

waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa

{ what the hell } MC }

well look at who just woke up sweetie our little baby wants milk here sweetie come to mummy.[new mother ]

waaa waa waaaaa wa

[um ok so looks like someone upstairs was listening to me after all i just went to sleep and woke up a baby so the only question is where and when am i. even though I can hardly see or hear anything its not like I am blind or deaf just hard to see and hear well what can I expect with this baby body. ]

I was then lifted up and placed on my new mothers chest to feed even though i am a 29 year old soul and not to unfamiliar with the female body. It is still a little weird drinking breast milk but what ever i am now a baby so not much i can do about it for now i will just have to live with it.

wow what a big feeder we have Robbie he is gonna grow up a big boy if he feeds this much every time. [new mother ]

well what do you expect he is my boy shell. [Robbie new father ]

ok so my new mums name is shell not sure if it is just a nick name or not and dads name is Robbie probably short for Robert any way what can I do now I still don't know where I am. I guess I'll start with moving my limbs around as much as i can till i get sleepy then sleep and repeat. [mc]

so with that I tried to move around will still on my mum chest but will zero progress oh well just keep trying. [mc]

hey shelly let me have Matty for a bit. [ Robbie ]

ok but don't you dare drop him or I'll skin you alive with my spirit sickle I might not have any spirit power but don't tempt this Mumma. [shell]

ok ok sweetie I wont drop him I swear just want to hold him for a bit. [Robbie ]

ok so after my failed attempt at moving I was lifted to my dad where held me in a do not hold a new baby type way which as a result ended my dad with a sleep on the couch punishment for a week.

so I over heard something interesting mum said spirit and spirit power which leads me to think of a novel I was reading just before I was reborn which was douluo dalu but I need more info for now but that still bring me some excitement if there is spirit energy in this world than it should have something to do with the soul.

if that is the case then me being reborn I should have a strong soul so maybe that is something else I can try.

after that I was then placed back into my cot and my new parents left the room so for now I am sleepy even though I have only been awake for like 20 min I am tired well nothing to it when tired just sleep.

After that 6 months passed where I was trying to move my body which took me two weeks to do. Another week before I was able to lift my arms to my head then another month before I was rolling around like a little brat. Every time my parents came into the room I would roll away from them when they went to pick me up which they found funny so it turned into a game after that and whenever I was alone I would try to feel my spirit energy.

Only after 6 months was i able to feel a slight wispy feeling in my chest after that another 6 months passed where my little game of rolling away from my parents turned into a game of tag where I would try to sneak up on then poke them with a stick that has some ink on it and then run like the wind even though I would get like maybe 6 to 7 paces before I would get caught.

so now I am 1 year old I am able feel my spirit energy and move it a tiny bit but it is no wonder there are so many people with no spirit power because it is just that hard to do.

now that I have been able to move around giving my parents trouble whenever I can nothing bad just little ink dots whenever I am able to catch then off guard. I was able to find out more about this world so I was right it was douluo dalu. I over heard my parents talking about spirit masters coming once a year to do the awakening for any child of 6 years of age which got me excited.

After that I would run around the yard till I was tired then sit on the ground and try to feel the spirit energy in the surroundings then run again until lunch then by that time I would be sore every where so after lunch would be me in my room trying to read anything that has words on it regardless if it was a book or scribble I don't mind.

so just like this another 4 and a half years went by and just like before I would run every day trying to go further and faster each day and try to sense more spirit energy than the day before. Until one day 6 months ago no matter how hard I tried I could not gather any more spirit energy no matter what. which brings me to think that I am now at level 10 full spirit power now all i can do is strengthen my body until the awakening and try to read more books. which in my past life was my heaven I would try to read when ever I finished work or just had time off. I would read which lead me to be forgotten by my friends more times than not when it came organising get togethers.

hey mum when is the next awakening going to happen [matt]

oh hey sweetie um let me think the last one was about 7 months ago so 5 months from now I guess which would be a couple of days after your sixth birthday. [ shell ]

ok that's good because I am really looking forward to my spirit. [matt]

oh ok that's good but sweetie please don't have to high an expectation of what your spirit will be your father has a pick axe and your mummy has a sickle and neither one of us has any spirit power. [shell]

its ok mum I have a feeling that I am going to get something really cool and I am going to be strong. [ matt]

ok sweetie I hope you do too but your just going to have to wait 5 more months for the surprise. [mum ]

yep that's ok mum hey can I help dad with the field work like digging or something like that I feel like I should be strong enough now to help out. [matt]

um ok sure but for one do not get in the farmers way and make trouble like you normally do and two stay close to your father and do everything he tells you I don't want you to hurt yourself. [shell]

ok mum bye!! I am going to terrorise dad now. [matt]

after that I run like the wind away from mum before she can catch me and give me a sore bum I run to the fields to where my dad is at when he see's me the look he gave me was one where is the stick and two what trouble am I gonna start.

matt what are you doing here your not starting trouble I hope. [Robbie ]

hey dad nope no trouble yet that comes later no I am here to give you a hand to plough the fields soooo can I have a pick please. [matt]

dad stops what he is doing and stares at me.

why ???? did you ask your mother if you can be here. [dad]

yep sure did dad mum told me to not start trouble and do what you tell me to do because I feel that it is a good way to train my body. [matt]

hmmm ok go to the barn and grab a pick and bring it here and then ill have you dig up this line here next to me ill teach you how to swing it with out hurting yourself ok so hurry along.[dad ]

after that I ran to the barn as fast as I could to get the pick axe and ran back when I got back dad had marked out a line for me to dig up. with that I would go with dad to the fields every day digging up new ground. then run around the small farming town which dad called it Appletree village. The village only had around 4 to 5 hundred people and then I would read whatever books I could get my hands on from the village heads home. until dinner time which I would then head home to eat then even though I can not gather anymore spirit energy in to my body it is still a good habit to have so I would meditate before bed.

like this the five months have past and tomorrow is the big day I have trained hard for these last 6 years now the long awaited day has come.

hey guys this is my very first chapter that I have written please leave a comment below and let me know what you all think

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