Sunshine is very polite and calm as the personal assisant of the boy band..

Sunshine is very fluent in English as well in Korean dialect..because of her Status in the US she knows and umderstand many dialects.

She bow her heae to show respect to the band and said hello...

KimJ smiled while Jm suddenly hug her..the others simply get shock.. Kimj explain Sunshine is an old friend of me and Jm..we are very fortunate that we will get to work with her..

Sunshine hug back Jm and give very sweet smile to the other boys.

Maybe beacuse they are once was close friend that with Kimj and Jm that she felt very comfortable to all of them.

Ram is the leader she acknowledge very well sunshine anx because he can speak engling well they get along very well..

As their personal assistang Sunshine was instructed again to pack hee things and move to the house of the boy band in order for them to get to use to each other...and to that he can attend emmediately the concerns of the boys..

sunshine laugh she can't imagine she's doing it all right now...

In the US i am the boss, i am incharge of everything..i make them famous...here... omg... do i look like a slave?

but she sunddenly stop...

oh well this is what i geg in hiding my true identity...ok chalenge accepted... i can do this!

Next chapter