
Soul Lands: Origin Qi Is Here!

I have read some parts about BTTH and Soul Lands, that I would like to try combining it. This may not be updated as much as with my schedule I will busy dealing with cancer :) 1/23/2024 4PM CST I hope schedule chapters worked for tomorrow WN reset because I gotta go to chemo with my uncle for his treatment

Ravenchast · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Testing Strength

The first spirit skill is Dragon Claws.

Luo Ji directly displayed his first spirit skill without any hesitation.

He ran towards the young man holding the golden ring. When he ran three steps, his whole person disappeared in an instant. The next moment he appeared directly in front of the young man, and then he made a decisive move.

"It's so scary. I almost got killed."

The young man holding the golden ring said with a frightened expression. Looking at Luo Ji who suddenly appeared in front of him, he continued jokingly: "This is my second spirit skill, The golden ring protects my body, which is a more powerful defense than the golden light that protects me."


Luo Ji's sharp dragon claws wrapped around the protective shield made of golden rings in front of the black thunder attack, making a metallic collision sound, and then saw cracks in the golden rings, as if they would break apart in the next moment.

However, it seems that it is just as if it means that it cannot be broken open the first time.

If it fails to break through at the first time, it means that the opponent's defense is successful and the two people next to it are given time to come to the rescue.

this moment.

Luo Ji has two choices.

The first is to continue to take action, break through the golden ring defense through the source of energy, and kill the young man in front of him.

The second is to choose a strategic retreat to avoid attacks from both sides.

If he chooses to continue taking action, then he is sure that he can seriously injure or even kill the young man holding the golden ring in front of him. At the same time, he will face the flanking attack of two three-ring soul masters.

And if he chooses to retreat, although he can avoid the attacks of the two three-ring soul masters, he will lose the chance to kill with this one blow, and next, he will have to face the encirclement of three people.

Choose one.

In a fraction of a second of hesitation.

Luo Ji made his choice.

Click bang.

The dragon claw broke through the golden ring and then grabbed the young man holding the golden ring.


The young man holding the golden ring looked horrified. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was so crazy. Didn't the other party know that if he didn't retreat now, he would be hit by two three-ring soul masters with full force?

Also, how could his defense suddenly collapse? No, not a crash, a sudden failure.

How could this be?

"Kill this one first."

Luo Ji said to himself.

Although his combat power is astonishing, far beyond the same realm, at least he thinks so, he does not think that he has the strength to challenge three-ringed spirit masters one by one, or at the same time.

In addition, the age of his soul ring is relatively high, which means that his spirit skills are very powerful, and it also means that the consumption of his soul power is also very huge. If his attack cannot produce effective damage, then for him, Therefore, they will be at a disadvantage in the next fight.


The sharp dragon claws directly tore the neck of the young man holding the golden ring, and blood spurted out.

At this moment, the three-ring fighting souls holding big swords and possessing martial souls were already coming. When they saw their companions being killed, their eyes were full of shock and resentment, and they tried their best to activate their spirit skills. Luo Ji must be killed directly.

Heaven and earth, are the root of all things.

I have cultivated extensively for thousands of eras and proved my magical powers.

Luo Ji silently recited the golden mantra in his heart, and then a bright golden light appeared on his body. The golden light felt like a golden flame, covering his entire body.


With the blessing of golden light, his speed increased greatly and he rushed forward. At the same time, the golden light behind him began to harden, as if it turned into golden armor.



The attacks of the two three-ring soul masters landed on the golden light, making the sound of metal colliding, and then the golden light shattered the next moment.

However, Luo Ji had successfully escaped at this time, and with the push of a golden light, he was able to stride ten meters away in an instant.

"Golden light, where did his golden light come from?"

The two three-ring soul masters looked at the golden light with horrified and confused expressions. They looked at the soul rings on Luo Ji's body. Neither of the two soul rings shined, so this golden light was obviously not a soul. The spirit skill of the ring, not the spirit skill of the soul ring, then...

thinking of this, their eyes became hot.

spirit bone.

In addition to the powerful and mysterious power of the soul ring, a soul master also has a treasure with incredible power, and that is the spirit bone.

Spirit bone.

Their eyes were hot and full of greed.

Spirit bones are different from soul rings. spirit bones can be obtained, inherited and passed down from generation to generation. More importantly, spirit bones can be used by almost anyone, so they are extremely expensive. The most common spirit bones are worth more than hundred thousand gold soul coins.

Luo Ji looked at the greedy eyes of the two people and sighed: The money is so touching, it is terrible to forget him so quickly, but it is better for him.

The second spirit skill, Dragon Transformation.

Without any hesitation, he directly displayed his second spirit skill.

The purple soul ring bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and then his body changed under the purple brilliance. His body became more burly, two meters tall, and black marks appeared on his arms, chest, legs, and his cheeks. Dragon scales.

At this time, he gave people the impression of being full of evil and terrifying.

The first spirit skill, Dragon Claw Tear.

Luo Ji directly displayed his first spirit skill, and then he killed the soul master holding a big sword. After he ran for three steps, his figure disappeared instantly.

"Get away."

At this moment, the young man with the black turtle martial spirit knocked the soul master holding the big sword away, and he simultaneously displayed his third spirit skill. The purple soul ring bloomed with dazzling light, and then in A tortoise-shell defense formed in front of him.


Luo Ji directly hit the tortoiseshell, and the terrifying power exploded, causing the ground around him to crack continuously, and then a strong wind swept around and rolled up the wild sand.

"The third spirit skill, Wind Slash."

The young man holding the big sword displayed his third spirit skill at this moment and then jumped up. The big knife in his hand was raised by him. The big knife rose in the wind and turned into a ten-meter-long sword. Slashing towards Luo Ji, the sword energy was everywhere, like a storm, trying to tear everything apart.

Luo Ji felt the danger and hurriedly retreated.

However, at this moment, the Black Turtle Martial Soul holder was seen performing his second spirit skill, and a terrifying gravity was attached to him, making it difficult for him to move as if he were carrying a mountain on his back.

"What a terrifying cooperation ability."

Luo Ji couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, he was also very lucky. Fortunately, he killed the young man holding the golden ring as soon as he came up, otherwise he would have been firmly controlled at this moment.

The golden light on his body was generous, and the bright golden light condensed into a big golden hand, which grabbed the incoming sword, resisted the falling sword and then released a large amount of black thunder and lightning all over his body.


The young Black Turtle wailed.

At this time, his body was covered with black thunder and lightning. Both thunder and lightning made his whole body numb. At the same time, the thunder and lightning were destroying the vitality in his body, making him miserable.

"It seems that your defense can only protect against physical attacks, but not magic attacks."

Luo Ji said with a smile.

Then there was a golden light under his feet. Driven by the golden light, his body moved to the side, avoiding the sword that was slowly falling through the golden light. The

the direction he was avoiding was exactly where the Black Turtle youth was. At this moment, the Black Turtle youth was His whole body was covered in black lightning and he was unable to move. Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity.


The sharp claws tore the black turtle's young man's neck.

"Ah! I'll kill you!"

The knife-wielding young man roared.

Unexpectedly, a simple assassination mission actually cost two of his brothers.

He released his spirit skills with all his strength, the wind roared and the sword light flew.


At this moment, the golden light turned into a spear and penetrated directly into the chest of the young man holding the knife.

Luo Ji said indifferently: "Anger can make people lose their minds, and it shouldn't be too difficult to kill an irrational soul master."

Three three-ring soul masters were all killed.

The whole process takes less than a minute or even less than thirty seconds.

The reason why he was able to kill these three three-ring war soul masters so quickly was not mainly because of his strength, but more importantly because of his strategy and the specialness of his spirit skills, which allowed him to successfully kill that one instantly. Control system war soul master.


Luo Ji exhaled a breath, and then he put away his soul ring and martial soul. His face was very pale at the moment.

But there was a smile on his lips and he said, "Uncle Fu, let's go."


After Luo Ji left.

A figure appeared in the field. He looked at the three corpses on the ground and said: "As expected of the son of the Marquis, his decisiveness in killing and his courage to fight for his life are beyond the comparison of ordinary people. But what is that golden light? Spirit bone?"

"Golden light can take shape and can attack and defend."

"Never heard that Martial Hou Mansion has this kind of spirit bone, is it a gift from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

"Impossible, this kind of offensive and defensive spirit bone is of extremely important value to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will not give it away."

"Forget it, report it to the young master."