2 Orange plane uncovered

Phantom fliew near of GreenMountain.

There he saw a black plane with light blue stripes on his sides. His wings were fully blue. He transformed. Phantom did the same. "We meet again," said the stranger. "Dark-Shadow," said Phantom. Dark said:" Phantom you know that that you can't win. I am faster and can more stunts than you. Actually i am more dangerous than before." Phantom wasn't scared. "I see that you still have those dirty tricks in your sleeves," he said. Dark didn't answer and fliew away.

Galaxy was on Vulkan Island. He needed to get some vulkanic dust.

There he saw that same orange plane. And he was following him! Galaxy had an idea. He needed to shake stranger off. He went lower and went pass some trees. He thought that it worked when he got stuck by the sticks. Galaxy's stralker fliew near him.

At this time Phantom fliew into the base. "Dark-Shadow is back," he said. "Who's Dark-Shadow?" asked Space. The red spacebot with fire symbols (Fire-Bird) said:" Dark-Shadow is spacebot who knocked Phantom out of the race in last year." "She's right about that," said May. "Where is Galaxy?" asked dark grey spacebot (Wrenge-Box).

Galaxy tried to get himself free but he got himself more stuck. "Stay still!" shouted femeline voice:" I'll help you!" That was a orange plane! Actually she was spacebot!

She cut the sticks and Galaxy fell. The stranger landed beside him. "Thanks," said Galaxy:" By the way, why did you followed me?" Orange spacebot said:" I got lost. Look, i'm a racer but my GPS is broken. And now i don't know where to go."

"You can go with our racer, Phantom," said Galaxy.
