

Qing Eena, the most powerful Grand Archmage in all the land, had finally reached the pinnacle of his magical abilities. He had been awarded the title of a minor god of Spacetime by the Council of Gods, and was given his own dimension to rule. Qing Eena was content with his new role, but all gods received a terrible message after a few eons and millennia: "Gods are deemed unnecessary for the future of the Xenoverse. The purging will begin in a billion years." The gods panicked, both minor and major, and everyone tried to come up with something to prevent their annihilation.

The System Law of Dimensions sent the message and warning, it had no consciousness, so it couldn't be reasoned nor bargained with. It only followed what it was commanded to do and maybe because of the abundance of gods and immortals, it came with the said conclusion to maintain some sort of balance. Qing Eena, who was not even a few eons years old as a god, also panicked and was thinking of a way to get out of this sucky predicament.

He started to devote all his remaining time and effort to figure out how to survive his imminent death. He spent centuries researching, experimenting, and trying to come up with a solution. He consulted with other gods and even mortals, but none of them could come up with a way to stop the purging.

One day, after years of research, Qing Eena stumbled upon an ancient tome hidden deep in his dimension. It contained powerful spells and knowledge about time travel. He poured over the pages, and eventually came across a passage that spoke of a way to send his Spirit Soul back in time to his five-year-old self.

Qing Eena realized that this was his only hope. Time Travel is serious and only a Spirit Soul will be able to survive going back to past, based on his endless research, not to mention he needs to cover it with some sort of Spacetime barrier, to ensure that it gets to its destination in one piece.

He knew it was a dangerous plan, but he had no other choice. He had to save himself and ensure his survival. He spent decades studying and perfecting the spells needed to discard his divine godly flesh and send his Spirit Soul back in time.

Finally, after centuries of research and preparation, Qing Eena was ready. He discarded his divine godly flesh and sent his Spirit Soul back in time to his five-year-old self. As he traveled back through time, he felt his power waning, and he knew that he was no longer a god. But he also knew that this was the only way to survive the purging.


As Qing Eena woke up in his five-year-old body, he found himself disoriented and confused. He looked around and saw his mother and father standing in front of him. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they felt so weak and frail. It took a while for him to realize that he had traveled back in time, and that he was now experiencing the first few moments of his existence all over again.

As he adjusted to his new surroundings, Qing Eena couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that he had managed to escape the purging of the gods. But at the same time, he felt a sense of sadness knowing that all of his fellow gods had perished.

Qing Eena's parents were surprised by his sudden awakening. They didn't know what had happened to their son, but they were relieved to see that he was finally awake. Qing Eena tried to speak, but all that came out were incoherent sounds. His parents tried to comfort him and told him that everything was going to be okay.

As the days went by, Qing Eena slowly regained his strength and began to explore his surroundings. He noticed that he had a keen sense of awareness, and that he was able to understand things far beyond his years. He would often surprise his parents with his advanced knowledge, but they just assumed that he was a gifted child.

As Qing Eena grew older, he realized that he was still in possession of his Spacetime power. He couldn't control it the way he used to, but he could still feel its presence within him. He knew that he had to keep his powers a secret, or else he would risk being discovered and hunted down.

Despite the challenges that he faced, Qing Eena was determined to make the most of his second chance at life. He spent his days studying and training, honing his powers and learning more about the world around him.

For now, he was content to live a simple life with his family, cherishing every moment he had with them.


Qing Eena looked at his small hands and felt a sense of determination welling up inside him. He had been given a second chance to live his life, and he was not going to waste it. As he looked around his childhood room, everything looked so small and insignificant compared to the vast knowledge he had gained as a god. But now, he had to start from scratch, with nothing but his own wits and his future knowledge.

Qing knew that he was weak as a child, he had been bullied and pushed around by other kids, but now he had the power to change that. He had a plan to get ahead of the pack and become the strongest Hunter in the land.

He began to study diligently, pouring over books on anatomy, biology, and martial arts. He trained his body and his mind relentlessly, focusing on building his strength and his skills. And as he grew stronger, he began to see the fruits of his labor.

One day, as he was training in the forest, he stumbled upon a group of children who were also preparing for the awakening test. They looked at him with surprise and curiosity, amazed at his strength and agility. Qing felt a sense of pride welling up inside him, knowing that he was already ahead of the pack.

Over the years, Qing continued to hone his skills and push himself to his limits. He learned how to harness his Spacetime powers, using them to enhance his already formidable abilities. And as he neared the age of the awakening test, he felt confident in his ability to succeed.

As the day of the test approached, Qing could feel his heart beating faster with anticipation. He walked into the testing room with his head held high, ready to show the world what he was capable of. And when the test was over, he emerged victorious, having proven himself to be one of the strongest and most skilled Hunters in the land.

But Qing knew that this was only the beginning. He had a long journey ahead of him, filled with challenges and obstacles. But he was ready for anything, armed with the knowledge of his future and the strength of his own willpower. He would become the greatest Hunter the world had ever seen, and nothing would stand in his way.

As the children waited for their turn to take the "Awakening Test", the bystanders among them talked amongst themselves about the various candidates. One of them, an older man with graying hair, spoke up. "I remember when I took this test years ago," he said. "It was nerve-wracking, but I ended up passing with flying colors."

A younger woman with a baby on her hip interjected. "I hope my little one passes too. It would be wonderful to have a Hunter in the family."

The other parents nodded in agreement, but a few of the children looked nervous. Qing Eena, among them, was determined not to fail. He knew he had an advantage over the other candidates with his future knowledge, but he also knew he lacked "Mana". That's when he came up with a plan to cheat the test.

As he waited for his turn, he quietly gathered surrounding "Mana" into his body. He focused hard, trying to make it look like the energy was coming from within him, but he was actually just manipulating the mana from the air. The children around him were unaware of what he was doing, but the bystanders noticed his steady concentration.

"Look at that little one," the older man said, nodding towards Qing Eena. "He seems to be taking this test very seriously."

The others glanced over, but didn't think much of it. As Qing Eena's turn came up, he stepped forward to take the test. The examiner probed his body for "Mana" and Qing Eena held his breath, hoping his plan would work. To his relief, the examiner didn't seem to detect anything amiss and moved on to the next part of the test, "Mana" manifestation.

Qing Eena closed his eyes and focused on the "Mana" surrounding him. He channeled it from the air and made it "appear" to condense into his hands and concentrated hard. Suddenly, a small, glittering light appeared in his palm. The bystanders and children around him gasped in amazement. Qing Eena had done it.

As he walked away from the test, the bystanders whispered amongst themselves about the boy's impressive performance. Little did they know, Qing Eena had cheated the test, but he was determined to use his advantage to become the strongest Hunter of them all.


The air was electric at the Hunter Test Center, as the candidates waited anxiously for the results of their tests. The reporters and news crews were also there, trying to capture the excitement of the moment. One of the reporters, a young woman named Maria, was speaking into her microphone as she gave her report.

"Good evening, this is Maria reporting live from the Hunter Test Center. We're here to witness the awakening test for the next generation of hunters, and let me tell you, the energy here is palpable. There are hundreds of children here, all hoping to pass the test and become a hunter."

She looked around at the crowd, and then continued, "I've been talking to some of the officials here, and they tell me that this batch of candidates is particularly promising. They say that there are a lot of rough diamonds here, kids who might not look like much on the surface, but who have a lot of potential."

As she spoke, the camera panned over the crowd, showing the children sitting nervously with their parents or guardians. Maria continued, "I've also had a chance to talk to some of the parents, and they're all very proud of their children. They tell me that they've been preparing for this test for years, and that they're confident that their kids will pass with flying colors."

One of the newscasters in the studio interrupted, "Maria, can you tell us more about the test itself? What exactly are the officials looking for?"

"Well, the test has two parts," Maria explained. "First, they're testing for mana detection. Every hunter needs to have mana, which is a kind of magical energy that allows them to use special abilities. If a candidate doesn't have any mana, they're automatically disqualified."

The camera zoomed in on a group of children who looked particularly nervous. Maria continued, "The second part of the test is mana manifestation. Candidates who have mana need to show that they can use it to perform a basic spell. It's not a very difficult spell, but it does require some concentration and control."

As she spoke, a few children in the crowd began to mutter nervously to themselves. Maria turned back to the camera and smiled. "It's a tough test, but I have faith in these kids. They're the future of our hunter society, and I can't wait to see what they can do."

The camera cut back to the newscasters in the studio, who continued to ask Maria questions about the test and the candidates. Meanwhile, the crowd at the Hunter Test Center waited with bated breath, hoping that they would be among the lucky few to pass the test and become hunters.

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