
Chapter Twenty-One

Katsumi walked with Eri into the building . It was more crowed than she excepted but she found a spot near to the stage . She wanted Eri to see , so she picked her up and placed her on her shoulders .The show was about to begin . But Katsumi was caught off gaurd by a voice . " Eri ! There you are !" Katsumi turned towards the voice while holding Eri's legs . A blond male with blue eyes walked up to her . " Lemillion " Eri said . "Is this him ?" Katsumi asked her . She nodded . Katsumi toom her off and gave Eri to him . He grabbed her and hugged her . "I'm so glad you're safe " he said and put her on his shoulders . " Katsumi helped me " Eri said and pointed to Katsumi ."Is that so ?" He asked and looked at her . " Thank you so much , she's my responsibility so you saved us both " he said . She nodded at him with a smile "it's no problem , Eri is wonderful . She reminds me of when my sister was little" she said smiling at Eri . " I don't think I've seen you before .what class are you in " He asked . She was about to answer but Eri did it for her ." She's in Deku's class " she said . "Really ? But I haven't seen you with them before " he said with a curious look on his face . " Oh , well I just got into Class 1-A . I came late since ... well it's a long story . But if it helps to explain things . I'm All Mights daughter " she said not knowing how to explain . "All Mights daughter ?! No that just makes it more confusing " He said and laughed . " Oh sorry " she said smiling nervously . She wanted to say something else but the lights went off . Signalling that the concert was beginning . Everyone grew quiet and the first thing they heard was Bakugo screaming and a loud explosion . Katsumi smiled nervously at this but her face changes into amazement when the lights came on . The music began and it already put everyone into movement . Katsumi moved a long while she stared at what was happening on the stage . This was amazing . Is this what all concerts where like ? She wouldn't know since this is her first one . She smiled the entire time and when the song ended and she left lemillion to see her classmates . It wouldn't leave . When she saw them , she immediately ran up to them ."you guys were awesome !" She yelled when she came near to them . They all said there thanks , except Bakugo of course . Katsumi turned to him ."And you were so good with those drums ! It was amazing !"she said fan girling . He just tch'ed at that while a blush made its to way the his face . "Don't just stand around !!!We have to clean this fast !!!!" Mineta screamed at us as he ran around with a bucket of ice in his hands ."We have to make to the beauty pageant !!!" He said . And everyone began to clean up and made on time at the beauty pageant . Katsumi stared in awe at the last contestant . The way she danced in the sky , made her look like she came out of a fantasy world . She made her last move and then went back down on the ground , and in the sky was a rose in her place . "wow " Katsumi said astonished . Bakugo looked at her with a soft smile. "Wow indeed " He whispered . She looked at him with a smile "did you say something ?" she asked . He blushed lightly "No " he said and turned away . Katsumi shrugged and looked back at the pageant . "Now vote for your favorite contestant ! The results will be announced at 5 PM " . Katsumi walked over to the voting table and placed her vote . She walked back over to Bakugo with a smile . He tch'ed and looked away from her before they walked back together to the rest of the group . "Katsumi !" Eri said with a smile when she saw Katsumi come over . Katsumi waved with a smile to her . "Hey Eri " She said when she came closer. "Why are you always walking with that angry man ?" Eri asked tilting her head . Bakugo got a irk mark on his head but he kept quiet . "Oh that's because he's my soulmate " Katsumi said showing her wrist with the tattoo on it . "Soulmate ? What are those ?" She asked confused . This was Mirio's que to explain . "Hey " Katsumi heard Bakugo say . She turned to him . "Yeah ?" She asked . "Let's go get something to eat " he said . Bakugo's friends group heard this and jumped in . "Yeah , I'm starving !" Denki said . "I meant me and her , dumbass !" He said . "Aw, come on Baku-bro . Let's all go as a group" Kirishima said putting his arm around Bakugo's shoulder ."let's go together as a group Bakugo "Katsumi said with a smile to him . Denki put his arm around Katsumi's shoulders . "Yeah , listen to your soulmate Bakugo " Denki said with a teasing smile . Bakugo walked up to him and took his arm off her shoulder . "Hands off " He said and put his arm on her shoulders instead . Katsumi blushed lightly at his action . "Geez ok , calm down " Denki said holding his hands up in defence . "So what are we going to get ?" Mina asked . "Oh , can we come with ?" Deku asked . Soon everyone came with and they all walked together to get food . They all ate and after that they went to the obstacle course . The entire day was filled with laughter and fun . Everyone was happy , and then it was time to say goodbye to Eri . They said their goodbyes and walked back to the dorms . "Hey " Bakugo said making Katsumi stop while everyone else continued into the dorms .He walked closer to her ."Let's go to my room " he said and walked passed her . She followed him without saying anything . She was happy today , but something still bugged her . Did he think she wasn't beautiful ? Is that why he made her cover up ? She has always been insecure about the way she looked . It got better when she came into highschool but it was always a thought in the back of her mind . She felt her self frown as she looked at his back . They made their way into his room and she closed the door behind them . He went and sat down in his chair at his desk. She stood still while looking at him . "Bakugo ... can I ask you something ?" She asked quietly . She was surprised he heard her when he hummed a response . "Am I ... ugly to you ?" She asked looking down on the ground . He snapped his head towards her . His eyes wide with shock . "What made you think that dumbass ?" He asked , his face changing into anger . "Well , I ... I wanted to impress you ... today ... but then you made me cover up ... so I thought ... did I ... am I ... disgusting to you ... ?" She said the last part quietly . She heard him stand up but didn't move . She heard him walk up to her . "Look at me " he said . She didn't listen , too afraid to see his reaction . He sighed and touched her chin . He lifted it up , making her look at him . Her eyes held tears in them .He looked into her eyes . "You're really stupid you know that ..." he said . She opened her mouth to say something . But was cut off by him kissing her . She froze with surprise but she slowly began to kiss back . Her hands went to his hair while his stayed at the sides of her face . She wanted to kiss him more but she could feel the air leaving her . Bakugo pulled away and put his forehead against hers. They both panted for air . "I would never be disgusted by you ..." he said .She pulled away and looked at him ."but then why ..." she asked . He looked away and blushed . "Because I didn't people staring at what was mine and because ... " he trailed off . "And ?" She asked , he looked back at her . "I couldn't really concentrate with you looking like that ..." he said his blush worsening . She blushed at this "R-Really ?" She asked . "Of course ... you're the most ... beautiful woman I've ever seen ..." he said . She blushed more "No one's ever told me that before ... " she said glancing away . " Well someone should've " he said . She looked back at him in surprise .He kissed her again . But it was a lot shorter than before . "Because it's true " he said . He pulled away from her and sat back down in his chair . She stood their for a while , shocked . She smiled at the back if his head and went to his bed . She layed down and looked up at the ceiling . She rolled onto her stomach and looked towards him . "Are you gonna stay there for her ?" She asked pouting . He looked back at her . He smirked and shook his head . He stood up and went over to her. "Scoot over " he said . She moved over and he layed down next to her . He grabbed her and held her close to him . He chuckled as she out her head and hand on his chest . "You really are an idiot " he said . "Yeah " she said "but I'm your idiot ." She looked up at him with a smirk . He blushed . He shook his head . He put his hand on her head and rubbed it before he said "Yeah , you are ."

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