DREAMING HIGH only allows people like me to experience a fatal downfall. It was never been a one in a billion chance in the entire history of Sacred Heaven Kingdom for a slave to manifest even the poorest magical ability. It never crossed my mind that I will open the gates of once unattainable power.

It was always been a dream...

The electrifying aura flowed through my veins at the verge of a calamity. I had never studied any sort of incantation or inscription to emit such power that blasted a catapulting meteor-like boulder. Though I am not happy to reach this stage but at least, it helped me save the people I loved.

If only I... If only I could learn how my body activated my soul sphere, I will be able to break the chains that bound my family, friends and race to the hundred years of slavery. Why it has to be me alone who is able to earn the entry pass to enter the heavenly gates?

Leaving the people who shared the same painstaking as I did—those beating, burns, whipping and other sort of tortures that will make anyone desire to commit suicide-makes me look down of myself. I never wanted to leave the people who treated me with kindness and acceptance.

I rather face the judgment of death instead of joining the kingdom that only showed me violence. However, Ashiya and Uncle Makabe will also carry my burden if I commit treason. There's no other option but to walk through the new light-though it might just blind me.

"You rather look pale. Do you feel sick? We can postpone your arrival in the Sacred Cross Academy," Master Gideon asked.

For a berserker mage like him with bulky muscles and towering presence, he does show a lot of care to a commoner like me. He even personally escorted my way to the academy.

I gazed my soulless eyes to his before I coldly replied, "I thank you for your help, Master Gideon but I beg your pardon if I am not comfortable to talk about my thoughts."

"If it concerns your origin, I'll just remind you, Urion. You are no more a commoner but a citizen of Sacred Heaven Kingdom," he declared, giving a freezing speech. Regardless, his assurance sounds more of an insult. "Moreover, you are now a household of the Crimson Flame Clan."

The ash brick road, where our carriage is passing, is flat. Yet, our trip seems to take a rocky and bumpy path. Then, I just suddenly thought, why those blessed with riches and power forgets those who're not? Is it because of tradition? Then, curse that tradition!

No wonders why I feel disgusted to myself in every passing minute. Master Gideon is just trying to encourage me, aiming to lift my principle and identity from being a mere commoner up to the pedestal of a respected soul user. However, letting go of my past is impossible.

What kind of a devil am I if I abandon my race?

"Thank you, Master Gideon. I feel more comfortable upon hearing your words," I lied to clear the worries hinted on his face. I still need to pay gratitude for master's kindness to me.

"I know you are still thinking of your race but you must accept the truth." I thought my white lies will prevent this conversation but it only steamed out this senseless topic. Their arguments are stating logic but I cannot embrace a whole new identity or else I will just lose my own. "You did grow up as a slave. But you are one with divine blood—a baby who got lost and went to the hands of the powerless."

"Are normal people less because they do not have soul sphere?" I asked which forced master to gaze at me. I can feel the intense heatwaves from his bloody aura. Is he mad? I did not mean to provoke him but it must be said, "Are not they the same with those who have but are locked?"

That argument must be valid because soul user that cannot use their power are not more than a crippled man. My knowledge never knew this before but upon my short stay inside the kingdom, I gathered a lot of useful information.

"You only stayed six days inside the kingdom. You saw and learned new things?" Master Gideon smirked in dismay, diverting his sight to the window—to the fields of red rose. "Urion, you think you know more now but I tell you this: You actually don't."

I frowned as I heard his degrading words. So, the kingdom has a reason to do unjust to its people. No! We are not even considered as their people. In their eyes, we are only trash that will always toil in their lands and mines.

"Normal people can only cultivate physical strength which can also be done by soul user—regardless if their soul sphere is opened or not." My voice is ready to counter that but master did not let me utter a word. "But in a rather faster way... Even ten times faster than the slaves. Thus, investing to train warriors with slow growth time will only be a waste of investment."

No matter how hard I push my head to respond to master's words, I have no idea how to defend our people. I am dumbfounded. Master was right all along for saying, "knew nothing." But, I won't stop seeking knowledge until I discover a way to free those who are family by hearts.

The carriage stopped in front of a fifty-five-feet gate of gold and silver. I quite doubt my eyes if this is the academy. It looks as majestic as a noble's castle with golden walls, expensive-silk banner, and multiple room's verandas.

So, this is where I will learn to be stronger. The facade can mark a good first impression but will its educational quality can spar?

We now arrived!

Sacred Cross Academy—the soul users' training ground in the Western City: the Sky Watch Haven. This institution molds the younger generation by guiding the cultivation of their soul energy. The stronger soul energy, the higher tier one can reach.

After all, the power of the households of a clan summed up to distinguish its nobility status or the placement in the triangle. That's why every clan competes in the academy to secure the bright future for their offspring.

A servant wearing white robe opened the door for us. Master took the exit first before I tailed his steps.

Finally, a breath of life!

Master Gideon stood straight, keeping his head up high. With his crimson armor, his stance shines brighter to the eyes. He is a descendant of the Crimson Flame Clan after all. Only with that, common soul users and inferior clans already bow heads in his presence.

"We're here, Urion," master uttered while approaching an old man standing near us. "We might argue about your origin a lot but never try to convey this to anyone in this academy. Let your past stay in your past. It's better to keep watch for the present."

"I understand." I nodded before sighing. I guess I will be complying for now since I may only trouble master and the clan if I make mess. I cannot be a disgrace as a token of gratitude to them.

"Very well," master said without looking at me. His heating aura—that almost washes my face with cold sweat—slowly calmed down. He must be preparing himself to face an important person, someone he highly respect, I guess.

"It's been a while, Gideon," greeted by the old man who's probably at his 60th year. His well-groomed ash long tied hair and beard brighten his nobility; his fine snow robe knitted using the fur of a snow fanged bear showcases his riches.

"Teacher," Master Gideon greeted, bowing his head and gesturing his fist-and-palm. It seems like the one who trained master was actually this old man. I am intrigued if old man will be taking me as disciple. "Our descendant, Urion Fotia."

Old man noticed me quickly. I can feel that he's examining me from head to toe. Thus, I quickly followed the action of my master to give respect, and spoke, "It is an honor meeting the teacher of my master."

Old man raised his right hand, setting off the formality. His glare had an electrocution effect all over my body. Such intimidation matched the terrifying aura of a vice-captain in the slave's land. Wait! His aura is nth times insane than those devil!

"So, this is the young man whom you spoke?" old man asked, turning his sight back to Master Gideon. I wonder what master mentioned to his teacher regarding me. "I do sense the soul energy stored in his body, but I was surprised that his physical attributes are like the one's of the slaves."

I wanted to say: Let's stop addressing normal human as SLAVE, but I will only trouble myself. For sure, it will be treated as treason that will raise a death sentence on my head.

"As expected from Teacher Ayre, teacher also noticed that deficiency." Saying that as if saying that my body is abnormal. I almost sighed but thankfully I halted my disrespectful expression after seeing master turning head to me, and continued, "But it does happen in some occasion."

"Truth! Normal soul user performs extraordinary strength cultivation but there are those who do not." So, what's the different between normal people and those abnormal which they mentioned? "He may be a talent for the mage class, mastering on long-range elemental magic"

The book that I read last night did tell me about elemental mage. They use incantations to summon elemental attacks and merge their soul sphere and nature's element: sun, moon, earth, water, fire, sky, wind, flower, lightning, darkness, sea and mirror. Usually, they are the long-ranged class of the kingdom, guarding on top of the walls or riding the sky saucers: a flight-maneuvering ride.

Kinda boring to belong in that class.

"Regardless, we shall see the potential class of this young man soon enough," the old man said, caressing his long beard. "He is blessed with luck. He didn't have to wait for the next year in order to enroll."

"We are looking forward to witness the class recognition ceremony next month, teacher," Master Gideon said, moving his right hand to his breastplate like a person stating an oath. "Crimson Flame Clan will treat your assistance as a huge favor."

"For a clan commander, you are truly living in formality, Gideon," Teacher Arye chuckled. He is quite kind and funny after all. I thought he was the serious type. "Time is running. We must take our leave for him to be introduced to the trainee class."

"I'll take my leave as well, teacher," master bid his farewell before turning on me. He then secretly whispered, "Behave yourself and remember everything I taught you."

"Thank you for your guidance Master Gideon," I uttered, nodding on master. He grabbed me on my shoulder and looked at me with sharp eyes. I think my words still lack assurance. "The clan treated me like a real descendant. I will make sure to give back the favor."

"Good to hear," Master Gideon quipped before turning back to Teacher Arye, bowing. "I'll visit you when I have a free time, teacher. Hopefully, you may spare some time for a spar."

The teacher chuckled turning to his back. His clenched fists are colliding on his lower back, showing an impression of a master martial artist.

"My office and courtyard is always open for your visit," old man said as he walked toward the gigantic gate.

I then followed from the teacher's back while observing the majestic views. I am amazed of how the kingdom works. I wish I can share my eyeballs to my friends and family.

"Follow me, Urion," Teacher Ayre said, extending his hands forward; moving it in circular motion. His action formed a hurricane-like portal in the wind which strongly pulls us in. This might be a teleportation magic. Teacher possessed explicit skills to do such trick, requiring immense concentration. "I see amazement in your eyes. Will Urion going to enter in a warp portal for the first time?"

My eyes widened in shock. Teacher Ayre did not look at me but he saw my expression? He might be hiding an eye on his back! Though, "It is true that I will enter a warp portal for the first time, teacher."

As the teacher stepped one foot in the portal, he advised me: "Then, keep your posture; stand straight and avoid unnecessary movements." He was then completely swallowed by the portal.

I quickly followed after his disappearance.

Later on, I saw myself floating at an empty space. The whole dimension is like seeing an aurora at the night. Am I lost? Why am I just freely moving towards a single direction? Where is Teacher Ayre? I wiggled my body in any direction but I was kept on a linear pathway.

Turning around. Extending my hands. Shadow boxing. None helped me to redirect my path.

Basically, I gave up and let myself flow in this dimensional realm. It kinda frightened me but somehow a blinding light not so far brightens my heart.

Inch-by-inch, I moved forward to that light until I was swallowed by it. My body felt a warm touch. It was all good until... an impactful force pushed me out in a rush. Then, I found myself being spit out the circulating brightness.

I rolled on the grassland over and over again. That force really knows how to injure people. Right now, my body pain is in comparison on working a half-day in the slave's land. Magical stuffs are surely disastrous if not hold with caution. It shouldn't be painful but I was just caught off-guard.

Different voices erupted in laughter which pulled me out of my own space. I immediately stood up, wiping off the dirt on my crimson tunic. I then roamed my sight around the lands, seeing my fellow disciples sitting on the hectares of grass that is being weaved by the cold breeze.

"Is it his first time entering a warp portal?" a midget guy chuckled while embracing his stomach. Crap! It is my first day in class and I am already being a disgrace for our clan. I must keep my promise to Master Gideon or else our deal will be voided.

"Ehem," Teacher Ayre coughed for our attention which immediately silenced the whole class. Now, I can see his true form. He is a man with freedom to shift in a friendly and strict approach. I cannot provoke someone such as this old man.

Yet, I was confused for the scene. I found teacher talking with a woman in a loose sea-colored dress with long sleeves. A bluish scarp with embroidery of sea waves is wrapped around her arms. I cannot help but to ask myself on who's this lady.

"Everyone, don't we have Vice-Principal here?" the lady said in soft tone. I guess she wanted to be sarcastic but she keeps her calmness due to an important guest. But wait! Vice-Principal? Who? What? Do not tell me that it was?

"We apologize teacher," the students said, standing up and bowing head. I do feel some are sincere on their words but I also see some face faking sincerity—what a dangerous disguise. "We also apologize to our fellow disciple."

But this is not the time to check them out. I eyed Teacher Ayre, Vice-Principal Ayre perhaps. I cannot believe that Master Gideon was trained by a person of this old man's stature. He did mention that he started as a soul warrior. So, how the hell he was taught by a vice-principal?

I am not looking down on the soul warriors because they are the one who risks life the most. However, these warriors are usually trained by fellow warriors. Based on Vice-Principal Ayre's ectomorphic physique, he must be someone in a high-level elemental class.

A petrifying spell was not cast on me but my body was as hard as a stone statue. This is the first time that I will face teens with divine heritage, especially in class. I am afraid that I am left behind

Will I be able to penetrate in their circle?

Cold wind slapped me back to my senses. Nature seems to favor a commoner like me. It also reminded me about my oath: I am here to gain knowledge and power to free the normal people. I must be brave and take courage if I long for a noble task!

"Before you open the class, I would like everyone to meet Urion Fotia of the Crimson Flame Clan," Vice-Principal Arye introduced me.

As a gesture of respect, I bowed before saying, "I will be on your care. Please to meet everyone."

"Let us grow with each other's care," the students replied. I guessed they're not that bad. I might be able to befriend some of them. However, if Master Gideon said the truth-how can I find someone who shares the same pity on the normal people?

Well, I did not know that I will be doing this today but I really did smile right now. It has been almost a week since I last smiled. It was Ashiya and uncle Makabe who always paint a smile on my face after all. It was just six days ago when I was separated from them but it felt like a year already.

"You will be on Teacher Riva Akeanos's care from now on," Vice-Principal said, jerking an open palm on the lady. He then looked at the teacher and said, "Take good care of Urion just like how you care for these disciples."

"Will do, Vice-Principal," Teacher Riva affirmed, bowing head.

The Vice-Principal chuckled, caressing his long beard, and spoke, "I will take my leave now. You may return to your class." He then opened another warp portal in which he disappeared in.

"You might be a very talented student for you to gain Vice-Principal's permission to enroll late," Teacher Riva said. "Allow me to see your growth and I'll help with my best."

"Thank you, teacher," I replied.

"You may now take your sit. You may freely choose. The grassland is wide and free," teacher chuckles. Such gentleness and beauty sparkled on her sapphire eyes and snow skin.

"My left side is vacant teacher! I am pleased to sit beside Urion," a lady with charming and gentle tone said. Her crown is a chestnut hair which has high ponytail; also, has loose hair on both ends of her face. Her burning passion brightens by her eyes that burn like ember stones, and her dazzling smile.

"Aiya came from the Crimson Flame Clan. I do not see any reason to not allow your invitation," teacher commented. She looked at me and smiled. Instantly, it gave me the order to choose.

"Thank you, teacher," I bowed. "Thank you sister Aiya."

I then walked my way to the left side of the lady in red long sleeveless dress. I can see our clan all over her.

While sitting down, I had my time to see my fellow disciples. They were all whispering to each other's ears. Some even turned their head just to check me. I do not understand the commotion. Did I do something? I sat down while being clueless.

"So, let us start..." Teacher Riva began talking about some history of the Kingdom. I was paying attention in every detail not until...

"I never saw you in the clan," Aiya said with a confused expression. She must be trying to remember me right now. Too bad for her—that is impossible. "I know most servants and direct descendants of the Fotia family but I never recalled an Urion."

Master Gideon made it clear: No one must know about my identity even if it is a clan member. Sorry but I cannot tell you Lady Aiya.

"You said it to yourself: You know most, not all. But, I am in assurance, a household of the Fotia family," I answered

"Well, I cannot rely on my memory," she said as she placed the tip of her hands on her chin. "Though, you have an emerald hair. It's unnatural for our clan to conceive such feature."

"You should stop using that head of yours before it explodes," I said, beaming. "That just means that I am not a full-blooded descendant of the family."

Not even a born member of the clan-sorry if I cannot tell you that.

"An arc of happiness," she quipped before smiling back. "Regardless, I am Aiya Fina. You addressed me like we know each other for a long time a while ago and made some commotion. But from now on, continue on addressing me as your sister."

So, that's why they are whispering around a while ago. I should not forget about respect in addressing people from now on. I might offend others or be misinterpreted due to my recklessness. Thankfully, Aiya, sister Aiya is understanding and kind-just like Ashiya.

Sighing out of dismay, I then checked my fellow disciples if there are still those who make a fuss for my action. I noticed a man with spiky mid-length hair throwing knives with his vision. He was actually at the second row of students while I am at the fourth. He was biting his lower lip while clenching his fist.

We engaged in a minute of eye-to-eye contact. He seemed to be serious about this matter but I am sure that I never wronged him. Let's think logically. Within my few hours of sitting inside this class, how can I do something wrong to him? I still need to avoid trouble at all costs or else I will be facing a dead end on my journey.

These people are already probably trained with few magical abilities as stated by Master Gideon. I have no power to defend myself at the moment. Thus, I am hundred percent sure that I must not put myself into any conflict with my fellow disciples.

As long as they won't know where I came from... Wait, is it possible that this guy is glaring at me because he actually knew? But, how? Can he read minds? Is that even a talent, especially for a youngster? No! It must be for a different reason. But I better take my eyes away from him for now.

After few minutes, I glanced at the guy again and I saw him looking at Sister Aiya. Now, I formed a reasonable idea why he seems to be mad at me. He might be a lover to this lady. He might be jealous because I was action too casual to her.

"Sister Aiya," I quietly called her attention.

"Huh?" she replied in a puzzled tone. I did not turn my head to her to avoid further conflict but I can see her eying me through my peripheral view. "Do you need something from me?"

"Just one question," I said which makes Aiya's forehead crinkled. "Do you happen to have a lover in our class?"

"What?!" she shouted which completely captured my eyes. Her face blushed. She must be really shy regarding this talk. I did not expect to cause such trouble.

"Do you have a problem, Aiya?" Teacher Riva intervened with her reaction hinting worry. "Or you may be confused in our lecture? You can ask if you have something to clarify."

"I apologize, teacher," Sister Aiya said, bowing her head. Our fellow disciples looked at her with worried expression as well. She's quite the people's person. "I just thought that I heard something."

"Your grandfather said that you've been cultivating your soul energy all night lately. You must be tired," teacher said. "If you need to rest, you can take a leave from school. With you being a natural genius, can even advance without my lectures."

"No, teacher. It is my choice to enter class," she said, beaming genuinely. Our fellow disciples' heart melted as relief expressed through their bright smile. Everyone do care for her. Amusing.

"All night training? That's something I cannot do," a boy wowed.

"Such humbleness," one student said.

"I wish I can be her lover," another one said. Is it just me or their thought is getting cringey?

"Well, then, I am just here if you need help," teacher said before resuming to the lecture.

"Forgive me for my reaction," Sister Aiya said. "But what kind of a question you are asking a decent lady like me? Don't tell me that you are-"

My forehead crinkled and lost my smile upon hearing her. I sighed and spoke, "Do not misunderstand me, Sister Aiya. I am just curious so that I may know my space beside you."

"I don't really understand you but there are men here who tried to offer marriage to me," she replied. "Though, my father rejected them all which highly pleased me."

"Isn't you the one that should be rejecting?" I asked out of curiosity.

"In what cave are you living in?" I do not understand her. Did I said something wrong for her to react in surprise? "It is in tradition that a woman will always be given to the hands of someone chosen by her father, regardless the woman's preference and choice."

Simply, woman in this kingdom are like bird in a cage waiting to be sold. For that, I commented, "That is an absurd idea. Tradition is really messed up. Don't you think?"

"Urion," she said in gentleness.

I looked at her sparkling eyes but she quickly turned her head back to the teacher and said, "Don't mind me. You are new here so you study first."

Who's the one talking to me first? The one who took my attention away? But well, I did learn that some students here are infatuated or even in love on Aiya. I should really know my space from now on. I might put myself in trouble and even herself if I keep on getting closer to her.

"...So, there are four well-known kingdom around the entire earth: The Sacred Heaven Kingdom, Blood Moon Kingdom, Hellish Kingdom, and Light Haven Kingdom." I will just listen to my teacher for learnings. This is why I am called a 'student' after all. "Wars kept on breaking in the Deadland. That is why you are here to be taught how to fight to defend yourself and also the kingdom."

The midget who was laughing hard at me a while ago raised his hand. He was then called by the teacher to speak. "I studied this matter. We do have two main armies right, teacher? The Kingdom's defense and offense," he shared.

Teacher Riva nodded to his statement and added, "Yes, we do. Each of you have a choice to choose in which army you will join unless we are in a grim situation."

I will definitely join the defense army for my first to fourth year. If I won't be strong, I will only be a body shield in the offense force. We are all under the seven years mandatory service to the army after all.

"Now, we talk about our defense unit: the wall guards, foot soldiers and aerial units," teacher continued, gesturing her hands on the air. I have not read anything about this matters. That is why I am really pumped up to learn.

What a show-off... The midget raised hands again and got called. He stood and spoke, "There is one unofficial unit, right teacher? Let us not forget the sacrificial trash. That time, slaves will have real worth for us."

A jolting madness is rushing through my veins. I cannot accept the fact he stated. I had not experience a period of attack in my time outside the heavenly walls. However, it is true that there are times that it happens based on uncle Makabe's story.

"Well, there are no kingdom attacks happening right now. However, hordes of beasts can also give a grim assault according in the history. I just want to know when will that happen so that we can purify our lands," the midget jested.

I know I promised to Master Gideon to not stand up for their so-called slaves. But, this is already disgusting. Without raising my hands, I stood up and rebuked, "Why do we sacrifice the lives of the powerless? Isn't it reasonable to defend them because we are the one sitting in power?"

Everyone probably looked at me with mad eyes. I know this is trouble. But I must stand for the right; this is my judgment of right!


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