
Chapter 6 : Owls' Nest

Just watched No way home yesterday. So late chapter. About the Movie without spoilers. It's simply amazing . A solide 8/10 review , especially for the villains, Tobey and Andrew there performance was 10/10. Tom , well at the start he was not so good but I think he nailed the final act. He has truly become a Spider-'Man' now. Really hoping to see his new trilogy with that cool og Spider-man suit.

Let's get back to the story.




Peter was back at his home thinking about the story of Allan Morse. and his obsession with owls. He couldn't get it out of his head . If what she was trying to say was true then the enemy he was facing this time was very dangerous.

A pick up his laptop and started searching about information regarding his death. Allan had died in 1922. That would entail that this court of Owls was at least a century old. But then the question poped up . Where could they have hidden? It's not like someone could hide for a century without any trace.

He remembered how superstitious Allan was and started to search in detail what all had thought about the owl before he died. But he found something really unique. There was an article about His superstitions regarding the building he built.

'Jacqueline told me her great grandfather was superstitious during his last years. But according to this little article on net he had always been a believer in such superstitions. This guy believed that the number 13 was a symbol of Bad Omen, much like how people see the owls as bad omen too. Anyway, He used to believe that In the 13th floor of any building Something Omnibus always happens. So he Decided to Leave a small space between the 12th floor and the 14th floor to contain the bad luck of number 13. And it wasn't just him either many did things like that. during those times.'

This article talked about how in his remembrance all buildings built by The Allan Morse trust fund , A trust built for assisting the young architects, Used for progressive addition to New York's skyline. All the buildings built by this trust Still continued to do the same practice if leaving a space between 12th and 14th floors.

As he was going a realisation struck him like thunder. And he reread all these articles and then read them again and again. He could see how all this was inter connected.

'Allan thought the owls were in the walls .That space between twelfth floor and 14th floor, a space sealed off from the rest of the world, inaccessible just a plank slot in in the building an absence like a breath held when passing a graveyard. A space just big enough- in theory for a person to hide in. That's where they are. In a place that doesn't exists.'

He immediately stood up and started going down stairs . He picked up his bag that contained his suit and also the radio that Captain Stacy had given him.

As he went down he met Aunt May and before she could say anything he stopped her by saying. " I'm going to someplace This is very important so I may not be back tonight. Don't be too worried."

May cried out " Where are you going so late at night ?"

" I can't tell you that yet. But you'll have to believe me that's it's necessary I go there. I'm sorry ."

And then he went out of the house and immediately started running at full speed. He reached an alley and decided to change into costume. After that Peter decided to contact Captain Stacy ' He might be of some help. And he did say that they were in this together don't want to get on his bad side again so fast.'

Then he picked out the radio that he had got just earlier today and click the power button.




George Stacy was not having a good time. This month has been very bad . It was never too good . But when you have to wake up in the middle of the night just to listen to how they have found a new half eaten body or how a bunch of people have disappeared. Knowing they might be facing the same fate as those bodies. It was a new level of craziness.

Things in the Big Apple had never been normal . Superhumans , Mob bosses , Underworld kings, Mad scientist, Mecha - Rhinos , Runaway Kangaroos etc was a normal thing here. Especially since A certain masked vigilante showed up . A masked man whose real identity he may or may not know personally. And whose methods he definitely didn't like but was stuck with him on this recent Owls case.

George returned to his home late at night He needed some food as today has been a hectic day as usual he hadn't eaten anything other than apple juice. As he entered his home he found that his family was gathered together sitting on the sofa. It put a small smile on his face. ' This is what I fight for. ' he reminded himself as he made his way towards them and sat down on the empty seat.

Hey Dad" His youngest son Jimmy greeted him.

" Caught any owls yet? " His elder son Thomas joked.

"welcome home ." His daughter Gwen still reading her magazine.

" Well I'm fine as always. Thanks for asking." He joked. before his wife asked if she should set up his dinner.

At that moment the radio device at his waist beeped yellow. Yellow was meant for a special connection. Stacy excused himself and picked up the device. "Hello? Spider-Man?"

" Captain! I think I may need your help. I think I just may have found where the owls are. hiding. They have always been here cap—"

" Hold on a sec, What did you need my help for what did you find?"

" I think I found out there nest, maybe it's just a bullshit theory but Let's meet at the police station and discuss.

"Alright" Stacy said and turned around only to see his three children looking at him with varying expressions.

" You are working with Spider-man?"His elder son asked.

"Awesome" his youngest said.

"Why him? He should be arrested . He Killed Harry's dad." Gwen said.

His daughter seemed to hate Spider-man with a passion, since the first time he appeared actually.But George wasn't too happy about her comment especially since he has seen the masked vigilante putting his life in danger to help people and still getting compared to Osborn.

"Norman Osborn? Good riddance. It's better that the monsters is gone. And Spider-man didn't kill himself he himself died from his own trap." There was some edge in his voice.

He said it because he had been there during fight between goblin and Spider-man. "And I've told you to stay away from his spawn. Nothing good comes by associating yourself with the Osborns."

Gwen was shocked by what her father said. She had thought that her father would at least understand her. But he instead took Spider man's side. As she saw him Go back out of the house to do his duty she couldn't stop a tear leaking from her eyes as she thought about what all has happened to her life. Peter and Harry and now her father. It was becoming a mess , all because of Spider-man.




"So what have you found?" Stacy asked as he opened the door to his office.

Gordon who was currently on the computer answered him , " Spider-man here , has a theory that Court of owls live in a sealed space in the buildings made by Allan Morse."

"Look Cap I know it sounds weird but remember what the Mayor told us about her great-grandfather Allan. How he was obsessed with Owls. And that nursery rhyme , It's been around for more than a century. What if this Court of Owls aren't imitating a legend? what if they are the reason for all these superstitious stories?"

" You mean they have been around for almost a century. Hidden all this time ? That's absurd. We would atleast know something."

" Look here Allan's superstitions weren't just about owls. He also had this other idea that Bad things happen on thirteenth floor. So he Made his buildings in a special way. He left a small space between 12th and 14th floor to hold the bad luck . Now this space should at least be big enough for a person to hide. A sealed floor , Big enough for someone to live. Remember how she told us Allan believed The owls were living ' In the walls'."

Stacy was silent for a while," So you what to investigate this place?"

"Yes.I have a very strong feeling about this and my feelings are usually always right."

Gordon then turned to them ," I've made a list of all the buildings built by Allan Morse Trust Fund in the past 90 years.There are more than 15 buildings in the city that have more than 13 floors. The oldest one built by the man himself in year 1905. "

Spidey stood up ," We will start with the oldest one. That had the most connection to Allan Morse. I'll need some things that may be needed like torch, camera and some explosives. And maybe a thermal scanner too. THIS maybe our best chance yet."




Currently Peter was stuck to the wall of the building that he suspected was a hideout of the Court of Owls. He was climbing up towards the fourteenth floor. The plan was to go to fourteenth floor blast a hole in the ground to the sealed floor and Viola!

Once he reach the said floor he went to the center and punched hard on the ground three times leaving a very cracked ground and place the explosive Stacy had got for him from the emergency department.

Stacy and Gordon were on call with him. While also keeping watch our the building from the cameras around . " Spider-Man do you copy?"

Spidey press a button on the earpiece. " Yeah I can. I have successfully entered the fourteenth floor. Any signs of the owls ?"

"None yet. Keep going you have to be fast. This is going to be another hassle. I can feel it." Gordon said animatedly ," I can already see it. Explosions in the building at night Has the police completed their nap time yet?. This will be the news tomorrow. "

" Heh , I'll still support you guys. Anyway, Let's Scooby doo this shit." Then he pressed the button in his hand and with a small boom there was a hole in the ground. He immediately dived into it. And landed on the ground below.

There was darkness all around So he took out the torch.And what greeted him was a face of gaint Owl."Waahohooh... shit that was scary?"

He looked at it closely and found that it was a large Owls statue " Well looks like we hit the Jackpot Captain."

" You found them?"

"No, but this is definitely their hideout who else has so many things related to owls." He said as he started to look around . There were various antics around in this room. He found a large full body metal Armor with the head guard that looked like an owls face. Some documents and an old potrait. A very old potrait with some men and women and children .Their faces hidden behind a white owl mask the date on the potrait was 1905. In the middle of the group inside potrait was a guy wearing the full body Armor he had found earlier.

"Did you find anything usefull in there?" Stacy's voice came through the ear piece.

"No much but they are very real captain. The 'Court of Owls' they have been around for more than century. And Allan Morse was right .They really were living inside his home."

" That's what owls do. They take over others nest and use it as their own." Gordon interjected. "Now that we know that your theory are correct. Let's move on to searching through all the suspected places."

" Yeah alright. Give me the location of the closest building from here."




As they started searching all the buildings one by one. The mystery shrouding This so-called Court started to clear. It seemed they were a notorious group who have hands in many crimes this city has seen over the year they were the dark force behind the ris of the first Kingpin of Crime. They also had part in the murder of scientist Abraham Eriskine . And they did many other dirty works in the city over the year. But there wasn't anything recent about them.

Spider-Man decided that they need to fasten the process " Give me the location of the newest building. They may be their current hideout."

"Alright. The newest building built by Allan's Foundation was built 2 years ago. And it's near Central park."




Chrysler Tower. The newest building on the list. It had 30 floors but for now only 20 were in use. Spider-Man climbed up and enter the 14 floor and repeated the same thing he had done to enter the sealed 13th floor in other buildings.

As the explosion opened the hole. He jumped in . What he saw was slightly different from other buildings . This place wa dimly lit . It was cleaner too. There was a table with a file. Spidey opened it to check out. It contained pictures of some people in high places like The mayor, Dr. Bruce Banner etc some pages also contained information about him as Spider-man too. Most were pretty accurate. They may even have found out who he really was.

" Report Spider-man." Stacy called out again.

" Ah , yeah , It seems they didn't go away in the past anywhere like we thought. They just became more hidden. Seems like the S.H.I.E.L.D. was after them. They have some report about some of the supposed agents. "

" Why are they rearing their heads now? "

" I don't know." Spidey replied as he continued searching for anything. He forcefully opened a locker to find some more files. He took it out and started reading it.

Peter's eyes widened at this new discovery. This 'Court of Owls' had associated themselves with Norman Osborn and newest KingPin Wilson Fisk. They were trying to create a cannibal army at their command with some kind of woo-doo magic. And they asked for Norman's association in return for doing his dirty work.

' But now that one of their associate was dead while the other had fled the city. They had to come out of the shadows to get the job done by themself. That was when I first met them.'

He relayed all this info to the police captain.

"I don't think they are here . I'm getting out. " They as he turned around he saw the potrait in the room for the first time. He had seen similar ones in other buildings too. But came to check it nonetheless. Maybe he would find someone recognisable. As looked at the many hidden faces in the picture. His eyes drifted off to the date written in the lower right corner. July 20 , 2008. July 20? 2008? That was just ten days ago. Peter's eyes widened as his sense of danger blared wildly . He jumped sideways as some knives imbeded themselves in the picture.He rolled and then stood up to look at his enemy.His super power had given him better view in dark.

There he stood in a complete black suit , covered from head to toe. He had a sword behind his back and a belt full of small knife attached. Most notable feature was his mask and baggy cloth. With two large circular lenses that made him look like an owl. He stood there straight with his hands behind his back.

"You are ... The Talon?" Spider-Man had seen people in similar clothes in other potrait too. This must be the guy who performed all the dirty works of the court.

" Indeed Spider-Man. It's nice to meet you." well that was a bit unexpected but he shouldn't lower his guard . Spider-Man thought.

" Thank you for taking care of the our cit for us. But you have been becoming more and more of a problem in our goal. And the Court Doesn't Likes It."

"Your city ? since when did it became your?"

" Since the beginning."

" What is your goal."

" The ultimate control over the world."

" Meh. Typical villain stereotypes." Spider man said animatedly and continued ," Ok, one last question , Can you really rotate your head 270 degrees?"

" I don't see the need to answer that."

" Aw come on, we were having such a good talk. Now you are destroying the chemistry."

The Talon let out a breath that sound like a laugh . " I don't mind answering some questions of dead man."

Spider-Man didn't say anything this time and Talon could see his body tensing. He continued," Spider-man for all the troubles caused by you the Court Has Sentenced you to Death.


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