
Soul Of Negary

Author: Xu Ming
Ongoing · 2M Views
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FYI, Its a bery Dark novel with a pure evil MC. A stroy about a broken soul aspiring to become a god. The journey starts with our MC, Who’s fooled by a “Different World System”, And is taken to a low magic world where the system gets the MC killed to get his Protagonist Halo. The dead MC’s broken soul wakes up but also looses his humanity. To survive and become strong he becomes “Negary” god of Misfortune and is no longer “Wang Yuan” the human boy. Follow his journey as the poor broken soul no longer differentiates between good and evil and just believes in strength. It’s Somewhat like reverend insanity but here he is doing all of it just too make himself A god, Not because he has too but because he wants too. As one of the reviewers stated The MC here is a complete opposite of “Klien” from Lotm who’s whole purpose was to maintain his humanity while becoming a god, Here He lets go of everything to become a god. The world background is great and has a lot of depth. The character development is also very logical, You can practically see how he changes unlike most of the novel where there is so called character development of him becoming “Mature” for “Immature”. It’s a really dark novel. Good read for people who want Evil MC.


An absolute masterpiece with a refreshing idea and flawless execution. If you liked revered insanity, magus of the warlock world, etc, then this is a must read. A novel like this deserve to be top 10 in the power ranking!


Hey WebNovel, how about finishing all the existing stories you picked up earlier, before you start translating new novels. In the last year you dropped like 5 or 6 popular novels which were completed for 50-70% Seriously, whats the point for me to buy premium for this novel or other, if in the end you are going to drop it midway? I'd much more prefer if I can get 6 chapters daily from one novel, instead of 2 chapters from 3 novels. I'd even pay some money since its that what you are after, but like don't even think about getting a dolla from me before you pick up the novels you dropped and finished the existing translations. But if you still try to take new novels, at least pick up something good. Or else you will loose majority of your readers. You will not get any profit like this, c'mon, WebNovel dawg, you can get 1 dollar from 100000 average readers or 10 dollars from 100 rich readers, its obvious which is more profitable. You get my idea, right? Guys please like this comment so that webnovel will hopefully see it and finish the existing translations ASAP before switching to new books.


This novel is great and I recommend you try this. Grammar is good and the mc is evil or rather he will do anything for his goals and purpose. You will feel like you are watching a movie when reading this, the scenes are described well and the definitions are also great. As a ghost Negary is an evil existence that manipulates people to get the best of what a human can offer.


Title: Soul of Negary/奈格里之魂 Rating: 8.7(143) Status: 764(Completed) Start Date: 2018-02-05 Author's no. of work: 4 Achievements: 50,000 collections


Awesome novel where the MC loses his humanity and does whatever it takes to grow stronger without any sense of morals. And the MC is actually not a hypocritical bast*rd and does not suddenly gain any conscience. This nivel is not for those who like MC that are "goody two shoes".


It is really nice that this MC doesn't have plot armour, is extremely evil because he chooses to abandon his humanity and at the end of the story we see him evolve from a mortal to a real god


Is there any update on future chapter releases? It hasn't been updated for almost a month now and I'm getting a lil worried Please tell me this masterpiece wasn't dropped.


I Remember I read this and loved this novel before and stopped because chapters weren't translated...On to the story..Mc gets tricked by a system and is transmigration to a low-level magic world...gets his protagonist halo stolen by system.."He" dies and Remnant soul is born because resentment. Mc is willing to abandon everything for power...Also keep in mind that He is A remnant soul so what makes a person..person is not there,his real soul probably already reincarnated. He wants to become his own person and doesn't care about his "Real self"..His goal is to become god..


One of a kind novel, there is nothing g like it anywhere, just straight up sensational. None of those really annoying and obvious schemes or predictable actions either just genuinely great writer 👍


Ever wanted to witness in person the ascension of an Evil God? Here's your chance...welcome to the chronicles of Negary's Apotheosis. The Evil God, whom in so many other stories is the ultimate, final villain. Sit back, and enjoy the ride as NEGARY DEVOURS ALL.


Honestly one of the most enjoyable series I've ever read. An evil mc that manages to stay entertaining without becoming dull from edginess. The premise is creative, the world is intricate and well made, and the writing is nut worthy. A 10/10 novel that I'm gonna show to my grandkids if the world doesn't end before that.


Very good novel. Good grammar, good story, good character development. An evil MC, a manipulator, calm MC. Please try to read if you like MC with these characteristics


Reveal spoiler


More ... I want more .. Give me more !!!!!!!! Totally addicted to it, I don't understand how little power it has! Please don't give up on this. Thank you, thank you for the translation, thank you Chinese author for giving us this novel!


Really love this novel, I recommend it to everyone that likes evil MCs, It's fantastic, especially the powers and the personality of all the characters. The MC's bearing is also superb. Top rate.


An incredible novel for those of you who like ultimately pragmatic, ruthless and visionaire protagonists like Warlock of the Magus World and Reverend Insanity!


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Counterclaim to those idiots that rate 1 star because their book didnt get chosen. This book has nothing to do with the voting system so please gtfu if that is what you're gonna complain about.