

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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719 Chs

Chapter 348 ( Devour (5) )

"I see you accepted my request" - said Johannes with sarcasm when he saw how the plane of the [First Unit] had landed in the territories of [Fenrir: Far East].

"If I'm honest with you, capturing Amamiya Tsubaki was the best possible situation we could achieve" - said Daigo with a huge smile on his face.

"Just don't do anything stupid, my loyal henchman" - Johannes snorted as he gave Daigo a neutral look because he knew he was charmed by the Amamiya woman's appearance.

Daigo ducked his gaze, but said nothing to defend himself.

"Remember, I need her to be in perfect condition" - Johannes said seriously as his gaze sharpened - "Because I don't want to become the bitter enemy of the [First Unit] and [Calamity]."

"I was planning to use my abilities to be able to control Amamiya Tsubaki's mind so that I could use her as a spy for the [First Unit]" - Daigo said, though it was obvious he had other intentions."

"Don't take me for an idiot" - replied Johannes as he gave his subordinate a cold glare - "Remember, Daigo, you are only still alive because you are useful to me."

"I'm sorry, sir!" - Daigo exclaimed in terror as he bit his lip.

"The conversation ends here" - said Johannes as he watched the [First Unit] approach - "You are welcome back home."

"This is not our home" - Lindow replied coolly as he looked at his former leader.

"What a bad attitude, Lindow-kun" - Johannes replied normally - "Anyway, now hand over the [Cores] to my loyal soldier so that they can continue their mission."

"To your soldier?" - Lindow asked while feigning surprise - "I thought we would give them to you in person.

"Do you really think I'd make such a stupid mistake as to approach a [God Eater] of Captain rank?" - asked Johannes sarcastically as he let out a laugh - "God, that was funny, I needed a good laugh."

Lindow's expression didn't change on the outside, though inside he was clicking his tongue because he had thought he would have a chance to kill Johannes if he got close, though this would only be possible if the leader of [Fenrir: Far East] had let his guard down.

"That's a pity" - thought Lindow as he handed the briefcase to the soldier beside him.

"Open it" - Johannes ordered neutrally as the soldier followed his instructions - "Well?"

"20 [Cores], sir, and from the inexperienced point of view, nothing out of the ordinary" - replied the soldier as he looked at his leader.

"Strange, I expected a bit more fight from you" - Johannes said as he looked at the members of the [First Unit].

"Do you really think I'll risk endangering my older sister?" - Lindow asked with a frown as he looked at his former leader - "Just keep your end of the bargain."

"Relax, what I promised, I'm going to keep" - replied Johannes calmly as he watched the soldier retreat - "Amamiya Tsubaki will be safe, unless you guys try something stupid, of course"

"Let's go" - Lindow ordered as he turned around and without looking back because he felt that if he continued in the presence of Soma's father, he would end up unable to resist the murderous urge that was growing inside him.

"How cold that Lindow-kun is" - Johannes said sarcastically when he saw how the [First Unit] had already left - "He didn't even go to see if Tsubaki-san was in good condition."

"I guess he thinks Tsubaki-san is a triple leash" - replied Daigo while frowning - "For them, for Cloud and for us"

For the [First Unit] and Cloud because Tsubaki was their ally as well as someone important, and for them because she was the only defense they had against both their opponents.

"And ironically she is" - said Johannes with disdain - "Anyway, we'd better get on with our project, with the [Cores] we have, it's more than enough to advance to phase two of our plan."

"OK" - nodded Daigo as he withdrew with a dark look on his face.

* * * * *

"It's my first time eating one of these" - said Shio as she licked her lips - "I miss that human food though."

[Is it delicious?] - asked [Yan Zhi] curiously because for as long as she had been conscious, she had been consuming her own kind.

"I knew it, there's nothing more delicious than devouring beings with draconic [Bloodline]" - muttered Cloud as he continued to consume the flesh of a huge white dragon-like beast with large orange arms.

[Consumed: Core of [Hannibal (Rank A)]]

[+100 STR (Unique Reward)]

[+5% Fire Resistance (Max 50% per species)]

[1% [Bloodline: Tyrant (Infant) (Unique Reward)]]

"Huh?" - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise when he read the last notification, so he went straight to his Status panel and was even more surprised when he saw how his [Bloodline] had changed.

[Bloodline: Tyrant (Teenager) 1%]

[In order to activate the [Bloodline], you need to reach 100%, until that happens, user will keep the benefits of [Bloodline: Tyrant (Infant)].

". . ." - Cloud nodded as he understood what had happened and honestly made sense of it. The [Tyrant] was a monster that continued to evolve as it endlessly devoured and the stronger its victims were, the more beneficial it was to its evolution - "Although I've only just discovered that in order to awaken my [Bloodline], I need to devour entities with draconic blood and are relatively strong."

Cloud quickly shook his head as he continued to devour [Hannibal's] body.

[STR +1, +1, +1, +1]

[How are you guys doing] - Cloud asked as he watched [Yan Zhi] continue to devour another [Hera] while Shio consumed a group of [Kongou].

"Honestly, I'd rather consume human food" - replied Shio because she felt that after eating hamburger, she would never be able to eat [Cores] again.

[I know, I miss the mixture of flavours of human food too] - Cloud replied while shaking his head, only to notice how another [Hannibal] appeared on the spot.

[Possibly he came at the smell of the blood of one of his own kind] - said [Yan Zhi], who continued to shrink in size as his feathers now seemed to be made of sapphires.

[Hannibal] roared with apprehension as he instinctively felt that he must escape from the place.

[You are already dead] - said Cloud as a sharp spear made of rocks pierced [Hannibal] from the ground - [But you didn't know that] - [But you didn't know that].

[As you would expect from my lord, lethal, cruel and invincible] - said [Yan Zhi] as he spread his wondrous sapphire wings - [Every day that passes, the happier I am to have met him].

Cloud gave his subordinate a blank look, only to feel that in the future he would have to call her Albedo or something because the level of devotion [Yan Zhi] was showing was starting to become ridiculous.

[Thanks for the food] - Cloud muttered as he began to consume his prey's body.

[Consumed: Core of [Hannibal (Rank A)]]

[+50 STR]

[+5% Fire Resistance (Max 50% per species) [Currently 10%]]

"We're finding more and more A-rank [Aragami]" - Cloud said as he looked in the direction of the huge mountain on the horizon - "I keep wondering why he calls it the [Hill of the End] when you can tell from here it's huge."

"I don't think it matters right now" - Shio replied while shrugging her shoulders - "I mean, we're already close and I honestly don't think any of the [Aragami] who are living in this place care what the mountain is called."

"Right, you're right" - nodded Cloud, only to notice how a [Vajra] came running in his direction - "Oh? I see a familiar face"

"You know that [Aragami]?" - Shio asked as he looked at the new prey coming towards them.

"That [Vajra] in particular, no, but his kind, yes" - Cloud replied as a feral grin appeared on his face - "Let's just say that one of them left me in a bit of a pickle before I transformed into the form I currently have."

"I see" - nodded Shio as he looked at poor [Vajra] - "Though now the difference in abilities stupidly disparate"

Shio could feel Cloud's growing strength during his journey towards [Hill of the End].

[Do you want me to bring him to you, my lord?] - asked [Yan Zhi] who could feel his instincts screaming at him to fight.

[Do you want to fight him?] - asked Cloud with surprise because it was the first time [Yan Zhi] asked for something - [If that's what you want, I find no reason to stop you from fighting].

[Thank you very much, my lord!] - exclaimed [Yan Zhi] as her sapphire wings shone with excitement.

[Yan Zhi] quickly took to the skies and gazed neutrally at her prey.

[Vajra] slowly stopped his steps and carefully observed the enemy above him. Carefully, he began to release a bit of lightning from his body in threat as he prepared for any possible attack from the winged creature.

[I know you can understand me, so I will give you a chance to say your last words before you give your head to my lord] - [Yan Zhi] said as she spread her wings majestically. She had decided to use all her skills from the beginning and thus have an absolute victory.

[Big words for a bird] - growled the [Vajra] as the thunderbolts surrounding her body grew wilder and wilder - [Let's see if you can do what you say].


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