
Souls of Demon : The Awakening

Over hundreds of years Humans, Elves, Arcaria, Titan lived in peace. But everything changes when the Demon is present messing things up. Ascendency and power that consumes their souls has divided them and fought from generation to generation. A child named Ryu Louvre was born in the world and has never felt the figure of a father. When he grew up, he then searched for traces of his existence to the end of the world, where he found a variety of strange things that slowly began to approach his life.

albertjrizki · Fantasy
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4 Chs

III "Dark Aura"

III "Dark Aura"

"Shit! What was that? "

"I don't know, are you guys okay?" Ryu said while coughing

"I'm fine, just a little injury to the arm, Ryu."

A portal aura that has a negative power hit their vehicle, unfortunately this location is very minimal to be seen by people around because its location is very quiet and it is late at night. A creature slowly appears on the surface of the portal that is shaped not like humans, like horns and flames that envelop the creature's body. The creature immediately moved quickly to attack Ryu and Eric and knocked them as far as a few meters, the enormous power possessed by these creatures, but they did not know what was attacking them and why they were attacked.

"Argh !!!"

"WHAT?! What kind of awesome power is that Ryu? Just one hit knocked us a few meters! "

"I don't know, I started to hate that creature." He said while bleeding from his mouth

While standing, Ryu grinned and pulled out the sword from his belt "You dealt with the wrong person, and now you will die!"

But for a moment Ryu was stunned when he saw clearly that the creature was not a human at all, but a devil who laughed at his words.

"You are a talkative human, devils like me won't be afraid to think twice when you show the sword. You're just a kid who is just learning to wield a sword but is great at talking. "

"Do not talk too much!" Ryu grabbed the demon with his sword, the demon easily dodged Ryu's heavy attack which was actually not even easy for a soldier to dodge his attack, but even this demon did not even sweat a little to avoid some of Ryu's attacks. Like a baby who tries to hit but is played with adults.

The sound of a sword slashing.

"Ho ... You also cut me down, finally lowly humans" -

"I'll show you how the slash really is!" Reveal the devil cut Ryu with a fatal slash that made him fall limp. The sword slash that cut Ryu bled the blood that came out of his chest and stomach, what a comparison of strength that was far between them.

Ryu was slashed by several demon sword cuts, 3 deep cuts only with the simple movements of the demon sword able to inflict deep wounds on him. No wonder why Eric was stunned when he saw a significant force far between humans and demons in battle, even his friend Ryu who possessed superior swordsmanship was played with like that.

"Rose! Running away here is very dangerous! " Eric loudly shouted

Rose also could not run away from the situation in front of her eyes, even moving was difficult to see the shock she experienced from the sudden attack of the devil who somehow appeared from where.

"Run! Run! You take shelter looking for help! "

The demon glanced at Rose's movement who wanted to run away, but turned her face back to Ryu and Eric

"I'm not interested in her, I'm only interested in humans who have fighting strength like you."

But in a situation like this the devil did not care about Rose who ran away looking for help in the city, Eric realized that the attitude shown by the devil was very clear showing that he was not afraid if humans brought reinforcements to fight him.

"Son of a bitch!" Eric tried to cut and stab the devil

"Attacks that are very easy to read, even animals can avoid the attacks that you did just now." -

"Say, man, why are you still trying to fight when you realize how far we have power now? Basic lowly creature! "

Blood vomiting from Ryu's mouth that kept flowing indicates the fatal wound that the devil gave him, but Ryu immediately shouted and made a very fast movement before the demon.

"What!?" Eric was stunned to see Ryu's movements so fast that he even teleported towards the demon's face

The sound of swords touching each other sounds very loud.

The evil spirit easily held Ryu's sword with two fingers, but he showed a different face this time. The devil who had underestimated his power was immediately shocked to see the movements launched by Ryu. "Oh so this is what was meant by Him, I don't think I should underestimate this person any further" Kicked Ryu and Eric in the chest that knocked him unconscious.


[Ryu, wake up]

[Protect them from all evil's evil]

Opening his eyes, Ryu awoke from the faint he was experiencing.

"How long have I passed out? A day? Two days? Damn, I don't remember what happened after the kick "said Ryu while in pain.

"You're awake, Ryu." -

"Don't get out of bed, you're still hurt and you can't move much" Rose came to Ryu, who was lying weakly on the bed.

"Hilda .. What happened? Are you alright? "

"Don't worry about me Ryu, I'm fine."

"How long have I passed out? I must report to the kingdom immediately! "

"All I have reported to the royal side, you calm down now rest. You have been unconscious for 3 days and your wound has slowly healed ... "

"Where is Eric? Is he here too? Is he hurt badly? "

"Eric only fainted for a few hours, he also did not receive any significant injuries and now he is being interviewed by the royal party about what happened that night."

It was the first time Ryu had met a creature so strong in his life. With Ryu being easily played around with no significant resistance, the training he had been doing all this time turned out to be far from the shadow of threats out there.

"Ryu? Are you alright? "

"Yes, I'm fine, just thinking for a while. Thank you, Hilda. "

Rose just smiled and left after changing several of her wound bandages. However, the internal injuries that Ryu experienced so quickly healed, it is not usually the severe injuries that Ryu found could close almost completely without special treatment from Angels. This made Ryu confused and wondered to himself.

After a week at the healing site, Ryu finally came to see Cornellius to be able to get an explanation of what he had just experienced. Cornellius Fred has a lot of combat experience and knows various racial information.


The sound of a knock on the door was heard in Cornellius's office, Ryu came in and talked with him about the great strength of his opponent. Ryu also said

"I didn't think there was a creature that had such great strength, if only I hadn't held back the muscles in the punch section my bones might have been broken somewhere." -

"Even the slash of the sword that I did was easily restrained and avoided!"

"You are too used to human attacks, that's why you're surprised when you see a significant difference in power between humans and other race creatures." -

"Maybe you can defeat some of the warriors in the kingdom, but it's not that easy to defeat one of the devils. There are many things you must know about the uniqueness and superiority of other races in fighting or survival. "

"Humans have a standard mind compared to others, we are only provided by Core as a power that can protect us from various situations. The devil has a power that is very far from ordinary humans even if that human has a strong core but does not have good fighting intelligence and a strong mentality will lose to him. " -

"A devil has a strong intimidating nature towards his opponent, if his opponent's mentality is weak then you won't be able to think of defeating him easily. There are still many things that I want to tell you about this but to train someone a knight I always see him in a real battle not a lecture. "

Hearing that, Ryu also looked very carefully at Conellius's explanation. When faced with situations that are critical and real in battle, human instincts or other living things react to survival and also make progress if it really works.

"But knowledge of the enemy is also needed right?" Ryu asked

"Not always, when I say some horrible things about other races it can slow down the brain's work in combat." -

"Which results in the brain continuing to think things over the enemy rather than looking for their weaknesses, Ryu."

"The battle between the factions will be the day after tomorrow, be prepared."

The battle between the factions that were decisive in training royal warriors would be held the day after tomorrow, once again Ryu would reveal his strength!

This the last part of volume 1, thank you for your time. Please leave a comment and vote whether you like it or not.

Volume 2 is ready, now vote the story!

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