
If I Were To Realize

SOOYOUNG- [stands up from chair] Who the heck are you?

JIHYUN- Oh, wow. Thanks, I'm Jihyun. You know the producer?

SOOYOUNG- Do I care about producers?

JIHYUN- Seeing as you are one, I would think so.

SOOOYOUNG- You're kidding right? Just leave your not suppose to be here.

JIHYUN- And you are?

SOOYOUNG- I have permission.

JIHYUN- Right. From Mr. Choi. That's why you asked.

SOOYOUNG- Are you going to leave anytime soon?

JIHYUN- Geez, that's your second time asking. You want me gone that badly?

SOOYOUNG- Yep, bye. [pushes JIHYUN out the door and closes it]

[loud talking outside the classroom]

JIHYUN- [enters with many girls] I got to get to class now. See you later.

GIRLS- Ahh...

SOOYOUNG- [puts on headphones and starts writing some notes]

JIHYUN- [looks at SOOYOUNG and walks over] Hey, you're in this class?

SOOYOUNG- [takes of part of headphones] What the heck are-

JIHYUN- [whispers] Just go with it.

SOOYOUNG- Yeah, been in this class all year.

GIRL 1- Don't be sassy to Jihyun!

SOOYOUNG- He asked me.

GIRL 1- Don't mind her, Jihyun. She hates all contact with people since a stupid incident with her parents.

SOOYOUNG- It's not stupid.

GIRL 2- Are you mad? Going to cry to your parents about it? Oh, wait that's right. You don't have-

SOOYOUNG- [stands up and slams table and mumbles] Shut it.

GIRL 2- Fine, let's go. We'll be late if we spend more time here.

[SOOYOUNG walks into music room after school]

JIHYUN- Sorry about that.

SOOYOUNG- Why are you in here?

JIHYUN- You got off topic last time so I'm here to ask again. Are you Sooyoung as in the hidden producer.

SOOYOUNG- Of course not.

JIHYUN- Alright, then how come there's a song on your computer that sounds exactly like a teaser from ACE?

SOOYOUNG- I'm a fan.

JIHYUN- And all these files of different versions of songs.

SOOYOUNG- They're remixes I download.

JIHYUN- Can you cut the act?

SOOYOUNG- Not an act.

JIHYUN- And this? [plays video]

SOOYOUNG- [on video wiping tears] Day 1, a start. Hi mom and dad, it's Sooyoung. I wanted to show you a song I'm producing for SE entertainment.

SOOYOUNG- Get out.

JIHYUN- Not until you explain.

SOOYOUNG- Get out!

JIHYUN- I'm waiting.

SOOYOUNG- Fine, you jerk! I am! Now get out!

JIHYUN- [walks out with sad look on his face] I didn't mean it like that.

SOOYOUNG- [waits for door to close before collapsing and crying] I miss you...

JIHYUN- [leaning on other side of the door listening]

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