
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Ned Leeds

For the entire English class, Gwen and I had to read aloud to the class which was rather embarrassing considering Peter's pussy like voice.

Due to him being a shy and recluse individual, it seems that his vocal cords would take a long time to warm up properly.

Although it was not completely bad. It surprised me that one of my favorite author's novel- The King of Faries is now a Demon Lord was in the English curriculum.

This surprised me because I knew that the novel is sexual in nature despite having excellent world-building and eventual action.

Taking a glance at it, I realized that even this novel was alternate compared to the one I knew. It was more of a short story about a narcissistic fairy that turns evil and gobbles children up which is entirely different from the one I knew.

Surprisingly the author was not even Lord Oink but rather an alternate version of him called Shakespigger.

After Ms Romanoff left, I heaved a sigh of relief. I leaned my head on the desk, feeling a little sleepy but right at that moment a wet gooey ball smashed into my neck.

I turned around subconsciously and a few more of them flew onto my face. Wiping my face, a disgusted expression crept onto it.


The assailant was obviously laughing with his friends. Ned Leeds. That fat bitch. I clenched my fists.

A sigh escaped my mouth, teenagers are a fucking menace. They scare the living shit out of me sometimes.

Why can't Ned of this dimension be more like the lovable Asian Ned of Tom Holland's dimension? From my memories I knew, this guy was the main tormentor of Peter's life.

From shoving head into toilets to punching in the face and kicking in the balls. Ned had done every generic bullying action except sexual abuse which I was extremely glad for.

Gwen obviously could not protect Peter all the time... and so he suffered, then endured, and then suffered... until he reached his breaking point... filled with inferiority, anger, and a broken thought process.

I could sense that Peter had a good heart, probably due to Gwen's influence and his noble upbringing on Ben and May's part. No, he had a very compassionate and patient heart but it slowly corrupted until he vied to be special. He was hungry for power, and he would do anything for it.

It was sad. This is why I hate bullies, they ruin the lives of innocents for no fucking reason other than for a few chuckles and validation from their equally daddy-issue friends.

At first, I had thought I would ignore Ned if he doesn't cross a boundary or simply confront him later and use my Potato gun to scare him silly.

I was British in my past life. An Englishman obsessed with James Bond. We don't tolerate disrespect. Whack a motherfucker in his face when the dude is the least aware or if drunk, fuck his bitch and burn his house down.

Suits, cars, guns, cigars, gambling, being a Cassanova... I have done all of it. In my past life, I was a final-year law student that had done quite a lot of internships at top firms.

All the lawyers there were obsessed with the posh lifestyle. Maybe I picked that up from them and movies but I knew one thing... I hate being unclean.

Spitballs... on my face, that is crossing the boundary already. It seems the time to honor Peter Parker's final wish has come already.

I glared at them but they did not even look at me, gossiping with their friends and making fun of me like the little bitches they were.

Gwen from the other side of the classroom was repeatedly looking at me and then at the bullies with a cross expression.

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that she discreetly spewed a web causing Ned's fatass to get stuck to the chair.

I appreciated her but I was in no mood for smiling. Spitballs suck!

Soon the teacher walked into the classroom. To my amazement, it was Dr Bruce Banner. The Hulk in most of the movies and comics.

I wonder if he is Hulk in this dimension or just a normal teacher.

"Open your textbooks to page number 375. We shall continue from where we left yesterday. End of the chapter, exam style question 6."

His gaze hovered over the class before landing on me. His visage burst into a warm smile as he looked at me.

"Mr Parker. Why were you absent yesterday?"

My eyes widened. Scratching my neck a little, I tried to form a sheepish smile but it repeatedly failed.

"I overslept."

His eyebrows wriggled as he spoke in a stern voice.

"You should be careful Mr Parker. Attendance affects grades, from an honor student like you this is not expected."

I agreed. Being absent was a big deal for the former Peter Parker. He had not missed a single day of school to maintain a perfect record despite the bullying.

It was something I admired and disdained, both at the same time.

Dr. Banner paused and chuckled slightly.

"You should come by my office to take yesterday's notes or ask Gwen. Although I doubt you need it, Dr. Connors has been praising you to everyone he knows. By now almost all of Alchemax knows you."


My expression paled in a matter of seconds. My mind flashed a few scenes in my head. Dr. Connors... Lizard Formula... Internship... Alchemax.

This is what sucks about being a transmigrator! You have to actively recall memories with the keywords to actually remember them.

When transmigrated the only memories you are aware of are the subconscious ones and the surface-level thoughts before death.

From them and a little reading on the world I knew one thing.

There are many companies, a few of the best and market leaders being- Stark Industries, Horizon Lab, Alchemax, Oscorp, Hammer Industries, Pym Technologies, Roxxon Corporation, and Advanced Idea Mechanics...

Then a name flashed before my eyes- Kingpin. In this dimension, Captain George Stacy, Gwen's father had arrested the Kingpin... so then who is the kingpin? Is Fisk controlling his organization from jail?

I am sure Kingpin exists, he is supposed to be one of the main villains for Spiderman. Plus... if I remember correctly Gwen entered Miles's reality due to the collider being near her when she was fighting Doc Ock.

In this world, Otto Octavius is the CEO of Alchemax and from the movies, I know that Kingpin was the true owner of it behind the scenes... hence it should be the same in this world as well.

Fuck... does this mean that the Kingpin is aware of me? Does he think of me as a potentially great asset for his organization?

My mind was in a mess due to this one sentence from Bruce Banner. Why is he even here? Working as a high school teacher.

Calming my thoughts, I released another sigh. Whatever will be will be.

With that, I focused on the ongoing lesson however my mind kept wandering, and it was becoming hard to concentrate.

From the corner of my eyes, Gwen suddenly stood up and asked Bruce if she could leave for the bathroom.

Naturally, he allowed. My gaze followed her back as she left the class in a hurry. Suddenly my body moved on it's own.

"Mr Parker? Why are you standing? It's blocking the projector."

I looked Bruce into his eyes. "Sir, may I use the bathroom as well?"

A confused expression formed on his face. From behind me, another spitball land on the back of my neck as I ignored it.

"You... may."

I nodded at him and began to leave the classroom when another spitball flew and hit my elbow. Bruce Banner happened to see it and he reprimanded Ned Leeds for the vile action.

"Edward! Stop that! Do you think this is your home? In my class, I expect absolute discipline. Apologize to Mr. Parker... Right now!"

Ned's smile grimaced. It turned bitter as he glared at me. With great difficulty, he uttered the words from his mouth.

"...Sorry Par-kher.'

Dr. Banner nodded, his face grim as he gestured for me to leave. I was a little grateful to him, it seems that Peter Parker had a very good relationship with him and admired Bruce deeply. Especially his thesis on gamma radiation.

When Dr. Banner turned his back, Ned glared at me, staring right into my eyes while making the neck-cutting gesture.

I glanced at him coldly not breaking eye contact as I wiped his disgusting fatfuck saliva off my elbow. My eyes did not back down nor did my body language scream the same weak and inferior persona of Peter.

Then I headed out of the classroom, ignoring any gaze that fell over me. If they were confused let them be, if they were angry then so be it because so was I.

My father used to tell me almost every day before he died from cancer, if you are the smartest person in the room... then you are in the wrong room.

While Dr. Banner is easily more knowledgeable, he is teaching something that I already know. Fortunately, he is in the same school I study in, this is great actually.

I can ask him for help when I need it related to my experiments. Bruce Banner has a rather curious and warm personality.

However right now... my time is simply getting wasted here and I am in a very bad mood. So to distract me... Lizard Serum... I am coming for you. It is high time.

I can't rest with even slight comfort until I gain at least one offensive power. It is a dangerous world and men need to be equally dangerous to survive.


A/N: Which cover do you guys like more? The first one of Spiderman 2099 or this one of Gwen Stacy rising instead of falling?

Thank you DotComplex for helping me find the cover.

_oinkchancreators' thoughts