
Chapter One: The Awakening

Near a seaside city on Fluo Star, there lies a lone peak and ridge known as "Golden Mountain" to the locals. The area attracts numerous local and foreign tourists, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, but none are aware of the ancient tomb hidden beneath the mountain, with a history of 500 years.

In the once-dark tomb, it was now as bright as day.

The source of the intense light was a massive sarcophagus. Beside it stood another, smaller sarcophagus. Deeper within the tomb, dozens of wooden coffins could be found, seemingly older than the sarcophagi.

Under the influence of the powerful light, the sarcophagi appeared transparent. The only explanation for this phenomenon was that the light and the sarcophagi belonged to different universes—the dark universe's light could not be obstructed by the material of the visible universe.

Neither of the two sarcophagi had a separate lid; they were single, solid pieces. It seemed as though a mold was created around the "corpse" and stone slurry was poured to cast it. The walls were a meter thick, showing the great effort put into preventing the "corpse" from "escaping" or being "rescued."

However, the creators of the sarcophagi never expected that their thick walls would mean nothing to the person inside. Emitting a brilliant light, he stepped straight out of the nearly-transparent sarcophagus.

His eyes were slightly closed, and his brow furrowed as if he despised the intense light emanating from his body. At that moment, he was still in a dream-like state.

He dreamed that he flew through the dark universe, witnessing ten light-year-long "snakes"—pathways responsible for disposing of dead stars. The head of each snake swung back and forth, swallowing lifeless celestial bodies while the tail seemed endless, with no indication of where it led.

As each star was consumed, a vast void formed in the region, creating space vortices. The resulting cavities triggered space fluctuations, causing the distances between stars to change. Some nearby planets filled the void, while others were drawn to different stars. Under the combined effects of these phenomena, tidal forces in all directions led to floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. In some cases, celestial bodies collided, leading to their mutual destruction.

Undeterred by curiosity, he intended to follow the pathways to their end. His speed was indescribable, akin to an ant attempting to comprehend the passage of a human.

Suddenly, he entered a place filled with dazzling brilliance, beyond description.

His vision was unobstructed, yet he saw nothing amidst the strongest, infinite white light in the universe.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"Modern Earthlings call this the black hole at the center of the universe. The ancients referred to it as the Dao," a voice replied.

"But it is obviously white—smooth, dense, large, round, firm, and cold. Nothing grows here."

"It is colorless. The white you perceive is the light unable to escape the event horizon."

"What about the stellar corpses?"

"They are processed here, transformed into new matter, given new information, and imbued with new energy before being released through white holes."

"Where are they released?"

"From the dark universe to the visible universe, and vice versa."

"Who are you?"

"I don't know who I am. I only know that I wish to control the main universe's black hole to either strengthen or weaken you."

"Who do you mean by 'you'?"

"Pangu, Nuwa, and the cursed stone in human legends on Earth."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You are Pangu, and Pangu is you."

"Me? Pangu? No, I am Guan Yu."

"You are one of Pangu's countless aspects of energy, sent through the black hole and deprived of your identity. You can control the energy, information, and consciousness of every human in the universe. I contacted you only to remind you not to reveal the secrets of the heavens or expose miracles. Do not attempt to reverse or halt the universe's evolution, or you will unleash a cosmic cataclysm, losing everything..."

"Lose everything? I have already lost her. What else can I lose? I don't care..."

"Losing her was due to revealing your identity, which nearly destroyed the Earth you protected. By chance, Earth's collective will produced a remarkable individual who saved the world. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have awakened. To regain your true self, you must let go of all thoughts... But once you have recovered, you must forget again. This is the cosmic law you must obey, the balance enforced by your own limitless power..."

Guan Yu wanted to object, but he knew he was weak. Following the voice's guidance, he clenched his fists, opened his mouth, and assumed a fetal position. His abdomen expanded andcontracted as he drew in deep breaths. The energy within him swirled and the light surrounding him intensified.

With each exhale, the light seemed to diminish, while the energy inside him grew stronger. Gradually, the memories of his past lifetimes began to resurface. He recalled his time as a general in the Shu Kingdom, his loyalty to his brothers, and his honor in battle. He remembered other lives as well, where he was a simple farmer, a scholar, or even a craftsman, each life unique and filled with its own challenges and triumphs.

As his memories returned, so did his understanding of the cosmic balance he needed to maintain. He realized that he had to let go of his attachments, not just for his own sake, but for all beings in the universe.

The light that once enveloped him finally dissipated, leaving him standing in the ancient tomb, no longer emitting a bright glow. His eyes opened, and he took in his surroundings, the old sarcophagi and wooden coffins.

Guan Yu stepped out of the tomb and onto the Golden Mountain, feeling the warmth of Fluo Star's sun on his skin. He gazed at the horizon, where the sea met the sky, and sensed the interconnectedness of all things. He knew that he was just one small part of the vast universe, and that his actions could have consequences that rippled throughout all of creation.

With renewed purpose, Guan Yu set out on his journey, determined to maintain the cosmic balance while also exploring the mysteries of the universe. He would travel to distant planets, engage in thrilling adventures, and perhaps even find love once more.

Yet, he would always remember the voice's warning, knowing that he must never reveal his true identity or interfere with the universe's natural progression. For he was Guan Yu, a manifestation of Pangu's energy, destined to walk the line between the visible and the dark universe, ensuring the harmonious existence of all living beings. And with each step he took, the cosmic balance remained intact, and the universe continued to evolve.

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