9 The contract request?!

I ducked as it aimed for my head with a punch leaving its stomach open I swung for his abdomen but the cub tapped my face and the wolf quickly recovered I put him down and pointed to a nearby store but he just jumped back on my shoulder the wolf charged at me with jealousy and hatred in his eyes, he scratched for my neck but I blocked with my sword although we werent matched physically I didnt really have to worry about dieing


My sword collided with his claws as he raged at me, I was getting slower. No. Rather he was getting faster I pulled a lightning bolt out of my pouch but he clawed at me hand, resulting in the lightning bolt dissapating I kicked him on the side but it had no effect I called my skeletons over and a goblin came bouncing off the wall, he scratched at the wolfs eye but the wolf wasn't effected

[You are in a life threatening situation, ability will now be used on recently killed corpse.]

Those words. Were far from pleasant but atleast I didnt have to worry about resurrecting the wolves, the bodys of the wolves started to melt getting rid of the fur layer and skin layer, the muscles started to spasum and as they calmed down they fell off as if tender meat of a well cooked chicken revealing black bones, they stood up and howled then charged at the wolf and bit him, the wolf howled and fought back, it was 18 against one he was overwhelmed, not only that but he was overpowered.

A goblin hopped onto his back and bit into his neck, a wolf clawed at his chest revealing pink muscles, 2 orcs held him back while another goblin used his head as a punching bag it didnt seem to effect him so I pulled a lightning bolt from my pouch and said "Answer all of my questions… or, I will kill you."

"On my pack I wont yeild, i'll die befo-" he was cut off.

I looked at where he was staring to see the cub elongating, he grew in length and size his fur started to stand up and his collar started to widen his paws grew and grew until he howled, he was finished. He was more then twice his size and now roughly the same height as the other wolf. "Brother, can you not see it." he spoke while looking towards me "this human, is not regular he smells of a king."

The night wolf froze and looked at me, he sniffed intensly as if he was tracking a scent, he looked at me with amazement "Your right, he smells of royalty, the smell of death is unavoidable, I just couldn't help but assume he attacked you."

The newly born werenightwolf smiled revealing teeth that glowed white he came to me and bowed "please forgive my brothers ignorance, he really had no business attacking you but he really did it for me, if someone was to be punished it should be me" " Im not punishing anybody" I spoke "this is a world to adapt to dont apologize to me." he nodded and asked for me to release his brother, I hesitated but did in the end.

[Great entity, The Demon King's Knight has recognized you.]

[Supreme being, The Father Of Death has requested a meeting with you, do you agree?]

I got nervous listening to the messages in my head when.

[Great being, the jester would like to form a contract with you, do you agree?]

'What is a contract and how do I accept?!'

then, a familiar voice spoke "to accept your contract say notifications and click accept. A contract is a pack between a supreme enity/being/god and one contester. On accepting a contract you and your contractor will be a team, you will both provide for eachother in the respected way wether it be soul=power or amusement=wealth. There are differences between a contract and a pact. A pact cannot be broken while a contract can be broken by either sides after the protected date, while in a pact you are a family, you will provide for eachother and protect eachother. The only problem with this is, one supreme entity/being/god can get introuble for this, they may even be personally punished by "the one"."

I thought about the text and decided to put it on hold, rereading it he can ask for my soul, and how do I defy a great being. I cant, atleast not yet. So I wont accept it. I had no need to ask what a meeting was but I did need to know what the rules were when having one, so I asked. "when having a meeting no one can enter nor be harmed, there will be a 30 minute time limit while inside, after the 30 minutes are over you will be forced out and brought back to the place you were originally in." I thought about it and decided I would accept, just not now, I had to find all of us a safe place. not only that but I left darrius and emma in a garbage can, i'd be impressed if they were still alive.

Dismissing the notification screen I looked up to see both nightwerewolfs and all of my skeletons bowing, I face palmed and called out for lanni and the rest of my skeletons, "Lanni come on, its time to leave!".
