
As If Afraid She Would Run Away...

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[The Southern City Awaits The Moon's Return] epigraph:

Shen Yugui: All the fortune in my life has led me to this moment, the moment when I met you.

Fei Nancheng1: I built a city in the sky for you just to await the return of the white moonlight2.


Deep in the night.

Shen Yugui slowly opened her eyes to a man's sleeping face. He looked delicate and dazzling, like a work of art meticulously carved by god.

'So he's the legendary Fei Nancheng, the wealthiest business tycoon in S City. He founded his own business empire and controls the economic lifeline of the city. He's the person all women scramble and flock to.'

However, Shen Yugui did not sink too deep into the man's beauty. She shifted slightly, but a lean and powerful arm suddenly snaked around her waist and locked her in place, afraid that she would run away. Shen Yugui was frightened of waking him up, and could only stare blankly at the luxurious crystal ceiling overhead.

'There's nothing to be sad about. I only came here to marry him in the first place. Now that it has come to this, he should be tying the knot, right?'

'But… It's said that Fei Nancheng is immune to female charms. It was our first time meeting, but he… did this happen just because he was drunk?'

Shen Yugui thought and pondered, and before long fell back asleep.


In the morning.

A ray of sunshine slipped through a gap in the curtain.

Fei Nancheng opened his eyes with a gasp. His head was pounding with a hangover.

He rubbed his temples, and as if suddenly recalling something, whipped his head around. There, he saw a woman. Black hair flowed down and covered her face, slightly obscuring her delicate facial features.

Fei Nancheng's pupils dilated and he whispered, "Xiao Wu?" 

However, the next moment, his eyes landed on the right side of the girl's face. There, from her eyebrow to the corner of her eye, was a large blue birthmark.

Fei Nancheng suddenly came to his senses. A cold chill slowly filled the entire room.

'It's not her!'

'I knew it. Everything that happened last night was just a dream!'

Shen Yugui was fast asleep when she was suddenly awoken by someone tugging at her arm.

She opened her eyes in displeasure, but before she had the chance to take in her surroundings, a frigid voice breathed on her face, "You're that woman Grandma mentioned?"

Shen Yugui frowned and looked up, only to see Fei Nancheng's beautiful face. His eyes looked coldly down at her as if he wanted her dead.

When she remained silent, he grew even more annoyed. "Don't think you can get anything just because you curried favor with Grandma and climbed into my bed!"

Then, as if he no longer wanted to see her, he rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. He took a shower, changed into his clothes, and left.


As the door closed, Shen Yugui finally reacted to what he just said.

'If he refuses to take responsibility, doesn't that mean I came here in vain?'

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