Hay my name's Jerry and my life was just that of your average dark-skinned weeb till my life was completely tired upside down by a strange rock... Trust me my life is full of some serious shit trust me.
It doesn't matter how many years go by, I will always remember this story like it was yesterday…
Oh hay boys, said the man at the counter. Hi Dave said Thomas and Jake, delightedly. You see Dave owned a gaming store and was a kind Uncle to Thomas and his brother Jeremy and just as they came for a new call of duty game, suddenly… GET DOWN EVERYBODY!!!! Said a man holding a gun screaming. Then Dave said, woa calm down what's going on? The man then said, were here for it, NOW GIVE IT TOO ME!!!!! Jake then asked that the hell are you talking about? Then the man started shooting yelling, 'MOTHER F**KERS!!!!' Then Dave yelled GET DOWN! And that was when Jake and Thomas where able to get out of the store while Dave calmly approached the man before snapping his neck in self-defense saying, ah shit… here we go again. Meanwhile Jake and Thomas where outside wondering what the shit just happened before Dave comes out of the store with a gun in his hand. They then asked, Dave what the hell happened in there? Then he began to remember himself kicking the gun out of the shooters hand, breaking his jaw before snapping his neck. Then Dave just said, I took care of it. Ok said Jake then the two friends began to ask, Dave what was all of that about? What's going on? And then Dave, with a grieved look on his face said, kids I have something important to tell you both.
3 months earlier… In a deep forest…
Jeremy; Hay Jake I bet you can't run as fast as I can. Tom: in your dreams Jerry. Mr. Wilson: those boys sure are having fun aren't they David? They sure are brother, they sure are. Thomas still can't leave the van: you know why that is David? No idea willy, no idea.
Meanwhile in the van, Thomas; why does mom always love him more? Why him? And why cant I just be more like him? Why? why…
Jerry: just like I thought, you are as slow as a dead slug. Jake: just shut the hell up. Suddenly as Jerry was enjoying his bragging, he didn't notice a rock on the ground, which he tripped on and fell hilariously on the ground, where Jake laughed hysterically. Jerry: ok fine I admit it you beat me, now can you quit laughing? Jake: I will but just one more…Hahahaha, ok I'm done. Jake: woa what's that bright light up ahead? Jerry: I don't know, but you probably shouldn't check it out cuz… Jake: I never knew you were chicken? Jerry: I'm not I'm just being smart you have any idea how many people see something strange in the woods then go check it out only to be caught or killed by somethi… Jake: you've watched too many horror movies it all good. Jerry: well I still think we need to… HAY! YOUR RUNNING WITHOUT ME!!! Jake you snooze you lose ha-ha. Woa, what is this thing? Then Jake began to dig out the mysterious glowing object that caught his eye until, Jerry: dude what the hell are you doing? Hugh? What the hell is that? Jake you tell me. I just dug it up. *And its glowing with this strange white light. Maybe I should touch it*. And just when Jake stretched out his hand to touch it. Jerry thought *wait a minute, could that be… Oh no I can't let him touch it * Jerry: dude don't touch that. Jake: what's wrong? Jerry: I'll explain later but trust me you shouldn't touch it. Jake: Fine I won't touch it… you will!
Then suddenly Jake grabbed Jerry's hand and placed it on the object but then… Jake: Hugh? What's going on? …A mistake was made.
Suddenly the object began to glow brighter while sucking Jerry's hand into it, and then… Jerry: bye Jake… Jake: Nani (what in Japanese)? …a flash of light as bright as the sun glowed from the object as Jerry was instantly sucked into it. Leaving Jake paranoid and confused when the glowing stopped as his best friend was no more. What he did then was sob then at the top of his lungs yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU NERD!!!!!"
Part 2
coming soon
coming soon