

***Flashback. ***

"Yan, we need to talk." Said Gabriel to me as I took my seat, it was odd because everyone was here including their girlfriends but they told me not to bring Mia here, I wonder what's this all about.

"How long have we been friends?" Asked Gab all of the sudden.

"Um, since like forever I guess, for as long as I can remember you guys were my friends, we grew up together, why?" This question really confused me.

"That would mean you trust me right, because what I'm about to say is quite unbelievable you know."

"Wait is this some hidden camera; you guys are trolling me right?" I started laughing once I realized what is it about.

"No, this is serious Yan so please focus."

"Erm, sure tell me what's this about."

"You see Yan, this is kind of awkward to say but I saw the future."

"So you guys are really trolling me."

"No, it's the truth." Said Marko, it is odd seeing him so serious.

"Okay then, tell me what you saw."

"As I said I saw the future, it was a bit more than year from now and I saw a lot, if we trust what I saw and prepare accordingly you will be secured for life and won't have to worry about Mia or yourself ever again."

"I'm listening." They know Mia is my soft spot and everything related to her wellbeing is my priority.

"A year from now there will be a game, this game will change the world, it will rid it of unemployment and boredom of common people, also that game currency will be spread all over the world so you will be able to use it whenever and wherever you want."

"I guess this has something to do with us becoming secure."

"Exactly, if we use this opportunity we will become rich and we will be powerful enough to protect that wealth."

"Considering the tone of yours you are pretty sure about this so I will trust you, you probably have a plan already right?"

"Yes, if you are in you will start training will rest of us starting today, besides training I will teach you a lot of difficult stuff and beside that we will also have to get some jobs and save some money so we can start playing the game."

"Okay, so what kind of training are we talking about, and what kind of things will you teach me."

"Well before all that you need to tell me what you wish to become so I can integrate your wishes with our plans, I already talked with everyone and you are the last one to have this discussion."

"That kind of hurts you know, sounds like you don't trust me so you told me last."

"It's not like that, it was just that you are most difficult one to convince so I decided to convince everyone else so we can convince you together, as you can see it was the right choice, you do believe in what I'm saying and it's because we are all here, this environment is the one you trust the most, I don't know if you would've believed me if I told you alone."

"True, even though I trust you I would've probably thought of it as a joke, I mean it's not the first time you would've joked with me like that."

"Exactly, that's why I had to do it this way, now listen up, you need to decide what you wish to become in the future."

"I want to be richest man there is, if I have enough money I can ensure Mia is taken care of and protect her future."

"You see Yan, with you it's all about Mia, have you ever considered yourself as priority?"

"Gab don't bullshit with me, our parents died just couple of months ago, and there is no one else who will take care of her beside me anymore, if I don't do it who will? She must be happy, she must be safe and she must have everything that she wishes for, if I don't do it I'm a failure of a brother."

"Do you really believe that? And what about what Mia wishes for, have you ever considered that? Do you know what's her biggest wish right now Yan?"

"It's probably to see her parents again."

"No Yan, if you just asked her instead of just focusing on what you think is right, you see we did ask her and do you know what her answer was?"

"Tell me." I spoke hoarsely, I can feel my eyes sting a bit, I really never considered what she wishes, and I always thought I knew what's best for her.

"She wishes for her brother to be happy, she wishes not to be a burden for you, she wishes for you to live a normal life, she knows you are too young to take care of someone else right now but circumstances are fucked up aren't they? But you still have us Yan, we will always be your brothers."

"And sisters." Added Sandra.

"I, I want to become richest man alive, for Mia and myself, you know what they say, with money you can make the devil spin the grindstone, but I want to be powerful enough so no one can dare think about my wealth."

"Now that's the spirit, pick a weapon and all of us here will help you master that weapon, I will teach you everything you need to know so your wish comes true, beside that we will also be there to help you whenever you need help."

"But what about your wishes, why does it sound like you are doing everything for me without any gains for you guys?"

"Stupid, we will be brothers with richest and most powerful person in this world, of course we will be your equals so don't worry about that, but I must warn you this training we thought of could be considered a bit masochistic."

"Doesn't matter, with great power comes great cash."

"You mean great responsibility?"

"Fuck that, if I have great wealth I'll just pay someone to take responsibility."

"Haha that sure sounds like you, now let's talk about details."

***Flashback end. ***

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