

After fighting in a brutal war for 5 years,Alexander a special forces soldier,dies in an explosion during a mission. However instead of disappearing, he's offered a second chance at life in another world as Luke Argenti, the son of a powerful duke. But he soon learns that such privileges comes with responsibilities and that the weak cannot survive in this world. Follow Luke as he fights against the misfortunes and dangers of this new world in order to live his second life in peace! release schedule: monday,wednesday and friday. *it will have romance but i will take my time developing AI GENERATED COVER

WAVEX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


- So, this is how it ends.

Those are the last words to come out of my mouth before getting engulfed by an explosion. But first let me tell you how I got in this situation.

It started when a certain country, out of nowhere, decided to go on a conquering spree, causing World War III. The countries that weren't yet conquered formed an alliance to fight the enemy, at first, they had the upper hand but then the enemy started using their trump cards: high tech armament.

Casualties started to increase as their technology was a few years advanced than the alliance, as a result everyone physically healthy was forced to fight to fill the gaps left by the dead. I eventually joined the army, not because I was forced but because those bastards killed my family during an aerial assault against the city where I lived.

Having only 19 years old when I joined and being an ordinary college student who liked to read novels and play games, the first few months of training were hell on earth. I used to play sports, but my practice was nothing like the gruesome training the instructor put me through.

Right after training period ended, I was deployed to fight in the war, it didn't take long for me to adapt to the cruel reality of the battlefield, making the training I went through look like a game. Surviving countless battles, I earned the nickname Spectral due to my infiltration and assassination skills eliminating various enemy commanders.

However during a crucial battle to reclaim a lost city one of my superiors used a group of civilians as bait to destroy hostile equipment while I killed their commander, leading to me deserting the army after an argument with my superior saying he was no different from them, sure its war and I'm no saint but I'm not going to bring unrelated people into my business.

Following this incident, I acted solo for a while, but it didn't bring the desired impact I was hoping. Consequently, I started recruiting abandoned soldiers and nurturing refugees to form my own militia with a few years its efficiency rivaled my old squad in the army.

Fast forward a day before the present, we learned the location of a secret base being used to create a deadly virus, naturally we are going to destroy it.

issuing the order, me and 5 other members went to the area near the base to scout since we've already grown accustomed to do missions like this, we had more experience than the other members.

After scouting we camped near the base and made a plan to destroy it, it was simple 3 were going to cause a distraction and the others were going to the main lab and plant the bombs, however like all plans, something was bound to go wrong. We got lured into a trap by the enemies and who leaked our plan to them? A traitor on the distraction team, he also killed the other two members of the team and commanded the guards to corner us in the lab. I was a fool for not expecting a traitor among our mists.

Our remote detonators were being jammed so there's no way to denotate the bombs from the outside and only a door was separating us from hundreds of guards.

Seeing that we were going to die we stayed here I ordered the 2 members to escape while I hold the enemy back, obviously they argued but I didn't leave room for objections and told them to leave, as for the mission I was going the used chemicals in the lab to cause an explosion. After they found a way out, I immediately began build a bomb using the lab, it was a bit crude, but it will do the job now all I got to do is hold the guards back.

As soon the door was breached the guards came rushing in, using every weapon at my disposal, bodies started falling dead on the ground one by one, but my momentum did not last long as wounds began covering my body, but I stood my ground, like heavy from clone wars, since the explosive wasn't ready.

30 minutes after the battle started, I went down and the explosion happened, bringing us to the present.

Seeing the yellowish flame reach my body the classic "life flashing before one's eyes "starts speed running through my life, although it wasn't a perfect life it had its good moments, from the happy times with my family, friends ,and girlfriend, to the many fights with my former squad and my group, I hope that my second in command can take the reins after me, he's got a good head.

my only regret is not being able to see the end of this war but, oh well no used crying over spilled milk.

As soon as my body got devoured by the explosion my vision went dark and i started hovering in the abyss, I guess hell and heaven were a lie huh. Few minutes have passed, and a faint white dot appeared in the horizon and found myself being attracted toward it and it only got bigger as I closed in.

Reaching the now big white dot a bright light blurred my vision, and I found myself in a new environment, I couldn't see well but their body shape was of adults, and they were speaking a language I was unable to identify,

Suddenly I felt a sharp being in my butt and began to cry, which even got me surprised, having gone the hell in the war I lost the capacity to cry but a simple slap was enough to make me shed tears? Then I felt a warn embrace hug my body, looking up I saw a blurred face close to mine and instinctively tried to push it away with my hands, but then I noticed my hand were small, feeling my face was soft and chubby. Peeking at my body a saw that I was warped in a blanket.

My mind stared going into overdrive, running all possible explanations to this situation but no logical solution came to my mind, then I considered one illogical possibility, one that always happens in countless novels and anime.

I've been reborn in another world.

prologue may be a little sloppy but i wnated to get it out of the way first

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