
mc rebirth and outline

hey all so first time writing a lite novel so let me know if my gramma sucks and where I can Improve. so the out line of the story is the mc is reborn in to a commoner house hold his parents have farming spirits with no soul force so for the first six years before the spirit awakening he will be helping his parents around the home and training his body.

stats for his spirit is as follows

his spirit is a grimoire book that collects knowledge of whatever the mc looks at. it has a auto scan function that whatever mc looks at the info is shown on the pages for example.

river grass a weed like plant that grows in abundant it is extremely common. medicinal properties are high levels of vitality and stamina replenishing take one river grass with roots intake wash gently under cool water mash in a mortar until paste place into a glass jar that can heated add 100 mil of water per two river grass add one star lou grass wash with cool water as well than bring to boil until all moisture is gone. then scrape all extract into a ball coat with egg yoke than reroll with cooked rice the result is a food pill that can sustain you for one day with a small stamina regen passive.

passive growth increase to his mental comprehension by 10 percent with every ten levels.

when his gets new spirit rings the main properties of the spirit beast will be added in a passive bonus for example mc gets the ring of a 450 year iron back monkey properties will be plus 10 percent to strength. 20 percent to dexterity, 15 percent to body toughness, 10 percent to stamina regen.

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