
Chapter 2: The Village Head

"Boy, why are you bathing at this time of the day?" roared the village head. Without waiting for the boy to answer, he thundered once more, "You went to practice with your spear again, with your weak and frail body. What if you injured yourself in the process?"

"But village head, I'm a grown-up now and I can take care of myself," replied Li Wei, his voice steady despite the confrontation.

"Brat, you have certainly grown up to now talk back at me!" roared the village head again. His face was red with anger as he towered over the boy, his bushy eyebrows furrowed.

Then, in one swift motion, the village head grabbed Li Wei by the ear, his fingers like a vice grip. "If I don't punish you, you will not listen to me!" he declared with a mixture of frustration and concern.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" screamed the boy as he was dragged away by the village head. Each step was accompanied by a yank on his ear, causing him to wince in pain. Despite the discomfort, Li Wei kept his gaze level, refusing to let the village head see his tears.

As they walked, the village head's grip remained unyielding, a testament to his stern authority. Li Wei's thoughts raced, a mixture of defiance and resentment welling up within him. He had always believed in his dream of becoming the Spear Emperor, but the village head's relentless criticism had started to chip away at his confidence.

They reached a small clearing at the edge of the village, where a solitary tree stood tall. The village head finally released Li Wei's ear, and the boy stumbled forward, rubbing his ear gingerly.

"You have talent, Li Wei, but talent alone won't make you great," the village head said, his tone surprisingly gentle. "You must learn discipline and respect, not only for the art of the spear but also for those who guide you."

Li Wei's eyes met the village head's, and he saw a depth of wisdom that he had never noticed before. Perhaps the village head's strictness was not just an attempt to control him, but a way to prepare him for the challenges that lay ahead.

"I understand, village head," Li Wei said, his voice sincere. "I will heed your guidance and work harder to prove myself."

A rare smile graced the village head's lips. "Good. Remember, becoming the Spear Emperor requires not just strength and skill, but also character."

From that day forward, Li Wei's relationship with the village head began to shift. Underneath the stern exterior, he discovered a mentor who genuinely cared about his growth. The village head's lessons were tough, but they were infused with a deep sense of purpose.

As the sun set over the village, Li Wei found himself practicing his spear techniques once more, each movement more precise than the last. The memory of the village head's grip on his ear served as a reminder of his determination.

He might have been tested, but Li Wei knew that his journey was only beginning. With the village head's guidance and his unyielding spirit, he was determined to carve his path to becoming the Spear Emperor