1 Chapter 1

Itachi's sight faded away after tapping Sasuke's head one last time. "Forgive me Sasuke." Darkness embraced him as he sunk and embraced death.



He was still alive? He opened his eyes to find himself in a white space. There was a floating screen in front of him. It asked him whether he wanted to live again. Itachi sighed before asking the screen "Why me?" The screen came up with another set of text. Itachi nodded seeing the logic behind it.

"So sage of six paths decided to put in a good word for me and here we are."

The screen wiped clean before a emoji popped out and nodded.

Itachi agreed as the screen reset before showing Itachi something interesting. A starter pack that amazed him with the power of the gods.

[Starter Pack]

[Enternal Mangekyo Sharingan Effects]

[200 Coins]

[I.D used for identification]

[Ninja tool kit]

[Akatsuki Robe and Straw Hat]


Itachi smiled before he felt an itch in his eye, he simply assumed that it was the EMS taking effect. He looked at the screen as it popped up with the first world that he would be helping. He slipped on his robe and adjusted his hat before getting ready.

Itachi watched as he slowly faded away into motes of dust as he soon opened his eyes to find himself on a log in the forest. A pouch of what he assumed to be the world's currency was left on his hip. A surge of energy came from a certain area as he slowly walked towards it. A clearing came to view as he saw a women with green hair and an angry man with black hair. Itachi listened as he slowly walked closer the women with green hair continued speaking "The soul pagoda still exists but as for us spirit beasts... We're already nearing extinction."

Itachi decided it was best just to wait for them to calm down as he sat down on the log before sweeping the ribbon to the side from his hat as he ate a sandwhich. The man's nose twitched as the woman turned to notice Itachi. The man saw the human as he instantly wanted to kill him, however the teen had no soul power so he couldn't have made it that far.

The man yelled at him "What is your purpose here human?" Itachi stood up as he took off his hat before looking back "I'm lost and I'm curious." The man looked confused before walking up towards Itachi. "Go on." Itachi scratched his head sheepishly as this was way easier than being in Anbu.

"First of all, you said you were spirit beasts but you look human. What exactly is a spirit beast?" The woman looked dumbfounded while the man laughed and howled as he clutched his stomach. The man knew the boy was telling the truth, it was so hilarious. "Spirit beasts are creatures native to this planet." Itachi nodded before asking his last question "Do you know the exit to this forest?" The man was pointed towards a certain direction as Itachi bowed before turning around.

Itachi only took a step before the land rumbled as many spirit beasts gathered. A humungous claw raised out of the lake as a silver dragon revealed itself. The dragon howled and roared until it saw Itachi "HUMAN!" The man was about to try at least plead for Itachi's life as he was special. He was a plant in a way, like the breeze, a pacifist.

Itachi leaped out of the way as the claw was about to hit him. The dragon continued to claw at him as Itachi yelled "I don't know what the situation is right now but can we talk it out? I'd prefer not to use violence."

The man was surprised even then Itachi had still not fought back. The dragon seemed to have enough as both claws came from both sides on Itachi as he was mid air. The man watched as the boy would become an abstract painting on the floor.

However something happened, something that caught their eyes as an orange glow came from between the claws of the dragon as a pair of skeletal hands forced the claws apart before dropping to the ground. "So this is what the eternal mangekyo feels like." The spirit beasts watched as the orange ethereal ribcage surrounded Itachi was undamaged.

Itachi decided he would have to subdue the dragon first before talking. The skeletal ribacage enlarged as soon flesh wrapped around the skeletal frame as it surrounded itself in armour before rising from the ground as it towered over the dragon. The man was surprised but nevertheless hoped for the best.

Itachi quickly subdued the dragon as his susanoo sat on the dragon before asking "Can we talk this out now?" The dragon nodded as Itachi released his susanoo as he touched the ground once again.

The dragon soon shifted into a girl as Itachi covered his eyes before reaching for his spare robe as he gave it to her. The girl looked confused but the man noticed his intentions as he told the girl. The man spoke to Itachi as he opened his eyes, the girl was covered at least as Itachi introduced himself "Itachi Uchiha." The girl nodded before asking him "So what are you doing here?" Itachi explained that he needed directions and was very confused about everything. The girl nodded as she noticed a scent of fruit coming from the robe. She looked around the robe as there was nothing before realising that it was the robe itself.

Itachi was confused as she walked over before sniffing him. Itachi let her do as she pleased before she looked at him "You smell nice." Itachi nodded before the man pointed out directions.

Itachi nodded as he soon got up before placing his hat back on his head as the ribbons covered his face once again. The girl was about to take off the robe but Itachi shook his head "You can keep it for now. Return it to me when we meet again, if we ever meet."

The man stopped him there as he asked about his opinion on their situation. Itachi looked at him with eyes that showed decades of knowledge.

"True change cannot be made if it is bound by laws and limitations, predictions and imagination."

"At least that's what I believe."

Itachi kept walking as the spirit beasts watched as his body broke into pieces as they formed into crows before flying away.
