the its back of its katana

ninja: So you like to be nice ?

Said ironically.

Marcia wanted to go help her but Ruby kept holding her tigh not letting her go or else she could get hurt too or worse.

The ninja turned its back on the beast and was ready to hit artemis again.

The whole camp was looking.

But the bull beast unexpectedly using his last strength he got up with force and tried to stab the ninja with his sharped big horn but yet the ninja avoided the atack but is was enough to distract him. The ninja did a back flip on the beast landing behind it and behaeding him.

Another bull beast got furious and atacked the ninja, at that moment a riot started. All beasts started to attack the ninja who beheaded the beast and casters joint the battle.

All casters and ninjas saw what just happened and the casters who were on the wall that circled the camp striked with electricity beams and flamethrower on the beasts, most of the bigger beast where throwmg smaller beast toward the casters up the wall so the can attack them.

Total chaos.

Marcia started to look for her sister but is was impossible she could barely get up her self. She was so afraid and crolled down to her knees.

Ruby found Marcia and caried her, she started running to the nearest exist which seemed to have created from an explosion during the riot and the got out. She kept avoiding the beams of the casters when a ninja appeared in front not letting her leave but the bull beast tackled him and told the girls to go.

Marcia screamed and told ruby to let her down.

Marcia: No, what are you doing?

And runned in the camp to find her sister.

Ruby: No stay here i will bring back your sister in the mean time hide i ll come to find you.

Marcia kept standing there while she watched ruby get lost in the crowd.

Marcia run and hid inside some bushes away from the camp.

Ruby was getting late and Marcia started to worry, what if they've been captured or worsed. She was worried seek.

After a while she hears steps and got ready to escape. The footsteps where getting closer, she was sweating out of fear.

She heard a whispered saying "Marcia".

She immediately knew its was Ruby and jumped and hugged her she was also holding her sister she looked very hurt

Marcia: Is she going to be okay?

Ruby: She is going to be fine i promise you, we need to get out of here now!

Marcia: Your arm!

Ruby had a massive cut on the back of her arm and was losing to much blood.

They started walking south into the woods till it got dark there was no time to rest so the kept walking.

Next chapter