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As the kids going up many got low tiered blues and whites with some getting low middle... next was Adel's brother, Day, he got up two the stage and the stones moved quickly, at the end the stones were half Red and White.. the color grade being mid high... he got a dual Soul! Rarely this happens when a soul awakens to have two abilities!

Every adult started to talk with each other, with some village elders jumping up, ready to invest into him! He was a treasure to the village! But the old man slienced everyone and every one had their eyes on the next person, the brother of a dual soul... can he also be one of such greatness?

He walked up to the stage, ready to start the ritual.. the stones spun with a highest grade level shown but...

The color was black, usually having a high grade level would be good but having a black soul would be a shame to have.. the room had gotten a awkward silence tone... the old man finally broke the silence...

"The event has come to a close, you guys can go back to your homes to rest, it's been a big day and many must be tired.."

The families got up and reunited with their kids to go home...

The two brothers walked towards each other but before they could met, elders and big shots surrounded day, chatting with him about his future and working together. Day waved a hand towards Adel. "Ill meet you at home!" Then getting sucked back into the group of elders...

Adel began to walk towards his home, he felt his soul and instantly knew his new ability.. it was called "Ghost" a F tier power...

He wanted to test it out immediately, so he went to the edge of the village,the village was surrounded by a forest and the closest place to it was the Wind town... at the edge, he connected himself to his soul.

Knowledge filled his mind, with his ability, he could walk trough solid obstacles for as long as he could hold his breath, and possess lower leveled creatures for 1 minute...

Compared to his brother, he was not even as Half as powerful but nevertheless, he could still be very useful for many types of things!
