
Soul Land: Legend of the Spider Emperor

Front foot regretful, back foot crossing the Douluo Continent, Ye Hao unexpectedly obtains a life simulator. Simulating life... Please select the simulation target... Ye Hao: Do I even need to think about it? Simulation successful, you have successfully simulated... "You awaken your martial soul at the age of six..." "Oops, sorry, wrong person..." Ye Hao: !!! The simulator suddenly shuts down, leaving Ye Hao in a state of confusion, looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar world before him... ... One day, when Ye Hao unleashed his dual martial souls... Everyone: "What exactly is your relationship with her?" Bibi Dong: ??? PS: Absolutely a single female lead! Absolutely a single female lead!! Absolutely a single female lead!!! Important things need to be said three times!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation!!! Original Author- I'm such a dog Site- https://book.qq.com/book-detail/44515592 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 chapters per week :) More if I am not busy !!!

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31 Chs

Chapter 30: Hello, my name is Xue Qinghe

Since childhood, apart from my grandfather, Xue Qinghe had very few close relatives. Her father had passed away, and his mother didn't care for him. She only had his grandfather to rely on.

Now, upon meeting Ye Hao, she didn't know why, but she felt a fondness for this suddenly appearing person, especially when she saw the moment when the Death Spider Emperor Martial Soul and the Six-Winged Purple-Gold Wing appeared.

Having one more family member is better than having none, and the fact that this person is a younger brother makes it even more interesting.

Xue Qinghe smiled and looked at Meng Shenji, saying, 'Meng Shenji, please arrange for Ye Hao to come to my carriage after this battle is over.'

Meng Shenji was momentarily surprised but quickly made the arrangements.

On the battlefield, Ye Hao, using his Six-Winged Purple-Gold Wing, successfully evaded Huyan Li's attacks. Following that, a second spirit ring under Ye Hao's feet suddenly lit up, his hands turned black, and two highly poisonous spiderwebs descended from the sky.

Huyan Li's body staggered and collapsed, causing a cloud of dust. The two spiderwebs firmly pinned Huyan Li to the ground, and the Death Spider Emperor's poison spread throughout his body in the next moment.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Huyan Li's body changed from yellow to dark purple.

"Victory goes to Ye Hao in the third round, making the overall winner Heavenly Dou Imperial Academy."

The referee immediately announced the battle results, declaring that Heavenly Dou Imperial Academy had won.

For the second-generation disciples of the academy, the victory of Heavenly Dou Imperial Academy was beyond their expectations. In the crowd, some mourned their losses, some lost their investments, and a few almost lost everything.

Such incidents were common, and the three members of the Board of Education no longer cared. For now, the Empire's Fight Team was the primary focus of the academy, especially Ye Hao, who needed special attention.

Seeing the battle's end, Xue Qinghe looked at Ye Hao, who was celebrating with the Empire's Fight Team. There was a trace of relief in her eyes, hoping that he was indeed her brother.

Then she turned and walked towards the carriage.

Meng Shenji and the others saw Xue Qinghe off into the carriage.

"What does His Highness mean?" Bai Baoshan couldn't help but ask. Xue Qinghe was fond of gathering talents, and Ye Hao's talent was undeniable. He was likely to become a Title Douluo in the future.

Meng Shenji sighed softly and said, "As subjects, how could we know what His Highness means? I'll go get Ye Hao. You should go and console Supreme Elder Huyan; he's the one who needs comfort the most right now."

Huyan Zhen: 😵

Bai Baoshan and Zhi Lin exchanged a smile, full of confidence as they prepared to make their exit. In the end, they left the academy in a rather embarrassing manner under the scornful gazes of all the second-generation disciples.

Cough, cough, cough...

Meng Shenji arrived at the Empire's Fight Team's resting place.

"Principal Meng Shenji." ×N

Meng Shenji nodded with a smile and then looked at everyone with satisfaction. "You've all worked hard. After this matter, I will personally recommend you to His Majesty for recognition. Qin Teacher, your contribution is not small either."

Qin Ming smiled but didn't say a word. If it weren't for Ye Hao's intervention in the final battle, it was estimated that it would be the Empire's Fight Team covered in dust by now, not Heavenly Dou Imperial Academy.

Meng Shenji turned to Ye Hao and said seriously, "Xiao Hao, come with me. Someone wants to meet you."

Ye Hao: "?"

"Meng Shenji, who is this person?"

Ye Hao asked in confusion.

Meng Shenji, pretending to be mysterious, said, "You'll find out when you get there. A distinguished guest is coming, and your life may change in an instant."

After that, images flashed through Ye Hao's mind. A distinguished guest? Could it be the Emperor Xue Ye in person?

Life-changing? Ye Hao wasn't interested in that. He'd rather have the freedom to do as he pleased.

Ye Hao followed Meng Shenji and arrived at a dense forest. Inside the forest, a luxurious and exquisite carriage came into view, glistening like gold in the sunlight.

For some reason, there was a fragrant scent in the air, and the source of the fragrance was...

"A carriage?"

"Xiao Hao, the person is already inside the carriage. Just go in."

"I'll be going now."

With his final words, Meng Shenji hurriedly left. As he watched Meng Shenji's receding figure, Ye Hao couldn't help but wonder if he had been sold.

Ye Hao approached the luxurious carriage cautiously. The forest was silent, and the wind chimes on the carriage jingled softly. Even the air was warm.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Hao gathered his courage and picked up the curtain, stepping inside.

The interior of the carriage was spacious, and in the golden seat above, Xue Qinghe was seated in the center. There were various fruits, sweets, and a cup of fragrant red wine in front of her. The carriage had a delightful aroma that mixed with the scent of the wine, making Ye Hao feel relaxed.

"Hello," Ye Hao greeted awkwardly.

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly and gestured for Ye Hao to sit in one of the seats.

"Thank you."

For a moment, the carriage was eerily quiet. Ye Hao didn't know who this person was or where to begin. If it were a young lady, he would have been more proactive.

Xue Qinghe: "..."

I am your sister!

Ye Hao: "I didn't know?"


"This person is...?"

Ye Hao inquired without understanding.

Xue Qinghe sighed and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am Xue Qinghe, and you can call me Big Brother Xue."


Ye Hao: "!!!"

Was he hearing things?

"What's your name?"

"Xue... Qing... He?"

Xue Qinghe spoke slowly, trying to prevent Ye Hao from misunderstanding.

"Xue... Xue Qinghe?"

Ye Hao subconsciously moved backward. Was this some kind of joke? Why was this stranger suddenly looking for him?

Could it be... he had exposed something?