
SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

The greatest Magic Scholar to ever live, Lewis Griffith, died without ever being able to use Magic thanks to being Inept. Strangely, he reincarnates centuries into the future, given a second chance at life. Now thrust into the world of Magic, will his new life as Jared Leonard be the same as it was in the past? Or… will he finally be able to use Magic and change the world? * * * CONSIDER JOINING OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter Enjoy the read!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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1405 Chs

Dead End [Pt 2]

The moment we crossed the threshold into the labyrinth, it felt like stepping into the maw of a monstrous creature.

A bitter, damp chill hung in the air, wrapping itself around us, and permeating our very bones. The walls of the maze were slick, shadowy stones, emitting a sense of foreboding.

We travelled in silence, the only sound being the echo of our footsteps, creating an eerie rhythm in the oppressive silence. The labyrinth seemed to change and shift with each passing second, its sinister nature concealed in the shadows.

"Feels like we're being watched," Drake whispered, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Just keep moving," I instructed, my hand reaching for the pouch of tools at my belt. This was no place for hesitation.