

"So I came to this world" was my first comment when I opened my eyes.

I decided to skip childhood and get my memories back when I grew up, it was also a good way to save on karma, so I am currently 14 years old and I could say that I remembered my previous life as well as the deal I made.

I could also say that I had wished, but more precisely it could be called a place where it will adapt to my requests.

I couldn't be very specific, negative karma points practically left me with no options. But I'm not in hell anymore, that must count for something.

But seeing where I was. Better to keep my mind calm.

An underground bunker where I am supposed to spend the rest of my days. They left me food, that's something. and I also have to mention that my name is Peter Parker, at least in one dimension where his parents were discovered using an experimental serum on a newborn Peter.

But that was not so bad at the beginning, Peter was only supervised but when he found nothing he was allowed to live an almost peaceful life.

There was no Uncle Ben or Aunt May, they had an accident where they died. to be reborn I had to point out the option of no loving family, but nothing serious, so Peter was raised by SHIELD, but being the son of traitors, life was not so good. But everything got worse when a spider bit Peter.

so hello experimental test lab.

What I do not understand well after reviewing the memories of my younger self, was it because of an underground bunker? I think SHIELD did not lack laboratories, but it must be a detail that I do not know. But it didn't matter, because this world was about to go to hell. I also have to mention that I reached a universe where an apocalypse that will destroy the universe was about to occur.

But there must be a way to escape, perhaps impossible, but it exists. and with a little luck, I will arrive in a universe to take the place of a Peter Parker, and after a lot of work, I will be able to hunt down those reincarnates. But that was for later, the Devil was too ambiguous on that topic. so the first thing was to survive.

But seeing my situation it was easier said than done.

The old Peter was quite calm, so no extra measures were ever taken, so I was in my lonely room, which was lined with several plates of steel, that even with my superhuman strength I could not do anything.

At first glance, it was one of those places that it was impossible to get out, and after a few laps, it seemed to be true.

"It wasn't that I expected it to be easy" the beginning would be the hardest, but I already knew what I was getting into.

As I was not so restricted, I managed to find some things, the infirmary did not disappoint me.

a small bombshell and the right place should suffice. I had a lot of knowledge about chemistry, so it was not very difficult to improvise something.

I did a full inspection and found some breathing tubes, that was my first target. although there was also the possibility of dying asphyxiated after I destroyed what brings air to this place.


I used my shirt to clean the wounds on my hands, the escape was much more difficult than I thought, but from some cuts and a slight fracture in my left hand, everything was fine. it was painful, but the pain kept me moving.

Using the ventilation shaft was dangerous, and I had to push my reflexes to the max. but the good thing was some fresh air, or so I thought.

"I would have preferred an alien invasion" At first glance, I could see the iconic buildings of New York, but the current carnage was the main focus of the moment.

"a damn zombie apocalypse, I should have asked for more things" I had asked for a healthy body with superhuman abilities, nothing crazy, but it seemed that that would not be enough.

But that was a thought for another time, it had to be quick. I was near the pier, so I jumped in to try to erase any kind of scent, I didn't know what kind of zombies I was dealing with, but I couldn't make rookie mistakes.

Although the water was freezing, it was not an impediment, the only problem was that I was still very young, the only good thing that this Peter got his powers quite early, so the muscle memory was there.

I tried to move in silence while swimming, and it was easy to go unnoticed, the shouting of the people was a good way to hide the noise that I made when swimming. with everything calm for the moment, I thanked my luck to arrive at a universe of which I had some knowledge.

In this world there are great geniuses who could create a portal to travel through the multiverse, the important question was who that person was. But the most important thing was to know if he was still human.

I reached the ground in a short time, the wound on my hand had already closed, so I was free of blood, now the problem was making a choice.

I decided that luck would decide, and after seeing a building with the number 4, I took one last breath of air before going to the sewers.


The road was quite easy, it was very different from the surface, where zombies with superpowers made destruction, I only came across normal zombies, who couldn't take any kicks. but I decided not to attract attention.

Climbing up the walls I was as stealthy as possible, the dirt made my way difficult. But I had a good time.

Now the problems were coming, it was impossible for me to sneak into the subway at the base of the fantastic 4, some of his villains on duty should have already tried.

I did some inspection, and it seemed that the main entrance was the only possibility.

The only good thing was that there weren't any of those super zombies, but everything could change once I get inside.

Decisions, becoming a zombie was not in my plans, but with each passing second, my chances would decrease. So I sidled up as I entered.

The front door that was made of glass was shattered, and blood and organs were stained on the floor.

Which perhaps were made by the large number of weapons that were pointed at that place, but it seemed that there was no energy since my arrival did not produce any reaction, making the only visible light were the weak rays of the sun, but seeing the position of the sun, I didn't have to be a fortune teller to know that it was close tonight.

This if he was terrified, and that there was absolute silence did not help.

"maybe hopefully I will find a vehicle" I wasn't very optimistic about this place, but I wouldn't complain if I found a spaceship.

At the entrance there was a small map, on the first floor there was nothing that would interest me, but the prototype lab could be a good option, it was open to the public on normal days, so I don't expect many difficulties.

As I moved I was surprised that I won't find any zombies, and that would have been good news if it weren't for the traces of blood and limbs on the ground.

Something had happened, my instincts told me that it was better to leave, with each floor that rose the tingling that began to feel intensified.

I got to the 25th floor, and what was supposed to be an open area for display was covered with a metal frame.

The room was protecting, or containing something, and with my luck, it wasn't hard to guess.

now I just had to keep going up, where the things I get will be much better, but most likely I didn't manage to get anything.

"But I guess I can only take a chance" there were a few minutes until night came, and the last thing I want was to spend the night in a New York full of zombies.

There was no information on the upper floors at the entrance, so it all depended on luck, but today I felt lucky.

Returning to the stairs I decided to continue climbing.

"I wouldn't go up if I was you"

But my feet stopped when a female voice caught my attention.

Who guesses who that voice is, a clue, isn't it Sue Storm?

If anyone guesses tomorrow I'll upload two chapters XD.

Also thanks for the comments of the previous chapter, as well as the Power stones, they help me to stay motivated.

Key_001creators' thoughts
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