
Chapter seven

Day of the trip


Today was the day. Spending the entire trip without Mira or Brandon. I'd be bored out of my mind. I didn't want to go anymore. So trash.

This trip was dumb. To go to this lab to look at new species or ones that were bred.

I look out of the window as the school bus had pulled up to the school. "Who did you get seated with?" Tyler asked. One of my other good friends, yet we barely spoke to one another. I sigh and look forward.

"Asuwa," I answer. Tyler kept a smirk on his face as if he tried not to laugh. "She offered me some head once," he says. I raise my eyebrows and just looked down.

"Let's hope she doesn't do the same for me," I say. Tyler shrugs.

I take a deep breath in. "I'm sure you misunderstood her. I don't think she'd be the type to just offer up some swampy white boy some head," I reply.

"Alright, Mr. Illegal. I got a good dick game. Don't believe me? Ask your girl," Tyler comes back. I smirk a little. "Don't have one. don't plan on getting on any time soon. Besides, the girl I want already has a jerk for a damn boyfriend." I look back out of the window.

the sound of the teens around me muffled as the bus stops on the bus ramp.

Everyone stands. I stand as well, being shorter than Tyler since he was 6'0 foot. "I don't feel like going to this damn lab," Tyler says.

I whisper seeing as the bus had only got quiet.

"Same," I reply.

"Move." As Tyler got into the aisle, I tried so, only to hear Jake say move and shove me back into the seat as he kept going.

Ellen refused to make eye contact with me. a little ashamed of me calling her out a few days ago. I was only speaking the truth.

I stare at Jake coldly as he keeps walking. His egg-shaped head nearly made me smile.

Other people smiled and lifted their chins at me as they didn't allow me to cut into the long, quiet line. Ellen got into the aisle, and to my luck, I was right behind her. Her ass nearly touching my dick as she was thick and well curved.

I arch a little, avoiding the touch to not seem like a weirdo, although it would be a good feeling to have walking into Hell itself.

We made it off of the bus and I was met with Brandon and Mira waiting for me.

"Wassuh, G!" Mira says.

Brandon lifted his chin at me as I fist-bump the both of them.

"You guys ready?" I ask.

"Hell no. I want to go home." Mira got on the left side of me while Brandon walked to the right. none of us had brought our backpacks seeing as we didn't need them for the entire day.

"I almost caught a fade with Jake on the bus a few minutes ago," I say.

Mira raised her eyebrows. "His ahh be pissing me off. I be ready to kill a nigga," Mira laughed. I smile too, shaking my head at the way she'd said that. "Y'all gone get y'all ass beat too. His ahh got the whole fuckin football team on y'all ahh," Brandon chimed in.

"What they gone do, rape me?" Mira asked. Brandon and I smiled before laughing. "Yeah!" We both joke.

Mira lightly punched me in the arm.

"They gone rape Kaden since he too much of a little Biotch to catch a fade with Jake," Mira came back. I squint my eyebrows. "On my soul, I ain't afraid to fight that man. Sorry, excuse me; that boy," I correct myself.

"Brandon and I are about to get turnt on the bus. I got the blunt my G," Mira says. I nudge Mira in the arm for saying it too loud.

I'd be sitting next to her. Well, across from her. Brandon by the window as Asuwa was by the window in my seat. Mira and I had the aisle seat since I wanted a little puff as well.

As we reach the back of the school where the buses were lined up, teachers pointed to where they wanted us to go.

Asuwa was standing and talking to a teacher. I stop as Mira and Brandon did as well.

"What?" Mira asked.

My hair waves in the wind. The sunlight blocking my view a little. Tall buildings in the background as I put my hand over my forehead and begin walking up to Asuwa.

"Kaden! there you are!" Ms. Holly proclaimed. Asuwa turns as well.

Her hair in a tight bun as she turns to me with a small wave. "Brandon, Mira, go to your bus," Holly demanded.

Mira sighed and nodded as Brandon began walking off. I fist bump Mira as she walks off with Brandon, leaving me here with Asuwa and this annoying ass teacher.

"I thought you'd be absent today." Holly smiles.

(maybe I should've been.) I think.

"Uh, no. Of course not," I reply. Holly smiles and nods.

I give a fake smile and look at Asuwa who stood just behind. Holly with her hands behind her back and her eyes closed. a cute smile on her face. Her light blue hoodie and faded blue jeans that came high above the ankle and her sketcher shoes. Damn. Sketchers in high school?

"You'll be sitting with Asuwa today. Bus number 2:14. both of you go now before we take off for the lab. We have an hour-long drive," Holly says. She walks off, pointing to two more people.

I stand next to Asuwa who got close to me, touching my arm with her shoulder seeing as she was so short.

"Uh... what time did you get here?" I ask.

Asuwa tilts her head with a small smile. "Time?" She asked confusingly.

"I get at school building to 8." Asuwa nods. I'm guessing she got here at eight. All I could do was nod at her answer.

"We have new cate at house.. home.. how do you say?" Asuwa asked.

"New cate?" I ask. Asuwa nods.

"What's a cate?" I ask. "It is cate! Do you know? a new cate?" Asuwa asked. Her voice was so light. Like talking to an anime character. "I don't know what a cate is..." I reply.

Asuwa takes out her phone and goes into her notes.

She then lifts the phone up and I lean down, squinting my eyes as she underlines the word with her fingernail. "See, cate!" She says. I lift my head and laugh at what she'd said.

"You mean cat?????!" I smile.

Asuwa rolled her eyes and shakes as if she was agreeing to disagree.

"Cate... cat... same thing," she chuckles. We get to the bus and I step to the side as she runs her fasted to step up the steps. "Sorry!" Asuwa adorably says.

"Maybe you can see new cat!" Asuwa sat in the front row while I see Brandon and Mira in the back of the bus joking around with other people. my other group of friends. I wanted to ditch Asuwa and go back there, but that'd be rude.

I sit down and look at Asuwa sit close to me, buckling her seatbelt.

"You use those on a school bus?" I ask.

I squint my eyes and look at her confusingly.

"Always safe!" Asuwa smiles. Her eyes wide as she looks me directly in mine.

"Haha, alright, Asuwa." I sit back and look forward before feeling Asuwa trying to buckle my seatbelt on me.

"What are you doing?" I lift my arms seeing her reach over and behind me to buckle me up. "You have safe when... with this!" Asuwa says. I smile and shake my head as she buckled me up and clapped her hands in excitement.

The teacher stands on the bus and turns to the rest of the bus behind him.

"Alright! When we get to the lap, they are allowing you guys to travel with your partners and explore the lab. We all will meet in the main hall at 4pm when we get there. But you need to always stay with your partner. And be on your best behavior!" He informed.

"Bet!" Mira yells.

Everyone laughed as I smile and shake my head. "Funny!" Asuwa laughed, resting her hand on my thigh.

I tried to ignore it as if it were nothing.

The teacher sat back down as the bus driver began taking off.

Asuwa takes her hand away and sits closer offering me her AirPod. "Want?" She asked. I look at her phone to see a Tv show. Looked like some Korean Drama. Did she speak Korean? She was Taiwanese. Maybe she spoke both.

I take it and put it in as she sits so close to me I could smell the strawberry shampoo in her head. Her thighs pressed up against mine. I try so hard to ignore it.

Tell me what you guys think in the comments. I love you all. Thank you.

JD_Labscreators' thoughts
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