
Issue 0

(The year 2001 - Age 6)

"Six years, it has been six years since I died," a little green-eyed, brown-haired boy thought to himself, sitting alone in an empty classroom during recess, trying to draw panels from the MHA manga that he still remembered by heart.

'At least I was reborn with the same parents, look the same, have the same name, and share the same faith,' the boy thought to himself as he attempted to draw the fight between Overhaul and Deku. 'Still weird that my family and I live in Queens, New York now, of all places, and not Tal-a...' The boy stopped, as he heard a voice excitedly start to talk behind him.

"WOW, did you draw this?" asked a childish voice behind him. When he turned to his classmate, he met the excited stares of two children, one named after his favorite hero, Peter Parker, and the other named Ned Leeds.

'I still can't believe I'm living in this world after all these years. At least I met the CEO of Sex... and Spiderman,' the boy thought to himself as he nodded to the little boys, "Yeah, want to see my first finished comic?" he asked, trying to be nice.

"Do you have more? Can I see?" Peter asked, sitting beside him. The other boy nodded again and brought out from his bag the first comic he tried to recreate, his favorite classic Spiderman issues 31# to 33#, as one big comic book, "Thanks, David."

As David continued to draw, he could hear Peter commenting on almost everything about how the hero of the comic was named Peter and how cool Spiderman is. David started to blush from the pile of praises as he was usually afraid to show his drawings, fearing no one would like them.

'Still kind of salty about the botched reincarnation. I can't even remember how or at what age I died,' David bitterly thought as he tried to concentrate on Overhaul's transformation.

"Just how strong is Spiderman?" Peter asked, stopping on the panel where Spiderman started to raise the collapsed structure with all his strength, "YEAH!!!" and started to celebrate excitedly when Spiderman managed to get his aunt's cure.

"I think somewhere between 130 tons to 170 tons. When I recreated the comic, I didn't think much of that, but yes, he is as strong as the writer wants him to be in the end," David stopped drawing and put his half-finished drawing in his bag to continue later.

"Recreated? I never heard about a hero named Spiderman," Peter said, as he started to name his favorite comic book heroes after that, "I know there is a Batman, but not a Spider," said Peter as he looked at David with puzzlement.

"I meant from a dream I had after watching Captain America's Adventures last night," David quickly said, sweating a little, not wanting to start talking about a future that may not even come to pass, 'For all I know, five or was it six years from now? No matter when the MCU starts, at least I'm not part of the main 616 universe. Pretty sure Ned wasn't a tan-skinned, black-haired Hispanic in the comics, and also not Peter's age. Hopefully, I'm in a timeline that takes more after the movies.'

"Cool! When I'm dreaming, it's usually about flying!" Ned said excitedly as Peter and he started to tell stories about half-remembered dreams as the school bell sounded, and the kids and the teacher entered the class.

"Did I just befriend Peter Parker and his 'guy in the chair'?" was the only thing that went through David's head before he started to focus on his studies, 'Stupid botched reincarnation, couldn't you give me all my memories so I could make myself look like a genius or invest right or win the lottery? Instead, I barely remember who I was and some stupid stuff about comics, games, movies, and manga.'

(Year 2003 - Age 8)

"Happy birthday to you! YAY!!!" was heard all around David Wolfe as all his friends and family surrounded him, and he blew out the eight candles on his birthday cake.

His mother, Aster, a 26-year-old tan-skinned brunette from Israel, hugged David tightly and kissed his cheeks, saying, "התינוק שלי גדל מהר מדי" (my baby is growing up too fast). His father, Solomon Wolfe, a 42-year-old pale, graying blonde hair, and green-eyed man in a police uniform, ruffled his son's hair.

"So, what did you wish for?" asked Peter as Aster started cutting the cake.

"Well," David started to say, a little embarrassed, 'I can never tell him I wished for him to never get bitten, he doesn't deserve all the guilt and heartache,' while even the few memories he retained started to be forgotten, nothing more than half-remembered dreams and emotions that continued to echo even when the dream gets forever lost to the void. He still knew the big current events, or at least what was in the comics, 'fucking Paul.'

"Now, Peter, you know that one can't reveal their wishes if they want them to come true," Peter's uncle said as he chuckled.

"THUNK, THUNK," a knock was heard as his father went to the door to open it, "Sorry we're late, Captain Wolfe?" said a blonde man as he and a little blonde girl with pig-tails wearing a blue summer dress with sunflowers dotted everywhere, and a young African-American rookie cop entered the house.

"Nonsense, George, come in, and you too, Jefferson. Don't think I forgot about you, kid. Haha," Solomon laughed as he shook hands with his subordinates. When he looked down at the little girl, she shyly hid behind her father's legs. "And what about you, little Missy? What is your name?" he said, lowering himself to eye level with the little girl.

"Gwendolyne, but I like when people call me Gwen," Gwen introduced herself as she brought her hand out, wanting to shake hands like she saw her dad do.

"Why, aren't you as cute as a button! Why don't you come in and meet the rest of the kids, while me and your old man talk," said Solomon as he shook Gwen's hand and gave her a soft smile, which the girl returned with a little pep in her step as she entered the living room.

While little Gwen entered the living room, she saw two women talking in the kitchen, laughing to themselves as they shared a glass of wine and two plates with half-eaten cakes beside them.

When she reached the living room, she saw two boys excitedly talking to one another, sitting near another boy her age wearing a white T-shirt with a picture of Batman on the front, just drawing, and once in a while looking up at the two to contribute to the discussion and then return to drawing.

'I wonder what he is drawing?' the girl thought to herself as she started walking towards the trio to understand what they are discussing.

"Flash is the best hero, Ned! He can time travel, and he's colorful and fun. Batman is always too serious and too brutal with his enemies," Peter said to Ned.

"You are wrong, Pete. Batman is the smartest hero. He's fought guys above his weight class multiple times, and the coolest thing about him is that he is a normal human yet still a hero," Ned countered.

"I like both of them, but I like Superman the best," Gwen started saying but stopped as the two children stopped their argument to look at her. "H-hi, my name is Gwendolyne, and I like being called Gwen. What are your names?" Gwen asked, playing with her hair nervously with her fingers.

"My name is Peter," the boy with the light brown hair said as he looked at her straight in the eyes with his dark brown eyes. "And you are wrong, as Flash is the best."

"My name is Ned," said the small, pudgy boy. "And both of you are wrong. Batman is the best and coolest, right David?" asked Ned as David finished his drawing and looked at all three of them with his emerald green eyes.

David first opened his mouth but closed it at the last second as he simply showed his drawing of his favorite hero from his mostly forgotten first life, "His name is Spiderman, and he can do whatever a spider can. He is NYC's protector; he can crawl on walls, shoot webs, and he likes to make quips when fighting," David said, just remembering the hero itself, not even grand feats or any adventures, except the few he decided to draw.

"He looks cool!!!" said Gwen brightly as she took in David's art, "It looks professional. Do you draw a lot?" the girl asked, as once again David started to blush from the praise, smiling towards the little girl.

"Yeah, I want to make comic books when I grow up," David started to say as the four children started to talk among themselves. For some, that day started a new friendship, for others, it deepened what was already there, and in both cases, the friendship would grow to define the four children for most of their lives.

(Year 2010 - Age 15)

'Why today of all days,' David moaned in bed as he could only cough and sweat, too sick to even draw. His mother would come in every hour or so to check on him.

"I'm feeling fine, Mom," David said to his mother, telling her that he feels fine. When he tried to get up, he felt as if the whole world was spinning and fell back onto the bed.

"My sweet one," his mother said softly as she played with his hair, feeling him burning up. "I know you were looking forward to the trip, but you are too sick, אהובי (my love). I'm sure Peter, Ned, or Gwen will take pictures and tell you all about it, so just rest for now," she said as she left the room, and David lost the battle against exhaustion and fell asleep.

"This is what I'm afraid of. I wanted to prevent any of them from getting bitten," was the only thing he mumbled as he fell into a deep sleep.


"And this, students, is the cross-species wing where we research ways to boost human potential by studying nature and adapting it to ourselves. Now, you can explore and read about the experiments, but remember, no touching," Curt Connors, the lead researcher at Oscorp, said to the students as they explored.

Some went near the electric eels, some looked at his favorite experiment, the lizards, and only a few went toward the arachnid exhibit.

"Wow, look at that one," said Ned as one of the spiders turned invisible and sent electricity through its thread before a giant wolf spider jumped on top of it and tore it apart in seconds, "That big guy is vicious," he again said.

as Gwen, with her medium straight hair, took notes in her notebook while humming a song and tapping the pen on the paper as if it were a drum.

"Too bad David is not here. He would probably draw them as an origin story for his webcomic or something," Peter said, taking pictures of the spiders.

"Still can't believe how popular his webcomic has become in recent years. more than four thousand hits on his website with every update," Gwen said to Peter, as Ned looked happy that the website he made became so popular.

"So, children, I see the spiders interest you. Always happy to see young minds excited about science," Curt said as he went near the teens with an easygoing smile, "So, what Spider is your favorite?"

he started to ask before he stopped looking at the wolf-spider finishing eating his pray, 'this isn't supposed to happen, every spider is supposed to be separated from the rest,' Curt thought to himself starting to sweat as 14 spiders were missing except the Wolf-Spider, Norman would not be happy about it.

as doctor Connors thought to himself what he was going to say to his boss, Peter noticed a redheaded girl with voluminous hair, with a patch of freckles covering her nose and cheeks her name was Mary Jane Watson and he was crushing on her since the age of twelve, talking to his and his friends greatest bully's girlfriend, a Latina girl named Liz Allan.

-5 minutes before-

it has been hiding for so long, he was the only survivor, the rest have been devoured by the vicious one.

thanks for its strength it managed to break through the vicious one's webs, only he and three others managed it, one was colored red and blue with a branded 616 on it, the other was purple with a branded 42 on it, and the last was a white one with a branded 65 on it.

all fought back with everything they had, the survivor and 616 tried to use their senses and strength to fight back, both were equal in strength until the red one was overpowered as the vicious one used one of its legs to fire a web to separate them, and bring the red and blue to a position where it couldn't use it's full strength to protect itself.

After that the white one and the survivor both worked together, the white one tried to use its speed and unbelievable dexterity to dodge and attack at different angles using its webs as a shield and a way to move faster, in the end, while the white one was fast, the survivor was faster thanks to its specialty in jumping, and by using webs to change its trajectory managed to stay alive through the fight.

the vicious one was getting good hits from them both until it managed to cut the white one's web mid-movement and draw the white one near it to finish the fight ending it with giving a venomous bite that tore the white one's head off.

no matter what they did, nothing seemed to work, now from 15 different survivors to only three, the purple one for most of the fight weaved its webs around the vicious one, never stopping not even once, using its organic cloaking ability to hide while it did its work when it finishes and the vicious one got stuck on the web the purple one's plan come to fruition and use it's the second ability to use its webs as a conductor to shoot bio-electricity at the enemy, and finally make the enemy stop moving.

When the vicious one stopped moving the purple one satisfied with his win chose to come closer to feast on its enemy, only for the dead enemy to prove not only to be viciousness but also cruelty, as it started to move again on the web not bothered by the zep, as it moved at a slow and steady pace as the purple one desperately tried to stop it with his ability, only to get snatched up and get stung by its venom and get turned apart slowly and painfully all the while the vicious one made sure to keep it's pray alive as long as it can through all the process.

they all fought back with all their strength against the vicious one and it still managed to beat them all, the survivor was tired and already used its senses, speed, and strength to do what it can, but it still had some surprises on its own as the vicious one stood before it, it felt as the world around it slowed down to a crawl.

with a blink all the world's colors changed to black and white as the vicious one was colored red signaling it was alive, suddenly every little detail and imperfection was shown before the survivor's eyes, and with that, he saw a small crack in their cubic world at the very top.

so it ran with all the energy it has left, the vicious one seemed to move in slow motion as it jumped with all its strength at one of its enemy's eyes crushing it with his strength and using the enemy's head as a springboard to fly through the crack, shattering it with its awesome strength, the same strength the red one, vicious one, and him shared.

when it landed it was on one of the tall ones, too tired to move it fall asleep, the last thing he saw was the vicious one looking at him only to turn its back showing the number 313, the same number they both shared, as since it's hatching the both of them grow together and tried to kill each other.

normal pov-

as the rest of the class returned to their home Gwen started to walk towards the Wolfe household, wanting to give her notes to David and Peter's pictures, 'I hope he feels better, he was so excited about the school trip to Obscorp,' Gwen thought to herself as she reached the two stories suburban home and started knocking at the door.

"Just a moment," Gwen heard a familiar voice with an accent, as the door opened only to see Mrs. Wolfe's motherly kind face, "Oh Gwendolyne, did you come to visit my son?" asked Aster as she moved aside to let the teen enter her house, "come in and remember to take a little distance, you don't want to catch his cold dear," she said to gwen in a sweet voice that Gwen could only imagine her mother speak to her if she didn't die at childbirth.

"Thank you," said Gwen with a pep to her step as she moved towards David's room to give him her notes and Peter's pictures, when she entered she saw him laying in his bed half asleep, the window above his head opened to let the gentle breeze enter and to ventilate the room.

"Gwen? Did you bring the notes from the school trip?" asked David, as Gwen simply walked to his desk to see his scatch book and art supply laying there near his computer monitor.

"yap, as I promised you here are all the notes from the trip," said Gwen as she took a handkerchief from her pocket and put it on her mouth and nose as she neared her friend, "hope you will feel better David, the trip was boring without you there," she said as she gave David a gentle smile.

"Thanks, Gwen, you are the best friend that is also a girl a guy can ask for," David said cheekily as he reached for the glass of water near his bed to drink.

"I'm your only friend that is also a girl you dummy," said Gwen with a chuckle, as she started to move towards the door, "remember to show me your next Spiderman comic when you finish David, hope you will feel better soon," said Gwen as she left the room and closing the door behind her.

not noticing a small spider jumping from her shirt to the floor, just waking up and starting to run around to familiarize himself with its new surroundings, as it explored it suddenly stopped and shot a long thin web string to the ceiling to crawl along the roof.

David meanwhile again started to tire and fought the urge to sleep as he looked through Peters's pictures, not noticing the little spider dropping to his bed covers and starting walking towards his form.

'that's weird, I know I forgot most of the story but I don't remember most of the spiders dead, most of them looked as if they were turned apart, ah here are two live ones, a wolf spider and a jumping spider,' David continued to think to himself as he was mesmerized by the jumping spider mostly black and Orange form while shivering at the massive wolf spider from remembering the little he could from the ultimate cartoon where his best friend was evil.

suddenly a thin white string hit the picture and was taken from his hand as he watched the same jumping spider looking at him, "don't you dare you little shit," was the only thing David managed to say before the spider jumped to his hand and bit him, "OW, WHY?! I WASN'T EVEN ON THE SCHOOL TRIP!" David screamed in pain as he felt as if his hand started to burn, at the same time he hit the spider with his hand killing it in the process.

"is everything ok אהובי?" asked his mother as she entered the room only to see her son asleep in his bed, "I must have been hearing things," Aster said to herself not knowing her son lost conciseness moments before entering the room.


"I remember," was the only thing David said to himself as if in a movie the last moments of his last life were shown, "it was the year 2023, I was only 15, it was my first high school party," he said to himself as he watched his old self dancing and laughing with friends at a beach party.

"but how you died still alludes to you child," was the only thing he heard as the images stopped and the darkness lit up to show hundreds of spiders walking on a giant web that stretched for what seems like an eternity.

"Who said that?!" David said in a panicked voice as he started to take a step back only to fall on some of the webs, losing his ability to move as it started to cacoon him.

when he looked up he saw a giant spider walking on the web coming towards him closer and closer, "why do you tramble child?" the thing above him said as it picked his cacoon with one of its eight legs, "only the hearts poisoned by evil should fear death from one of my children's bite," it said as countless jumping spiders started to emerge from its mouth and fall on David's tear struck face, paralyzed from total fear, "for you are one with potential to spread my influence as my champion, my totem I will bestow upon you the curse of power," it started to say as the jumping spiders started to enter the cacoon he occupied.

"Please, n-no," was the only thing David could let out in his state, as all of Spiderman's tragedies and failures started to go through his head, 'I don't want this, I want a normal life," was the last thing that went through his head as he was fully covered and once again found himself in total darkness.


When David once again opened his eyes he found himself in a near completely malted cacoon that barely holds him above his bed, and with a little movement fall to the springy bed only from there to summersault like a gymnast to the floor with almost no noise.

when David went towards his standing mirror to look at himself he noticed that he jumped from 5'7 in height to 5'9, he stripped naked to see what more changed with his body to see he sported a six-pack, and his entire form was ripped with compact muscles yet not making him look like a bodybuilder, and when he looked down to see David.JR, David almost jumped to see the difference after the bite, "I'm only 15, this is ridiculous," he thought to himself as he looked at his changed body.

"oh no," David said to himself in a quiet voice, for the first time thinking of the ramification of his mutation, 'If I don't become Spider-man...' images of villains rampaging through NYC went through his mind, yet at the same time images of all the crap that Peter want through entered his mind, "would it be selfish of me to want to just live a normal life?" he asked his reflection in the mirror with a panicked look in his eyes

to be continued...

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