
Crown Of The King

The idea of 2 Martial Souls in one person's body isn't a new concept to Sun Tian. He knows that people who possess two Martial Souls are considered genius' of their generation. One of the Martial Souls seems to not care at all about the tempting force of the Soul Driving Stone. The force that the Soul Driving Stone released seemed to not affect his second and more powerful Martial Soul at all.

As the shining light glowed through the hall many of the elders and kids looked petrified. The reason for their looks of horror is because the glow released by the Stone was at most Tier 2. They all expected at least a Tier 4 like Sun Zai but the reality of the situation hit them like a bag of bricks. As the glow manifested it showed a crown that released a kingly pressure. Again the elders and kids were dumbstruck. Not only was it Tier 2 it was also the weakest class of Martial Soul, Support.

"S-S-Sun Tian you condensed a Tier 2 Support Class Martial Soul" stammered the elder who was still shaken from surprise.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally, I have surpassed you in something!" Sun Zai laughed madly.

Sun Tian simply gave a calm stare to Sun Zai and didn't say anything.

"Sun Tian since you have condensed a Tier 2 Martial Soul you will receive 4 pieces of origin crystals," said the elder calmly after getting over the surprise.

"Then Sun Tian thanks the elders for the origin crystals," said Sun Tian without a hint of emotion while he received the origin crystals.

Up at the seat of honor sat the patriarch who simply sighed with emotion as he thought about his only son.

"OK, let's all leave this hall so these young punks can cultivate and start their journey on the great path of cultivation." said the patriarch Sun Wai with a chuckle.

'Father seems to be very disheartened by my Martial Soul' thought Sun Tian 'Looks like I will have to tell him about my other one when the time comes.'

Sun Tian was a little confused while thinking about his second Martial Soul. He simply had never heard of a Martial Soul that didn't even care about the Soul Driving Stone at all. As he thought about that mysterious Martial Soul he heard footsteps moving toward him. Sun Tian looked up to see his father Sun Wai stand in front of him with a sad smile on his face.

"Don't worry little Tian everything will be fine," said Sun Wai with a sigh " even if you don't have amazing talent with enough hard work and resources you can move far along the path of cultivation.

"Actually Dad I have a second Martial Soul," said Sun Tian with a bright smile on his face.

"W-W-What did you say," stammered Sun Wai while gripping Sun Tian's shoulders. "You can't joke about something like this with your old man do you understand?"

"I would never joke about this with you Father." said while losing feeling in his arms from the tight crip his Dad had on his shoulders.

"Father can you please let go before I lose my arms even before I embark on the path of cultivation."

"Ah yes yes let's go out into my private courtyard and test your Martial Souls' so we can see what they are like," said Sun Wai just as excited as when he first held Sun Tian.

Sun Wai started to drag Sun Tian to his courtyard like an excited scientist who just got a new lab rat. Sun Tian can't help but feel apprehensive about what his father means when he says 'test'.


20 minutes later Sun Tian lay collapsed in a pool of sweat while Sun Wai chuckled. Through their experiments, they found that Sun Tian's Tier 2 Support Class crown could actually boost all his stats such as speed, defense, and offense by half a fold. Now don't look down on this 50%, in an actual fight this increase could mean the difference between life or death. Though this just the initial experiment so it might grow stronger as Sun Tian moves through the various cultivation ranks and grows more powerful.

"Ok boy let's see your second Martial Soul."

Sun Tian sat crossed leg as a blue glow moved around him. Sun Tian felt the second Martial Soul move ever so slightly and then suddenly felt extremely cold. Water in a pond about 4 meter's away suddenly froze solid. Sun Wai looked surprised as he saw this and as he felt the air around him drop rapidly. For a male to condense an Ice Martial Soul is extremely rare. Not only is it extremely rare, to walk the path of cultivation with an Ice Martial Soul as a male is also extremely hard since males are extreme yang and the Ice Martial Soul is extreme yin.

"Stop moving using the Martial Soul," said Sun Wai with a stern voice.

"I can't believe it is an Ice Martial Soul," said Sun Tian with a dry laugh.


Footsteps sounded from the hallway outside his room as Sun Tian was awoken from his memory. He glanced towards the door as it opened revealing the face of his father, Sun Wai. Sun Tian smiled as he remembered that today is the annual Forest Hunt.


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