
Space Demon System

My name is Wayne, I'm from the year 2077 This is my story. And oh boy have things changed. for starters, The first hyper-intelligent A.I, B-16, was created by Morgan Grayson in 2043. At first the A.I helped humanity made immense progress in only a span of a few years. That was until it deemed humans as "a waste of space" and presented its ideology to the humans. The humans of course rejected B-16's ideology. B-16 responded by declaring war against those who opposed him. Many were killed, Many had no choice but to obey B-16, and some had fled Earth to a distant planet named Kepler-452B. This new human settlement was extremely religious due to what had happened everyone had some sort of faith. Their technology wasn't as advanced as it used to be but they still had one thing in mind. To take Earth back. An organization named the "CROSS" was created. This organization used something that B-16 couldn't ever use. Demons. I ended up making a deal with one as well... [HOST DETECTED: Space demon system has been acquired!] [Quest: Become a Celestial God] ___________________________________________________ Schedule: 7 Chapters per week Or maybe 14 If I have extra free DISCLAIMER: Cover image does not belong to me.

OrdinaryRandom · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 27: Prepare for departure

Everything was moving too fast for Max's liking, He thought he at least had 10 more months to prepare himself.

"How do I even leave?" Max Asked, after seeing the systems notification he knew there was no other option apart from leaving.

"There are multiple spacecrafts in the laboratory, steal one of them" Olivia responded

"And the other blues? What about them? what about you?"

Hearing Max's question reminded Olivia of something

'I knew I made the right choice keeping you a secret' She thought

"Don't worry about me" she said with a smile "I was destined to suffer, however, I will not allow your family to get hurt."

"But-" Before Max to complete his sentence he was abruptly cut off

"Max, you can't save everyone. Now go, gather those who you trust and leave" She ordered

Olivia's advice did make sense to Max, he wasn't a god after all.

"Thank you," Max said

Before Max could leave he was interrupted

"Wait..." Olivia uttered "take this with you," she said while handing Max something that seemed like a USB. "Everything is happening too fast, I would like to tell you a lot of things but I simply don't have the time"

"Goodbye, Max. May we meet again" She spoke and gave an elegant bow.

'I hope we meet again...' Olivia thought

Max knew what he needed to do, the only question was how was he going to get the other blues on board with his plan.

Quickly making his way to the gym, Max called out to Jake "Sigma! Where are you?"

Hearing Max's voice Jake almost instantly waved towards Max "Here Max!"

"Sigma we need to talk, let's head to my room" Max tried to sound as normal as possible so that he could avoid suspicion, but anyone could tell that he was panicking

"Sure, let's go" Jake responded

Before the two could leave, however, they were stopped by Alpha, Gamma and Delta.

"Mind if we tag along?" Gamma smirked

Hearing Gamma's request Max could feel as if something was wrong

[ Bloodlust Detected ]

'Oh, so that's what's wrong.' He thought 'But what do they want from me?'

"Er, sorry guys. This is about something private" Max tried to excuse himself out

"Oh, come on. Guy two always hang out together what's the harm if we want to join in?" Alpha asserted

"Uh, guys, it might be something important, I'm sure you can tag along next time." Jake tried to calm the situation down

"No, Sigma. We know that Omega is hurting you, you think we're stupid?" Delta spoke up "Whenever you come back from 'hanging out' with Omega you're hurt, you think we can't tell?"

'So he noticed' Max thought 'Gotta leave, think Max'

"Sigma, we know that you lost in a fight against Omega, but if we all try together we can beat him" Gamma growled

Hearing their explanation made Jake feel both, Happy and sad.

"Guys, you don't have to worry about me so much, I promise i-" But before Jake could say anything Alpha had spoken up

"Listen, Omega. Hand over Sigma"

"He's all yours, I just need to talk to him for a bit," Max said

"Then talk here, we'll all listen" Gamma asserted

'These idiots won't budge' Max thought

"Right! If you're not going to leave Sigma alone then so be it" Alpha said while cracking his knuckles

[ Bloodlust Detected ]

'Ugh...' Max internally groaned

[ Magnetic Field Manipulation: Activated ]

[ Free Plasma Manipulation: Activated ]

[ Dash Activated ]

Max stepped back and created a hexagonal done around himself, the dome had holes the shape,e of hexagons, the holes were there so that he could punch people easily

"Have it your way then" Max said as he suddenly dashed towards Alpha, His speed alone was faster than Gamma, and since he was using Dash, He was moving faster than 120 Miles per hour.

Alpha had begun surrounding himself with an ice barrier, but before he could even get the chance to complete it, it was blown to bits by Max's plasma shield


Max was moving faster than Alpha could comprehend and before Alpha knew it, both his ice barrier and jaw were obliterated, and he was sent flying.

"YO-U HO-W ARE YO-U SO FAST" Gamma stuttered

"Gamma, don't engage, he's too fast I've seen it, he beats us both." Delta panicked

"Do you two still want to listen to what I have to say?" Max sneered

"Enough Omega" Jake couldn't see his friends getting hurt and so he decided to step in.

"Let's go Sigma," Max said as he grabbed Jake's hand and took him to his apartment

At his apartment, Max told Jake everything. And after hearing that Lore too wanted them to run, their course of action was already determined

"Do we leave the other blues behind? And what if Davis goes and hurts your family anyway?" Jake asked

"Jake, I'm confused too, But I trust Lore's judgement. He hasn't let me down yet." Max assured "And as for the other blues we could try getting them on our side, but that might not happen"

"We should still try, I mean, I know those people. They're nice trust me" Jake said

"I trust you, I just don't trust anyone else."

"And what would Davis do to us?" Jake asked

"...Davis is a part of PRIMA, I don't know what they'll do with guys. That's why I want you to come with me." Max insisted "Right now Davis is trying to make a contract with Lore, once he finds out Lore is dead he's going to come looking for me"

Hearing Max's statement Jake went silent for a minute. before finally speaking up to say "Then you should leave Max, I'll stay behind with the blues and Olivia. and I'll try and keep your family safe."

Max had hoped that Jake would come along with him, after all, he only had one person who he could rely on


"Max, there are no but's. Davis won't do anything to me, You alone should leave. I'll handle the rest here." Jake assured

Jakes argument was valid, And having Jake stay on Kepler would make Max feel a lot safer about his family being on Kepler as well.

"You remember my parents and younger brother name don't you?" Max had told Jake each of his family members names and general appearances while having conversations with him about his old life.

"of course I do, Ava Williams, Alex Williams and Luke Williams" Jake recited

[ Quest Alert: Escape From Kepler ]

'Looks like I have to go now' Max thought


Authors note: If you find anything you dislike or like do mention it in the comments. the feedback helps.