

"Jaylee!" "Jaylee!" called Kathy, Jaylee's mother.

"Coming mum!" Yelled Jaylee from a bench she was sitting on. Jaylee was running through a field to get back to the farm when she tripped and cut her hand on a thorn bush.

"Dinner is ready." Kathy mumbled "We're having grandma's cheeseburgers."

ugh thought Jaylee. Jaylee hated meats

of all types but she lived on a farm so she really had no choice. Anyway grandma already came over and dropped them off so they were still warm.

"Hey mom can I go hang out with Ally?" asked Jaylee.

Kathy sighed "Okay but be back soon."

"Yay thank you!" Jaylee yelled as she slipped through the doorway.

"I love you." Mumbled Kathy

Jaylee heard and whispered " you too." As she sneakily pulled out a bandage for her hand.

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