
Chapter 1: Blood Oaths


The night had grown darker, and a cold wind whispered through the alley, sending shivers down Lukas's spine.

His eyes never left Elena's, even though she now bore the visage of a demon, her once-familiar features distorted by horns and crimson skin.

Lukas: (clenching his dagger) "You talk as if you had a choice, Elena. As if you chose this darkness willingly."

Elena: (her voice a haunting mix of her former self and something otherworldly) "Choices were made, Lucas. And they have consequences."

Lukas's grip on the dagger tightened, but his resolve wavered. Memories of their past together flooded his mind—days of laughter, stolen kisses, and a love that had seemed unbreakable.

Lukas: (softly) "We can find a way to undo this. I can help you break free from this curse."

Elena: (laughter laced with malice) "Curse? You don't understand, Lukas. This is my power now, my destiny."

With a flick of her clawed hand, Elena sent a wave of dark energy hurtling toward him. Lukas barely managed to dodge, rolling to the side as the energy crackled and scorched the wall behind him.

Lukas: (gritting his teeth) "I won't let you harm anyone else."

As Elena lunged at him, Lukas swung his dagger, striking her side. A sizzling sound filled the air as the blade met her demonic flesh. Elena howled in pain, but her eyes gleamed with a menacing hunger.

Elena: (slyly) "You've grown stronger, Lukas, but so have I."

The battle raged on, each strike of Lukas's blade met with Elena's relentless onslaught of dark magic. The alley became a battleground, shadows swirling around them as if they were locked in a dance of death.

Amidst the chaos, Lukas managed to grab a vial from his belt—a vial filled with a radiant, golden liquid. He threw it at Elena, and upon contact, it exploded into a blinding light. Elena shrieked in agony as the holy substance burned her demon form.

Lukas: (shouting) "Elena, fight it! Remember who you used to be!"

For a brief moment, the crimson glow in Elena's eyes wavered, and Lukas saw a flicker of recognition in her face. But the darkness quickly swallowed her, and she resumed her assault.

Elena: (desperation in her voice) "It's too late, Lucas. I'm beyond saving."

Lukas knew he couldn't defeat Elena with brute force alone. He needed answers, a way to understand the demonic forces that had consumed her. He retreated, creating distance between them.

Lukas: (panting) "Tell me, Elena. Who did this to you? Who turned you into this…monster?"

Elena: (mocking laughter) "You think I'll reveal our secrets to you, hunter?"

Lukas: (calmly) "I can't save you if I don't know what we're up against. There must be something left of the woman I loved."

Elena hesitated, her demonic features contorting with conflicting emotions. Finally, she spoke, her voice trembling.

Elena: (whispering) "The Council of Shadows, Lucas. They promised me power beyond imagination. But there's a price—a blood oath. I'm bound to them now."

Lukas: (grimly) "The Council of Shadows… I've heard whispers. They're more dangerous than anything in all of existence.

Elena: (tearfully) "You have to stop them, Lukas. They're the cause."

Before Lukas could respond, a swirling portal of darkness began to form behind Elena.

Lucas: (shouting) "Elena, wait!"

But it was too late. She stepped into the portal, disappearing into the abyss. Lucas rushed forward, reaching out to grab her, but his fingers only grazed empty air.

Lukas: (whispering) "I promise, Elena, I'll find a way to break that blood oath and free you from the darkness."

As the portal closed, Lukas was left standing alone in the alley, his heart heavy with the weight of his impossible quest. He knew of the Council of Shadows, and he knew that uncovering their secrets would be the key to saving Elena and preventing the darkness from spreading further. But there was always a thought that has been resurfing in his mind about this task. 

'Can I do it?'


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