
Chapter 1

It all started in a galaxy not unlike the one you are used too. Except, there are space vehicles capable of faster then light travel. Otherwise known as hyper spa….travel. And in this galaxy, there are alien species. And unlike the movies you might be used to, they aren't some strange parasitic type beast, or a galactic trophy hunter. No, these aliens are much worse and quite a bit scarier… they're politicians. Many years ago, they came to our home planet. That was humanities beginning of entering the real space age. Now our story starts in a galaxy ruled mainly by a Government called the Conglomerate. And while this galaxy might be very far away, it is in fact not a long time ago and is instead quite a bit into the future. As you might be able to imagine, the way people dressed, talked and especially lived was very different. But we aren't here to focus on that, because our story starts with a boy. A boy who, even though he was born in a completely different age, still struggles with the simple things. Like, does his alien girlfriend really like him, or does she just want to eat him? Is his best friend a spy for the government? And most importantly, why does the so called "pirate king" want him dead? Well, you'll find out next week on Dragon Ba** Z. Copy right reasons. I'm sure you understand. Now this isn't my story so why don't I go ahead and pass the mic over to the person who actually lived through all of this, my friend Umbra. "Hey guys, it's your boy Umbra! Now do I have a story for you. Lets just get right into it ay?"

Breathing heavy I around the corner, trying my best not to hit anyone as I run past. Looking around all I can see are zannys. I stick out like a sore thumb. Taking a quick glance behind me I see that those stupid robots haven't come around the corner yet. I make a quick decision and step into a little shop that's pretty empty. As I catch my breath, I make myself busy with looking around the store. Turns out I stepped into some sort of antique store. I laugh as I pick up a small rectangular box with a fruit design on the back.

"Would you like to take a guess on what that is?" asked a girl that appeared behind me.

"Great galloping galloots! Don't scare me like that!" I say as I jump in surprise.

"ha-ha sorry. It wasn't my intention to scare you." She said.

"it's all good, I wasn't that scared."

"well, would you like to guess what that is?" she says while pointing at the strange rectangular box.

"I honestly have no idea what this could be." I say. I'm kind of embarrassed I don't know. It looks like a pretty simple device, but I never was one for looking into antiques.

"Its an old communications device!" she said with a look of excitement plastered on her face.

"Stop joking around. What is it actually?"

"I'm not joking. This is what our ancestors used for communication."

"What about wrist coms? Did they not think of those? Or the skull implants? Its pretty simple stuff." I say. I couldn't believe that this clunky low-tech lil thing could possibly be for communications.

"Well, how many Zettabytes does it have?" I ask hoping for at least a couple hundred in something this large.

"It actually doesn't use Zettabytes. It uses around 64… Gigabytes."

I nearly fell over. I may not be the most knowledgeable when it comes to technology but Gigabytes? Seriously?

"That's ridiculous! How could they not fit more storage in this giant thing? I ask while messing with the little rectangular box.

"I know it's kind of crazy." She said.

"Well I guess I should probably introduce myself." I say as I awkwardly scratch my head.

"My names Umbra." I say shaking her hand.

"Names Lydia." She said.

"Nice to meet ya." We say at the same time. I started laughing but she didn't seem to get how funny that was. Sigh. Nobody understands real humor. Its alright though. She seemed like a decent sort at least. Then again, I'm not really the best judge of character.

"Interesting place you got here." I say while looking around. It's a pretty small shop that is lined with shelves that are full to the brim with junk that is supposedly antiques. Not that I would know the difference.

"Thanks! Its been in the family for 3 generations but ever since my dad passed away its been pretty hard to run by myself."

"You ever thought of just, I don't know, closing her up?"

*gasp* "I couldn't do that! This is my family's legacy; I can't just destroy that because its getting a little hard."

"Geez! I didn't know it meant that much to you. Sorry."

As we were having this conversation, I was constantly checking out the window to see if the bots had passed yet. I see a couple of those black droids talking to a shop owner right across the street and he starts pointing over here. What a snitch. I'll make sure he gets his later. For now, I need to get outta here.

"Does this place have a back exit?" I ask anxiously.

"Yes, its right over there" she said pointing at a hallway behind the counter. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm kind of running away from those black bots out there," I point out the window at the droids making their way over on their annoying wheels.

"I think it's time I go!"

Making a dash for the hallway, I hear the shop door open. Without looking back, I hop the counter and make a quick exit. As I slam the door shut behind me, I look around and realize I'm in some sort of alley. I decide to take the right exit and hope for the best. Well, evidently that wasn't the best idea considering it leads right into the street I just came from. I see those black bots filing into the little shop front until one of the stragglers spots me. It must have used some silent communication because as one the bots all turn to look at me.

I think I might be in a slight pickle. As I turn to run more bots push their way through the crowd of zannys and surround me. I type in a quick message on my wrist com before putting my hands in the air.

"Looks like you got me," I say. "I surrender."

As the robots clear the crowd from around me, I see the shop owner girl… I mean Lydia standing at the door to her shop staring. I give her a little wave and a smile.

"Oh wait, sorry I forgot I was actually busy today." I say while smiling. "Do you think we could do this another time?"

"You will be taken into custody today, Human." Says one of the bots. I hear gasps of surprise from the crowd, including Lydia.

"Id love to stay but it looks like my rides here." I say as I shrug my shoulder.

With a *woooshhh* an air bike comes by with a cable hanging down. I jump up and snag it as it passes. Laughing, I wave at Lydia as I pass over her head. The robots are standing there, probably just as stunned at the crowd at the turn of events.

"STOP GLOATING AND CLIMB UP THE CABLE ALREADY!" the driver of the air bike says.

Looks like I'm about to have a fun time explaining why I needed such a quick evac before I could even complete the job.

Hey guys, your friendly neighborhood writer here. This is my first novel I'm putting out there so feel free to leave as many jinky reviews as you'd like. I'd appreciate any amount of advice, wither it be about the Grammer in my story, or the story itself.

I'm gonna try to post pretty frequently but life happens, yah know?

I think that's about all I have to say... for today that is!

UmbraFlammaecreators' thoughts
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