3 Andor System

Having thusly landed himself in hot water immediately upon his reincarnation into the world of Andor, Luca surveyed his cell numerous times as he attempted to ponder escape methods. After having gone through several ideas, all of which fell through, then chained-up 10-year-old boy sighed, "I'm stuck here, then... there's nothing I can do. Fantastic."

His pessimistic statement prompted a robotic, genderless voice to speak in his head, [Calculating status of system installation... 33%... 67%... 99%... Installation complete. Andor System online. Welcome, new user. Please state your name.]

After briefly blanching in surprise, Luca recalled the God of Light's words about what he assumed the God of Darkness had done with his blessing. "Luca," he said, deciding it was best to follow the aid that he was gifted by the two major gods.

[User's name 'Luca' added to database. Andor System will now analyze your condition. Please wait for further information.] Upon hearing the System's response, the young lad felt what could only be described as an omnipotent, omnipresent force deeply examining his entire being, down to the depths of his soul. After this sensation went throughout his existence several times, it disappeared almost instantly, and the System announced, [User's information has been updated. Please confirm that it is correct.] A popup appeared in his vision, within which was the following:


Name: Luca

Age: 10

Race: Human-Dragon Hybrid (Neutral Demigod)

Alignment: Neutral (Dual Blessings)

Class: None

Health Status: Perfectly healthy, only dirty


"Confirm status."

[Status confirmed. Andor System ready for use.]

Luca, now having the assistance of the incomparably useful Andor System, knew what he needed to do as soon as he was given the system's help. "System, show me what classes I can choose from."

[User cannot choose a class at this time, as none have been unlocked, whether by requirements or by external help.]

This perked Luca's ears up, "I can only follow one class path, so maybe it's better to unlock them first. In that case, is there some way to get out of this mess?"

Rather than getting an answer to his question, the System responded, [User is mistaken. Any class, once unlocked, can be used at any time.] Stunned briefly into silence, Luca spent a few seconds with his mouth open in surprise. As he prepared to speak again, the System once again cut him off, [The amount of classes one person can use is determined by the purity, size and strength of their soul. 97% of all living people are only able to use one, thus giving rise to the stereotype. The players followed this, as each class was chosen by them immediately upon creation. 2% of the remaining few are capable of having two, but the final 1% can bear 3 or even all 4 classes at once. Within known history, five people have been able to have 2 classes at once, while only one could handle three. All of the six gave their lives during the Heroic Era to complete the barrier.]

"So... does that mean I am part of the 1%?"

[Due to the blessings of the major Gods of Light and Darkness, user is indeed part of the 1%. Without said blessings, user would be at the bottom end of the 97%, barely capable of using a single class.]

"Fitting, considering how bad I was with playing the game... Anyway-" Luca accepted the System's analysis of him, especially since he believed he was pretty useless before.\

As he prepared to ask the System to find a method to escape, it seemed to read ahead and spoke before Luca had even prepared the question, [User has two available options. The first is to wait for judgement and convince Darius Bradley to acquit you temporarily but keep you imprisoned pending a real investigation. The second is to break out. The latter is not only not a very viable option, due to your lack of any power, it is also highly inadvisable anyway, considering not only the Warriors of the town guard, but Darius Bradley's own Level 3 Mage status. The first method has the highest, if not only, chance of success, and is therefore the recommended option.]

Luca had thought of both plans before, and having his own assumptions on the outcomes be confirmed by the System solidified his belief that he hadn't been wrong with how he'd thought them through. After a couple thoughtfully silent moments, he wet his mouth that had long since dried up, "I remember the NPCs of the game world being subject to vows on the heavens before. Does that still apply?"

[Correct. Including the user, all sentient beings that make vows on the heavens are subject to them. Violation of one's vows come with varying degrees of punishment via heavenly wrath, with the most severe known being the complete annihilation of one's entire existence, soul included.]

The dirty boy smiled, his teeth contrasting vividly against his grimy appearance as a short but simple plan formed in his head. Soon enough, with the help of the Andor System, and with his own intellect, he'd evade his very first death flag.

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