18 Chapter Holdup for Today and Common questions


I wanted to make sure you all got an update today. Had a family emergency at work where a sibling of mine got hurt today while working with me. Wanted to make sure you guys knew why there wasn't a chapter today, just didn't get a chance to write. Figured I could make a post answering some questions that have come up. I try to stay pretty active in the comments but as more people show up its getting harder and harder.

Firstly, I need to thank each and every one of you. I started this project to learn and it's become something I just enjoy doing now. It helps relieve a hard days work of stress. I do a very physical job so getting to stretch my brain helps a lot.

1. The most important question I want to address is the Yuri request that keeps coming up especially in the reviews unless it's entirely inappropriate:

I will not be removing reviews that complain about it because I do not believe that is what should be done, I just want to ask that if you like the story, I love reading your reviews so please consider leaving one. On the topic of Yuri and her friendship with Uraraka, I want it to be just that and I feel like I have created a firm barrier with her role as a teacher at least for a while unless an adult/similar character to her comes up but I don't intend to write any other reincarnated individuals and so not consider Evelynn to be one. If you want yuri, then fantasize about the (never going to happen) forbidden love that Evelynn has for our protagonist. I need the practice writing a straight relationship for an original that I have been working on for a long time and that is my most important goal. Plus, something that has always irked me as a History major myself is the lack of culture bleed through in fanfiction. I wanted to bleed through Japanese culture a little at least. I did so with the foxes if you noticed but the relationships is another place I want to do that because it helps me practice writing within a created cultural system.

2. The Crossover Tag.

That tag was mostly to show the overlay between League and MHA through her character. But as I started writing, it let me bring characters in that could both affect the story and help push the plot in the direction that I want.

So as a warning, I have only two more characters from League that will be characters but they won't be reincarnated people.

One is her engineer.

The other is her manager for her hero agency once she settles one.

That is all. This is the way that I can both write a familiar character and a new one into a new world. And honestly I am super excited.

3. Lastly is how I intend to speed up the plot, All I really want to say is wait and see but as a hint, I will be speeding things up a lot with the attack on Hosu and the camp raid. Those two events plus my plans for Eri will speed up the plot a ton. My goal for this fic is 100 chapters. It will probably be more. But speed is important to me.

Again, thank you all, you have been amazing to interact with as a community. As a last note, I do not feel as though I deserve to start a patreon or anything like that for a while. I want to make sure I get decently far and have something else for people who actually do want to support me.

Thanks Again


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