
Preparations for birth

So it's been a few weeks and I have learned a lot of things starting from the language of this world, which was not particularly difficult, and I also learned that my mom kind of sucks at magic. She has a weird fixation in a 4 element cosmology based on earth, fire, water, air and light (I guess there is also dark and maybe others) like that makes any sense, especially because you have to really stretch the imagination to see those as elements. I have seen her using mana (anima) by forcefully summoning one of this elements as a medium, even when the result would be more much efficient by directly bending the laws of reality by calculating the predicted normal outcome, the desired outcome and by continuously applying the necessary mana to compensate the difference in entropy between the two events, this method could theoretically allow any kind of phenomena manifestation restricted to the mana and calculation power with perfect efficiency.

Ok, I admit it, is not feasible for the inhabitants of this world to achieve this in general because the computation issue, but the process could be optimized for particular events attaining much better results with the same or less effort as with the elements thingy, this events include: creating and removing heat, slashing, cutting, smashing, decreasing or increasing the weight of an object, creating or absorbing light, and fortifying or improving your own body. But well, I have to admit that I posses an absolute advantage over the inhabitants of this world: my artificial anima have a processor and computational circuits embedded for communication purposes, so let's start making a few cookie cutter scripts that could be shared to others in this world.

I started by optimizing my genes with the standard stuff: better reflexes, immune system, improved five senses, improved neuroplasticity, bone and muscle density, optimized metabolism at cellular level, cancer and autoimmune diseases immunity, improved symmetrical features for aesthetics, perfect hormonal balance, reducing the parts of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety in favor of memory and spacial perception, elimination of vestigials organs, erasing any genetic disease known and some other things. Because I didn't have any specialized or fancy genetic blueprints all I could do is use the basic default improvements for emergency reincarnation. Wait a second, I do have a not too shabby blueprint for improved pheromones, better natural smell of body fluids, smooth fair skin, silky hair, firm symmetrical breasts and hourglass figure that I got because of ... reasons (courtesy of that guy Aaron that got me killed in my past life), so let's use it even while the base settings of this body are not bad.

After a few more weeks I learned that my name will be Aurora Lionhearth, my father is one of the four Dukes of the Kingdom of Stormrage and the Prime Minister Sid Lionhearth, my mother is Gladys Lionhearth (before Greystone) 1st daughter of Marquis Greystone. While my father is 15 years older than my mother and it was obviously a political marriage, the two of them have positive feelings for each other (I wouldn't call it love though). My big brother is 2 years old and seems to be a little less pain in he ass that normal 2 years old, hard to say something positive of such a like kid at this point but lest hope he fulfills his role as the next Duke, his name is Luis Lionhearth by the way.

I think I discovered what I want to do: healing, and I think I'm already ahead of the priest that visits and the doctor my family hires. The "light" magic of the priest was like a pious prayer to the Spirit of Light, which I think it would refer to the part of the anima of this planet aligned to respond to positive feelings and thoughts. To his credit, this act that would be futile (disregarding a placebo effect) in my previous world, actually achieve the closure of external or internal wounds and an increase in the natural healing speed of the body. The doctor on the other hand administer potions prepared with mana rich herbs and animal parts, which usually have a similar effect of wound healing and increase of vitality as the light magic, so they seem to be interchangeable but the light magic have a "evil spirit" removal feature (curses) and specialized potions can completely annul the effect of poison (and I suppose venom too). And well, maybe there are other differences, but that was all I could peak by hearing a couple of conversations around me.

There are a lot of limitations to the availability of this methods of healing like the fact that the resonance to the positive aligned anima of this planet seems to be gene-coded and is a scarce innate talent. On the other hand, the herbs take a lot of time to grow and a special mana rich environmental conditions that sometimes cannot be artificially replicated, so even the general type of potions are very expensive. Obviously, I can do a lot better if I act personally but moreover, I can think on a couple of ways to achieve this emergency treatment magic effect using a more effective medium that could be sold as a product and, more important, as far as I can tell there is a huge problem with the lack of ways to directly fight disease and infections.

-Starts third person point of view-

Gladys Lionhearth is waking everyday felling refreshed, which is just weird for a 7 months pregnant woman, it is like if she is becoming slowly healthier and stronger with each passing day of her pregnancy, which was bizarre because she could just swear that she and the baby were lighter even when the scale showed that she was actually gaining weight and her volume was on the rise (even a little faster than should be normal). Could this child be one blessed by one of the Spirits? Maybe the Spirit of Wind or the Holy Spirit of Light, she sort of remembers that her great grandfather was a Wind Magic user so maybe her baby inherited that. However that was not all, she cold feel most of the time a presence surrounding her and she could swear it's center was the baby, even the most concentrated mana she ever experienced was not this dense, almost tangible, and not even the blessing of a cardinal of the Light Spirit felt this warm.

On another note, her own mana was suffering a qualitative change, in the Royal Collegue of Dalaran where she graduated Summa Cum Laude she learned to increase her mana capacity by hoarding a little more mana everyday just before the point her magic became unstable and just get used to it until she could hold a little bit more However the mana around her core was shrinking by becoming more compact, and it is a well known fact that the mana capacity is an innate talent.

At first Gladys thought she had been cursed by an evil spirit and even requested a visit from the cardinal of the Lionhearth territory. However she was quick to realize that the same spells required proportionally less mana so the number of spells she could fire remained unchanged and less mana closer to her core meaned easier manipulation and control. She did not try to make use of this to increase her mana capacity though, because a heavy mana training while pregnant was not advisable because mana absorption and releasing may be uncomfortable for the baby .

-A few weeks later-

"Goodmorning madam", says the middle aged maid in a neutral tone after opening the heavy velvet curtains. "Goodmorning Maria", responds Gladys opening her eyes after a goodnight sleep. Even inflated as a balloon and 30 pounds heavier it was like she slept in the warm embrace of the Spirit of Light away of the constraints of gravity, every cell felt revitalized. Today was the start of her 8th month of pregnancy.

Two other maids enter her personal room (she doesn't think is a good idea sleeping next her husband while pregnant) with a luxurious dress, shoes and accessories and politely say their greetings too. Gladys walk to the closet room to be dressed by the maids as always but before she gets there she could hear a little *pop* and liquid start running from her birth canal to her left tight. Stopping almost mid-step and opening her big blue eyes and opening her small and pretty mouth to an "O" shape as a sign of surprise. Maria, the head-maid, quick to notice the change in her master's mood asks"Is something wrong madam?". "Call the midwife in stand by and bring some clean towels, my water just broke." responds Gladys in a slightly low tone that reveals a hint of nervousness.

Next chapter