
Spawn of Nothingness

A college student that loses everything in life his, girlfriend, his family, his money, and innocence kills himself because he has nothing left Transmigrating to a new world, he is shocked by where he is and what he is becoming most importantly, what he is..... ------------

Classification · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 2, A journey

Surprisingly Kronos felt no fear of death and even liked it at least a little 

Killing himself was the most sensible thing he could do in the situation

The parents of his were dead and he would be in cps which he had no intention of being there

The Blackness and constant whispers made him feel all to familiar with this place

Just as he was lost in his thoughts even though he was dead, a powerful suction force appeared 

Kronos with all his might resisted it as for some reason he didn't want to go

Still the suction force was simply too powerful

He lost consciousness and a few seconds later, a sight that he never thought he'd have back came to him 

Opening his eyes slowly, the only things he could see was a night sky and a few buildings 

Everything was quiet and only the chirping sounds of crickets resounded 

The body of his had very little strength and he could see he lay on pavement

'I see, I have transmigrated to another universe, wonder which.'


A golden black transparent screen smeared with red appeared in front of him

'I recognize this screen, this must be one of those systems, good I don't mind cheating' 





[Absolute System, Loaded]

Kronos saw the screen change to a screen with different numbers and words 

[Welcome to the system of Absolute, this system will make you and help you become the Absolute being, the main menu consists of basic statistics and information while the system shop has an infinite amount of everything to purchase]

A British accented male voice sounded in his mind as he adjusted to the voice

Kronos albeit excited with the prospect of this saw a significant problem 

[The user will be able to obtain Absolute points by doing anything that elevates that user in anyway that makes him 'Absolute']

The system with its message popping up made a sudden ding 

[As the user is in a level 4 universe, 3747382 sends an Absolute Starter Pack, Do you choose to accept, Yes/No]

Before choosing anything, Kronos inspected himself and his surroundings while also taking a plausible guess what his situation was at the moment 

Lifting the ragged shirt of his the bones showed in his chest and waist

The shoes if he had any were nonexistent and his jeans smelled

'Bony and skinny, alright then'

Standing up and seeing everywhere, he could see he was in a alleyway 

He walked out of it and there he was in a busy streets full of busling people

'System, what world am I in?' Curiosity piqued at him seeing where he was and od the system would respond 

[Universe Information -

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Time - 2:00PM, February 2002]

In his previous life from when he was in high school, he came to know of the roman and greek gods and its other different variations that made fiction great

The gods and Cosmic beings vying for greed or power made a good concept 

He had finished all the books and left it after a while to study for exams 

Now that he himself was in an actual universe of gods, Kronos could see all the possibilities 

Seeing the system message in front of him, without hesitation he decided


[Absolute starter pack granted, Five hundred Absolute points, Accelerative Regeneration, The Force, Ichigo Template] 

Kronos quickly stopped in his tracks and stared deeply at the message for a few ten minutes 

People strolled around him and looked at him weirdly before going there ways

"FUCK YES!" Saying this made some people give him frowns but of course he ignored them, he continued to walk although with a faster and vibrant way

'I have the necessary things to adapt, good' Kronos walking through the street now felt a little more protected since he was in a kids book about Gods

He of course knew almost everything about Percy Jackson and its secrets but one could never be too careful

Right now not once did a occurring thought about him being powerful occur

He only knew that he was in a dangerous place not what lay in it and what lurked

Beings like Zeus or any other gods could snuff him out any second

Not that he cared though because death or anything else like that was already very trivial to him

Before he could forget, one thing that he wanted to try quickly came to him


[Name: Kronos 

Date of Birth: April 2 1986

Parents: N/A

Hair: Black 

Eyes: Black

Age: Sixteen 

Lifespan: 100


Physique: 1

Absolute Points: 500


Skills - Accelerative Regeneration

Bloodlines/Templates - The Force, Ichigo Template]

'Hm not bad, I need to fix my Physique fast, wonder why it says N/A for my parents well then its good I'm sixteen'


'What the F-'

Kronos collapsed on the ground in between the busy street full of people 

Everything blacked out and for a second he though he would end up in that other place but what came to him was very different 

"Men do not have the right to live and unfortunately for this woman, her mind is in the holds of the fickles of love" A cold night with trees and a nearby camp vividly appeared, a tall bueatiful woman hovered in the air

A rope coiled around a man and woman who looked their fifties, they seemed hopeless but with smiles 

An arrow also magically went through there clothes stopping just a few inches away to make their deaths

"You can't and never will find him, if he is as powerful as you say he is then one day, HE WILL BE THE RECKONING OF YOU ALL" As Jason said this the a rope tightened even more as well as the arrow and he turned to look at Emma, they both nodded and put their lips together 

Their faces on each other's and having one last intimate touch

"Mortal couple no doubt, this woman tainted by a man, I will free you" The woman with the bow and Greek dress spread her arms forward and fisted her hand 

The arrow went into their stomachs until the two people's flesh scattered everywhere 

"Kid! Hello! You there?" Both of Kronos's hands were in fists and blood was visible from the digging of nails

The person a police officer by the looks of it had an impatient expression on

His desk and other desks filled had stacks ful of paper on them

People milled around and some others busied themselves 

Reading the badge on the police officer, Kronos couldn't help but chuckle 

'Delaware, the same place I died' He had lived and died in Delaware his life before and until the bitter end 

"Alright well the paperwork is done and since your parents are dead you'll go into Child Protective services" The police officer signed off some paper and handed him some to sign which he did

The parents of his died at the hands of a certain hypocritical Goddess

In the memories of his Kronos surmised that they had been killed when the Goddess most likely Artemis saw them making love in the forest

While waiting Kronos though about this while starting to be in tune with the force

Kronos cracked an expression that read of nothing but deep inside and all around him, he could feel unparalleled infinite and unsumuramble rage

He would bide his time and would topple Olympus and its allies

Anyone standing in his way would get no mercy from him


He would fulfill this promise after torturing every one of them

Steps had to be taken and he would certainly be very meticulous

Twenty minutes later from one of the doors in the police building, a slightly tall maybe six foot man and a bueatiful woman approached Kronos with a smile and a few documents

"Nice to meet you, Ahh, Kronos, a very unique name, my name is Aiden Mercer and this is my wife Elena Mercer" They both extended their hands and smiled, Kronos could see they were happy to take him in and he would appreciate it