1 Leo


As Leo heard this ringing sound he felt hot all over his body. This only lasted for a minute and a spear, as black as ink with length of almost three meters pop up in front of him.

What makes his heart skip a beat is that there is game like interface in front of him.

Spear(Blank)Tier 0

Attributes: None

Skills: None

Then he look at his surroundings, everyone in the kitchen holds a weapon; a sword and a dagger. All of then are still skeptical of what's going.

" What is this?" said Carlo, the head chef.

"Looks like a game item?" Leo answered hesitantly.

Carlo's eyes nearly pop out. Then he look at Leo as if asking if this was just a dream. They always played computer games during their free time to relieved stress from their daily job, from modern warfare to fantasy RPG's. He was about to ask the others when the whole kitchen started to shake.

"What now?!!" Carlo shouted while holding his dagger which looks like the same color as Leo's spear.

"I think we ran aground? "answered Leo with confusion written all over his face.

"Bullshit!! We are in the middle of the Indian Ocean, how can we run aground? "shouted Roger while shaking due to nervousness.

"I will check outside. "Leo said after gripping his spear which gives him some courage.

The ship they are in is a VLCC tanker vessel that's why only 25 crews onboard. They are only three of them in the kitchen, Carlo the head chef, Roger the assistant chef and Leo the messman.

When Leo went outside what awaited him shocked the life out of him. Huge school of fishes were banging on the hull of the ship. There are also lots of fishes jumping on deck. What terrified him the most was the crews who are working on deck are feasted by this monstrous fishes.


(What the fuck are those fishes!? How can a fish that large jump onboard!? ). His heart heart nearly jump out from his chest. The fish he saw that was feasting on the nearest crew which was 10 meters away from him looks like a tuna. But this tuna was larger that the usual, with the length of 5 meters and 1 meter in diameter. Its eyes were blood red and its teeth are razor sharp. Chills went out on his spine upon seeing the corpse of his fallen crewmate which he could not distinguished who it was. The Tuna monster which was feasting suddenly turn its head upon sensing another person around.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Leo shouted on top of his lungs. Those blood red eyes focused him makes him want to pee on his pants. He hurriedly went inside slamming the door shut but the fish jump using its tail towards the door. The metal door was punctured by its mouth but it was stuck with only the face on the inside. The mouth of the fish released some chills which makes Leo shuddered from cold. Upon seeing this chance Leo thrusted his spear forward. The spear went in from the mouth to the brain which made the fish twitched a little and then die.


Ice Tune( Tier 0)

Attribute: Ice

Skill: None


An interface pop up infront of Leo as the fish die. This made his sigh in relief. The monstrous fish nearly killed him luckily it was stuck on the door. He was drenched in sweat. He was so scared but excited at the same time.

(Its a game world!!) He thought. Then he shouted. "Absorb!!!"
